Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You CAN Touch This (Giveaway)

Break it down. Stop, Herro Hachi time!
(Hey, it was either "Hammer" or "Howdy Doody" time)

In this case, what you can touch are shirts--and for one lucky winner, your choice of any item from Kym's Herro Hachi collection. Yep, it's Herro Hachi time.

If you want to participate, just leave a comment letting me know you're in. The giveaway is open to all of my current followers and the handful of regular commenters who so far have been too embarrassed to follow me publicly and have their tiny profile picture appear over there on the left. ;P

I'm always happy to get a new follower. But this giveaway is to show appreciation towards my bloggy buddies--for both visiting and making me feel welcome on your blogs. That's something I don't take for granted. This will come as a HUGE shock to you (*cough*), but I haven't been very well received by some bloggers. I know, shocking, right? (*cough, cough*) LOL, but I'm sure that happens to everyone at some point. You've all been blocked by one blogger or another, right? Right? Okay, probably not. It was a new experience for me this week. But I'm proud it only took two comments to make it happen. I didn't need a 3rd strike to be out on that blog. =)

Anyway, there will be multiple winners, so the odds are good that YOU will be one of them. Enter to show Kym how much you like her merchandise (and that she was wise to sponsor this event). When you win, I'll ask you to send your address directly to Kym and she will send out your prize.

The winners will be announced at the start of May, but the giveaway could close to new entries any second now. So go enter. Quickly!!!

PS - If I haven't commented on your blog lately, my excuse is that I've been sick (and busy harrassing that one blogger). I finished one antibiotic, but the bronchitis continues. So today I'm starting a new one along with steroids. Yuck!



    ok, on the fun side, ME WANT TO ENTER, OF COURSE.

    because I freaking love her stuff.

    I mean, come on.

  2. There were a row of giveaways on my dashboard because bloggers wanted to celebrate the royal wedding. :)

    Hope you get better! Medicine sucks, I can never swallow tablets. I haven't had medicine in like 2 years even though I've been ill pretty frequently.

    I would like one of her shirts. Too cute to miss. :]

  3. Well I hope that you're feeling better! It sucks to be sick. Goodness, who blocked you? You're awesome!! I mean that seriously!

    Anyway, YES I WANNA ENTER!!!!!!! <3

  4. I'm in!! I love the Herro Hachi shirts and have been thinking about getting one. It's a great idea for a giveaway.

    I am not sure how you could not be well received by a blogger. And to be honest I didn't know it was possible to block someone. Why would anyone block you? I love your blog, and it is not even the slightest bit controversial. I have had two different followers stop following me though and I am still trying to get over that. :-)

  5. Ugh I hope you feel better!!

    Anyway, I would love to enter in the giveaway...yay to new shirts!

    BTW, thanks for commenting on my recent posts, you are so sweet!

  6. Kym really has wonderful goods, and I would be sooooooooooo happy to win something from her! Maybe that would help me overcome my "what to do about my Japan-problem depression" lol

    So count me in, my friend! XDDD (And I can't believe there's a blogger stupid enough to not want to become your blogger buddy. Me for my part am so happy and proud to count you to one of my best blogger friends. I'm always really happy when I get a comment or emails from you :-)

    I hope you get better soon, being on meds and being sick in general is not nice! Get well!

  7. Count me in!! :) I hope you're feeling better. Awesome giveaway!! Herro Hachi!!! :D

    I also didn't you can block someone from your blog. Tsk.

  8. oh no steroids!!! *zips mouth* i hope you get well real soon rick! being sick is no fun at all! even if you get to stay home. ;)

    this is a wonderful giveaway, please count me in! ^_^

  9. You know I'm in, right? It's Kym.. it's HerroHachi... and I need a new shirt!!

  10. it's his/her loss ric :) you give wonderful comments and insights on entries of other bloggers :) while others just leave, "I love it" comments (i'm guilty of this too sometimes), you actually take time to think about what you'll reply and I'm sure many bloggers, including me, appreciate your effort :)

    count me in!
    Herro Hachi time! :)

  11. Looking at the other comments, I'm not the only one who didn't know it was possible to block someone on blogger AND can't possibly imagine why!! What a mistake, now they don't get to participate for Kym's awesome designs. Anyways, I would love to join. I always wanted her tees but the international shipping is ouchies :(

    Wishing you a speedy recovery Rick!!

  12. Ack how could anyone do that???? Seriously Rick, whoever that is, is missing out A LOT on your super cool, interesting and humorous stories!

    I hope you feel better soonest, follow Doc Ejannz/ Lizzy/ Robyn/ Tom's advice mmmmmkay?


  13. - i hope you'll get better soon. i also have respiratory problem, but its usually an allergic reaction, asthma attacks.

    - i dont understand why that person blocked you. maybe some sort of misinterpretation or miscommunication.

    - i wanna join your giveaway.

  14. Hey Rick, I'm in the same boat with you! Been under the weather lately too. Anyway, take care and get better soonest!

    I've missed alot here lately but today must be my lucky day. Count me in coz I want a piece of Kym's cool Herro Hachi collection too.

  15. oh wow, you can block bloggers? there's one I would like to block, I gotta look into that blocking function! p.s the blogger is not you lol

  16. ohh and enter me pleasee I want a shirt lol

  17. COUNT ME IN!!! (Can i enter my own giveaway?) hahaha! just kidding! :D

    and uhm excuse me, who is this blogger who blocked you???? let me know.. i'll go throw virtual eggs at them.

  18. Ok, what'd you do? ;P I don't think I've ever been blocked. How do you know even know this happened? Does Blogger tell you?? And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious who the blogger was....hehe.

    Boo to having to pay Uncle Sam and to bronchitis! Feel better soon.

  19. I echo the same sentiments as all your readers here. How could anyone not want to be your friend? From the effort you put in, your sincerity in reading and posting comments which are anything but cursory, how can you not be well-recieved? Is there some kind of misunderstanding? And how do you know you’ve been blocked? As in the person replies to everyone but not to you or really block you? Ooh... I’m burning with curiosity who this is.

    I’ve always got the urge to write about blogging etiquette but I’m not too sure if after that, I would be disliked by many. There are just some bloggers out there who really need to learn something about blogging dos and don’ts. Share with you an incident, there was once when I really had lots of time, I started clicking on my fellow bloggers’ “commentors and followers and started leaving comments. You know my style, I always return favour and would visit back my new followers or “commentors”, read every single word in the post and would always put in effort to leave a heartfelt comment. I would check back their pages if I remember their link as not everyone would reply on my blog. There was one who actually deleted my message! That person came to my blog first by just leaving cursory comment to ask me follow her. I realised she did it to many people and they all followed her. As for me, I visited back, read her post and commented but she deleted off my comment! I’m not too sure what happened. Probably coz I didn’t follow her back but merely leave her a comment. I decided to pretend I didn’t know.

  20. Oh yes, and please enter me!

  21. *please don't enter me* hahahaha XD And yes I'm loving the necklace, thank you so much!!!

    Take care!!! Take more fluids!!!! Don't go online, sleep/rest!!!!!

    Someone blocked you because you left comments in her blog? o.O How did you know that she blocked you anyways? (sorry couldn't help asking that, I'm curious and shocked!)

  22. wow! love giveaways but never had a luck since..heheh.
    Happy easter Rick! good day!

  23. Yay for another Herro Hachi giveaway!

  24. LOL I guess I'll enter since there's nothing to do...and I enjoy reading your blog posts...hehe
    Sure hope I win since there aren't many Asians at my it might be funny...heha

    <33 Rena
