Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't Blame Me

When my son was 10 months-old, my wife called to share an interesting story. She sounded a little down. She discovered something was already hard-wired into our little boy’s brain (and she didn't like it).

She had the kids in the grocery store—our son in the cart, with his sister standing guard. More than once she warned people to “don’t touch my baby brudder!” Such a good sister. =)

Anyway, a sweet, elderly woman (about 75) was completely captivated by the baby. She was smiling at him, coo’ing to him, trying her best to get his attention. At the same time, the 10 month-old was smiling, kicking his feet, and making sweet sounds himself. The little boy was doing everything he possibly see past the nice elderly lady and get the attention of the (in my wife’s words) “hot young blond” standing next to her.

My son was 10 months old. Much to my wife’s disappointment, his reaction was not my fault (but she smacked me for it anyway). It was just nature at work.

Do I have a point? Yes. If you’re out and you notice your date, BF or spouse reacting to a pretty girl, I hope you’ll give him a good, hard smack on the arm!!! (Did you see that coming?) He should have more tack and self-control than a baby. His attention should be on you (as far as you know)—it’s not like we’re Neanderthals. Well, not most of us.

Oh, and if you see a little boy (any little boy) doing the same thing, hit your date, BF or spouse for that too. Why should I be the only one getting in trouble for what other people do??? ;P

PS – I reminded my wife of this story today (I wanted to confirm our son’s age at the time). She got mad all over again. She said something along the lines of, “What did you men do to my little boy???” I guess by “you men” she meant evolution. I can’t wait to see how she’ll react when he dates. I have a feeling then it will be, “Who do those girls think they are???” LOL!!!


  1. Hahaha such a cute story! Wow.. didn't think guys started acting like.. guys so young!

  2. Hahaha Awwww! Starting early huh?! :P It actually used to bother me a LOT when W would "check out" other girls when we first started dating but now i've just come to realize... guys are guys... as long as they look but no touchy cus i don't want to have double standards.... since i still have crushes here and there! :P

  3. I remember my five year-old cousin Jerico! He actually spent being two months-old being confined in the hospital because of broncho-pneumonia. It was already my summer vacation from school so I was able to help his mom (my Aunt Jean) tend to him during the rest of his week-long stay. Anyway, when a pretty nurse comes in to check on him he kept on cooing and smiling at her, even touching her fingers! He never had that kind of reaction when the nurse was male! :D

  4. lol hot young blonde..! I do know lots of baby boys who are like that as well, but I think it goes both ways, coz I didn't like to be near ugly guys when I was a kid. :P

  5. hahaha too funny! :) kids have no qualms about showing their appreciation for something they like :P

  6. LOL! I can see myself as an over protective mother who tries really, really hard not to show my protectiveness towards my children.

    Perhaps it was her shiny hair that got his attention.


  7. ha ha ha, yes, I can sympathize. I've gotten the shoulder punch a few times myself.

    BTW, changed the blog from Exotic Japan to Ephemeral by Design.

  8. What will be most interesting to know is when your son does start dating if his attraction to blonds will continue. :-)

  9. This has always been one of those interesting reactions which a woman cannot help but feel a tinge of jealousy over. I have never experienced a guy who has ever done that to me however I have had many girlfriends whom complain to me about how their boyfriends do exactly that. I always tell them "least you know he's not gay" or a more serious message "it's natural." I believe it's natural for men to stare at a beautiful woman, after all, (and you can tell your wife this) don't you feel good when you notice a guy checking you out?

  10. Awww how adorable. I'll be sure to smack my boyfie too if I catch him looking at another girl and I'll pinch him too. hehehehe

  11. well, you know how your potential daughter-in-law looks like: young, hot, blond hahahahahaha

  12. 10 months old.... wow, they get younger every year. :-p your son's a cutie!

  13. That's such a cute story! :) I suppose men will always act like men but as you said, some mean learn to hide it better than others haha! =)

  14. Haha.
    I think to a certain degree we're all (M&F) wired to 'checkout' people who are "attractive"...evolutionary reasons?

    Honestly, I check out a person (MorF) if they enter a room and are good looking.I guess what matters is how long the eyeing goes on for and a person's thoughts.

    Haha. I do pinch Anton if we're watching a movie or something and there happens to be a scenario when a male character is acting too much like a sexist man. Poor guy, being punished for all "mankind". :P

  15. hhahahha..oh what can I say:) you can live with it anyway:)hhehe.

  16. A glance is okay. But ogling? The guy's asking for it. :P

  17. wouldn't have been as bad if it were a hot young brunette ;)

  18. Your wife is very entertaining! You should encourage her to blog and this time, talk about you! hahaha!

  19. I'm the subtle jealous type of girl. haha. my 'someones' don't usually see me get jealous. so sorry ric, I might not be able to smack those other boys for you for ogling. :P

  20. Haha, love this post. I have seen proof of this myself with two little boys.
    I will be sure to give Randy a good hit upside the head so you feel less alone in the world.
