I'm having a hard time remembering the last time I left my house and wasn't annoyed by someone. We all forget to think once in a while, but it's starting to feel like real life is very close to mirroring the movie "Idiocracy".
We expect to see people do dumb things in traffic, like the fellow who wanted to go from the far left lane to the far right so he could exit. He was going 30 miles over the speed limit and slashed through the small opening between me and the car in front of me, nearly hitting us both. Do I even need to mention there was no one behind me for 100 meters??? I won't bother writing about the lady who crossed into my lane (head-on) because she was texting and then gave me the middle finger salute.
Does it seem that grocery store baggers have a challenge amongst themselves to see who can do the most damage? Last week a bagger threw avacados into the bag so hard I heard them slam against the metal shelf underneath. I had him remove them and take them off the bill--and then I gave him a lecture on proper handling and bagging (Why would you put a bottle of carrot juice on top of grapes???).
As part of our current budget exercise at work, our departments had to submit Excel and Word files for me to review and edit. The first Excel file I received was completely wrong. I returned it (and only it) to the sender to be corrected. Instead, he revised his Word file and resubmitted that. Of course he gets paid more than I do.
And those wonderful people who park halfway in your parking space and make it impossible for you to get in your car. I saw that in a parking lot this weekend...it was a work vehicle that had a sticker asking "How's my driving?" The sticker had a phone number, so I called to suggest the company stop giving cars to blind employees.
I could go on and on with examples and I'm sure you could too. It's just everyday life. I used to feel bad for people with no common sense. But now I wonder if having it is worth the frustration that comes with it. Is it better to not think and just be oblivious about everything???
PS - I think I'm turning into Mr. Wilson (from Dennis the Menace).
And those wonderful people who park halfway in your parking space and make it impossible for you to get in your car. I saw that in a parking lot this weekend...it was a work vehicle that had a sticker asking "How's my driving?" The sticker had a phone number, so I called to suggest the company stop giving cars to blind employees.
I could go on and on with examples and I'm sure you could too. It's just everyday life. I used to feel bad for people with no common sense. But now I wonder if having it is worth the frustration that comes with it. Is it better to not think and just be oblivious about everything???
PS - I think I'm turning into Mr. Wilson (from Dennis the Menace).
honestly, people these days don't give a shit about anything as long as it doesn't affect them. it's sad, really. to those, i give them the finger.
ReplyDeletei rage daily on the way to work, it's almost embarrassing LOL
If people with no common sense go about their business in the world without implicating anyone, by all means let them go about their business. Unfortunately, such people most of the time inconvenienced other people too. You really have a fair share of idiotic people in your life; you could compile them into a book. Of course, the title would be "Idiocrasy". Mispell it on purpose.
ReplyDeleteWe have a german adverb called: "Du sprichst mir aus der Seele" which just means what you said is what I think, too. I see people with no common sense everyday, it is just that no one really cares about anything anymore, agree with Kathy! In big cities with great anonymity people tend to be rude to shop staff and other citizens cause they think: Oh, they don't know me, I'll never see them again and even if, they won't reconize me, etc. It is sad that even though nowadays individuality is a great character trait, people tend to drown with the mass.
ReplyDeleteAnd no, don't turn into Mr Wilson, he is not good looking XD
You might be fond of the far left to right move, but I much prefer the reverse - you are probably familiar with that one as well. It is when the driver is in the far right lane and suddenly decides they need to cross 4 lanes to get into the far left turn lane.
ReplyDeleteI think the safest bet is to exit your house every day repeating after yourself as you go "there is no shortage of stupidity, there is no shortage of stupidity, there is..."
Also, it sounds like you might be due for a vacation. :-)
Store baggers can be a pain. Just this afternoon this woman put my milk cartons on my packet of linguine. Doesn't she know that pasta will break? Damn... I rearranged the things in front of her, holding up the queue lol.
ReplyDeleteWOW..nothing irks me more than asinine people... I hope the week gets better and since I only grocery shop for one, I use the self-check out. I don't want things damaged or ruined on my walk home with my food...
ReplyDeleteI saw an episode of Dr. Phil and he said he felt like one day common sense was going to make a come back. I really liked that. I know exactly what you mean about the lack of common sense although I feel like a good portion of it is also lack of common courtesy. Hopefully we will all live long enough to see both of these qualities make a come back.
ReplyDeleteAh, thank you for the comment on my blog. I wasnt with my partner then, but that was the start of our relationship.
DeleteAh, Im sure your wife knows deep down inside that you love her very much. Like you said, women lol you know what we are like. If we arent manipulating you, we're putting the guilt trip on you lol.
Lovely to hear from you, always.
Ugh this post is so timely. I have another to add to the list - why do people try to draw you into conversations when you're reading a book or on the computer? Obviously you are busy doing something, you're not just staring at a blank screen! If it's a question fine, but idle chatter is just annoying.
ReplyDeleteOver the years, I've discovered that never has something been more misnamed as "common sense." Really, it isn't all that common!