Sunday, April 22, 2012

Is your name in song?

I heard an old song on the radio this week--Sara Smile. It's not a great song, but it's nice. It's much better than the song with my name (the pre-8 year-old version of my name) in it--Rikki Don't Lose That Number. They used the mongoose spelling (Rikki Tikki Tavi).

Hearing it made me wonder if my blog friend's names are in song lyrics. I couldn't think of many--blank mind syndrome got the best of me. Then I remembered an old song that had Julie, Julie, Julie in the lyrics. And there's I'm Not Lisa (coincidentally, the next line is "my name is Julie"). And there's a song called Jolene--about an awful woman, nothing like my blog friend.

There must be many others. Help me remember--is your name part of a song? If yes, do you like it???

PS - Is it just me, or does it sound like they're saying Ricky in Hey Mickey??? LOL--I know, it's just me!


  1. Sadly, no. It would be cool to have a song made for me, though! :D

  2. Hey Rick, Finally got a minute to read a post of yours and what a good one to have read. My name is in a song called Megan2k by Reggie and The Full Effect it was never popular and if you look it up and listen to it you will see why haha. Thankfully it came out long after I was born so I don't have to mention being named after it. I wonder if this post will get any Mariahs... one of my cousins got her name from They call the wind Mariah I think most people with that name got it from the song.

    By the way Jolene was that Dolly Parton think I hear it in my head a little bit like the chorus is nothing, but calling out that name over and over.

  3. name is too weird to be in a lyrics..

    but there's one great song I heard with a name in it..but I dont know the title..and it goes something like this..
    ♫and aubrey was her name......♫ that's the only part I knew

  4. No way there is my name on any song, lol. I don't even vietnamese songs that have my name in some lyrics, hahaha!!

  5. LOL! Nope my name is not part of a song not in the slightest bit!! It's only associated with cows...haha! To answer your question yes, my poor dad has to deal with 2 high maintenance ladies. I once asked him if he thought I was high maintenance..his response? "any person who asks if my daughter is high maintenance is not qualified to ask questions." haha...

  6. many names in song like.. "i'm so young and you're so old..Diana.. hehehe! I haven't hear a song that has

  7. I don't know of any song with Crickette or even Cristina in the lyrics, but I'll try to make one --- for the sake of art! I don't think the Hey Mickey song, said Ricky, Ric... but maybe I don't know the song very well.

    I miss reading your posts. I'm still on vacay (kinda) so I am able to waste time.

  8. is there a song with julie?! that's rare... well, all you gotta do is date taylor swift, break up with her and you will have a "Dear Ric"

  9. When I saw the title of this blog post, I knew I just had to lament about the song with my name.

    I didn't know how Rikki Don't Lose That Number sounds like and it's playing in my background now (from YouTube). I love the guitar. It is nice, nothing compared to JOLENE. lol... I hate the tune, the singing and yes of course, the lyrics of Jolene.
