Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Take a pill and...not THAT one!!!

A few years ago our Border Collie had a seizure in our kitchen. We didn’t know what to do, so I draped a towel over his body and held him still until it passed. The vet prescribed an anti-seizure medication and Bandit has been fine ever since. He loves getting the pills because they are always embedded in something tasty. He runs to the kitchen when he hears the pill bottle rattle.

One morning in January my wife was up really early and decided to give Bandit his medicine. Usually our son handles that job. She sliced a little hunk of cheese, pushed the pill into it, and then…SHE ate it!

She was still half-asleep and a little chunk of cheese is one of her favorite snacks. She didn’t realize what she’d done until she wondered by Bandit was looking her that way (“where’s mine?”). Fortunately, an anti-seizure pill for a 35 pound dog doesn’t cause a human any real problem. The good folks at Poison Control said she might feel a little tired, but it was nothing to worry about—they also said this happens fairly often.

They were right.

Last week my wife was again up early and again decided to give Bandit his pill. She stuck it into a small piece of hot dog and actually gave it to him. The problem this time was that she put HER prescription into the treat, not Bandit’s. This was a BIG problem!

We had to get a little peroxide into his stomach to get him to “give back” the pill. That was followed by doses of Gaviscon and Pepto Bismal (seriously) and more guilt than I’ve ever seen—and I was raised Catholic!!! The family was all over Bandit. It was one of his happiest days. My wife even cooked a special chicken and rice dish for him to make sure his tummy was okay. Many of you know I was sick last week and you can bet I was pampered too--I was offered a burger from McD's (yuck). LOL!

The messages of this post are:
1) Vow that you will never take or dispense medication unless you are fully awake;
2) Never take prescription medicine that’s not yours; and
3) Don’t look for any pampering if an adorable pet is sick the same time you are. ;P

PS - This reminds me of an old line about not sharing a stage with a dog act or a child (because you'll be upstaged), but I don't remember how it goes.


  1. Oh, no!!! At least everyone is okay now... I would've freaked out so much in both cases.. And I vow to never take/dispense meds unless I am fully alert and awake :P

  2. I would really like to meet you and your family in person. Previous to reading your blog I didn't think there was anyone out there who could surpass our family for weird stories! :-)

  3. bahahaha...that was sad yet funny. Im glad your son and bandit are fine!! When I was young I love being sick because everybody seem to care about you so much and does everything for you. But now I'm an adult, such a pain being sick!!

  4. Oh gosh, it's a good thing nothing happened to your wife when she took the anti-seizure pills. This hasn't happened to me, well I don't have regular medication anyway, plus I'm never up early --- unless forced.

    And it's really true about dogs. Sometimes our dogs even get special treats and we don't. Sometimes I feel that my parents love them more now...

  5. When she had to take them, we'd stuff pills into food to feed our dog too. After a while, she'd eat the food and spit out the pill. SMH.

    Good thing your wife and dog were a-ok.

    (Power walkers scare me)

  6. Rick, reading about your wife sticking pills into things and then eating/feeding it is just so funny!! Poor Bandit must not have liked having the pill forced out of him.. but I can imagine how happy and pampered he was. About McD's, I'm not sure if that's good to eat that while being sick lol! p.s. How did Bandit get his name..?

  7. Yikes, close call! Maybe your wife shouldn't be allowed to do anything in the mornings hehe

    Show me your inspirations & you could win a Karmin G3 styling iron!

  8. oh my..human pills more dangerous to animals than animal pills to humans...you think this is a eureka moment for your wife? a fact none of us would have known if not for your wife's sleepiness? :) haha. Just trying to look for the silver lining…be careful next time :)

  9. Oh what a funny story!! (Well, not for Bandit, sorry! XD) Luckily I don't take any meds regularly, haha. And how was the burger?? ;)

  10. Rick, this is so funny. Anyway, I think you should take over the responsibility from your wifey from now on.

  11. Hahaha i'm glad K and Bandit are fine after both taking the wrong pills! I have a pill story but it's not really that related. I just remembered last December when my family spent Christmas with my Aunt and her family in California, my aunt let me try one of my little 4 yr old cousins vitamins. It was those kids gummies that are actually vitamins. She said "this one has fish oil in it" and i thought it can't be that bad since it's for kids and it's a gummy bear! I ate one and my face immediately turned sour... my aunt was whispering and signaling me "just swallow it!! don't let her (my cousin) see that you hate it otherwise she'll suddenly hate it too!" hahaha! so i had to slowly swallow that sucker, it was disgussssssting!

  12. Oh goodness, I'm glad both your wife and Bandit are fine! I have to agree with Wenny though, maybe you should take over pill duty!

    I'm glad you're feeling better ^^

  13. - border collies are prone to seizures :( we had one who got sick so bad. i dont wanna remember those bad memories :(

    - oh no! she ate it?! my mom usually forget some big things too. i dont blame her, moms get tired too.

  14. awww. this was too funny. I sometimes do crazy things when I am half awake too. I hope everyone's feeling much better now. =)

  15. Haha, love this story. Think my favorite was how you mentioned the good folks over at poison control haha. Hope you're having a great day.

  16. hahhahahha..rofl:) i had also an experience of taking the wrong pill because of being not fully awake:) I was okey anyway..just state of the mind..hehhe.

    thats again funny here:)the best medicine for me to read here!

  17. Wow, that is such a scary pill. Sometimes, we do things b/c we are so used to it. I'm glad both your wife and Bandit is okay though!

    HAH, thanks for thinking about me, you are GOOD at foreseeing what I am doing. I am totally watching the blazer game right now and hoping for the best! RIP CITY! =D

  18. wahahaha, be careful on that one Ric. i've give my cat a wrong medicine too, i gave him herbal medicines to cure his influenza, it didn't turn out ok :( he got diarrhea.

  19. OH NO!!! hahaha you have the wildest (wholesome) stories to tell Rick, please tell wifey not to give anymore meds to bandit and leave those duties to your son? ;)

    i hope that McD's burger filled you up at least! :D

  20. oh medicines are so dangerous while being so harmless lol

  21. I'm glad both your wife and Bandit are okay! At least she realized that it was the wrong pill and did something to make sure Bandit's okay.

    ryc: It's the first time ever I've seen a guy says he loves Hello Kitty, LOL! Anyhow, thanks for entering and good luck :D

  22. Great that it didn't harm :) I'd be super worried if I gave my pet the wrong medicine. My mum would kill me. ^^'

  23. lol! well glad everyone is okay in the end. every time I get a cold my dad insist I take cold medicine given to him from his doctor, I'm like uhmm I might have something different but he thinks all pills are the same!

  24. Hey Rick! FOB stands for "fresh off the boat" and used to describe someone who is a foreigner and hasn't quite adapted to the language, style, and everything else of the new country they are in. :P
