Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I had a dream...

And I remember it! For me that’s amazing. I know we all dream every night, but I rarely remember them—very rarely. This one involved a friend.

My wife, her father, and I were going to have lunch with the friend. We met at her house and she gave us a quick tour. My subconscious used my father-in-law’s house as the friend’s house—I actually have no idea what her house looks like! Anyway, after the tour we decided to take separate cars and we would follow her to the restaurant. We all went to put on our shoes (which were near the front door), but I couldn’t find mine. We all started searching…and searching. Finally, I looked down and my shoes were on my feet. I was embarrassed. I put my hand on the friend’s shoulder and apologized for wasting her time.

Then I woke up.

I don’t usually misplace things (like shoes or keys), so it was weird that I couldn’t find my shoes—even weirder they ended up on my feet! Once, when I was really tired, I was looking for my keys and couldn’t find them because they were already in my hand. It only happened once. It was a boring dream (where's the action???), but exciting for me just because I remember it!

1. Would it make you uncomfortable if the dream was about you? Should I tell the friend or keep quiet about it?
2. Have you ever been looking for something that was already in your hand, on your head, etc.?
3. Do you remember your dreams very often?

Okay, now pass your papers to the front for grading and I’ll return them to you tomorrow! =)

Have a nice evening.


  1. 1)My dreams are always about my :) and I always tell people about it because it's nice to share it. :P

    2) yes! lol I'm always clumsy like that. I always search for things that are either on me or in front of me.

    3) Sometimes I remember dreams.. sometimes I don't. It depends on what it is. I normally have adventurous dreams.

    Dreams are very short and wierd. Everything changes so quickly in them.

  2. Hahahaha, congrats for remembering! As for me, I always remember my dreams, so I'm pretty used to it!
    Let's see:
    1. If I were the friend, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable - but then again, pple are different. But I usually tell my friends they've made a cameo in my subconscience, lol! Unless, of course, it's something morbid or indecent!
    2. It's never happened to me - but it happens a lot to my 82-year-old grandma! =P
    3. Oops. Already answered that. =P [2]

  3. (1) i usually tell my best friend about weird dreams. there were times when i woke up crying and i actually dreamed about crying!

    (2) ALL THE TIME. I always look for my pen (which btw I always stick in my ponytail)

    (3) Only certain dreams. lol

  4. That's a very common thing for me... looking for something only to realize that I have it with me all the time. I attribute it to my "senior" moments. Hahaha!

    I do remember my dreams and sometimes I even have a sequel of my dreams the following night... ain't that grand?

  5. I'll tell people my dreams as long as it's not sexual haha! but usually i sleep so deep that i forget my dreams when i wake up anywyas. and yeah i agree with your dad! i work for a cell phone company and during my spare time i want nothing to do with my cell phones or answering other people about their blackberries! ha!

  6. what a funny dream rick, good thing you remembered it! most of the time i dont remember my dream either, but when its too scary or happy i make myself remember it until i tell someone else (which is usually lurvey) sometimes if its in the middle of the night i would text it to him right away just so i wont forget. :D

    1) I won't mind being in your dreams, unless its something obscene or vulgar or gory! (that would make me paranoid!). :)

    2) ALWAYS. Usually its for my pen which im holding already. here we make fun of it and call it as a "memory gap moment" hahaha

    3) Answered that already! :)

    I hope I get an A++++++! hahaha ;)

  7. i almost always remember my dreams and let me tell ya...i have weird ones. like whoa weird. weirdest one to date was when dave left me for a russian chick named corazona. AND in my dream...i was okay with him being with both of us. oh hell no!

  8. My friends love telling me about their dreams involving me! I remember my dreams most of the time, so I got really pissed when lately I couldn't.

  9. dreams dreams dreams... they say what happened in your dream is the other way around...

    blog hopping here... have a great week!!!

    "When I look at you, I see forgiveness, I see the truth.
    You love me for who I am, Like the stars hold the moon
    Right there where they belong and I know, I’m not alone."

  10. I almost never remember my dreams, too bad!! I always listen to my friends stories about their dreams, and I can't tell them mine! :-))

    I'm always looking for things cause I'm so forgetful where I put them, hahaha!

  11. 1. i usually tell people if i dream about them. regardless of how awkward the dream is... or whether i know the person well enough. i'm tactless and i like to share lol

    2. i do this ALL THE TIME! i swear i misplace my keys 3905934875 times a day, it's ridiculous! and most of the time theyre end up right beside me!

    3. i don't remember most of my dreams... buuut most of the time when i do dream, i wake up laughing my a** off LOL. it happens a lot when i sleepover my bf's house... hes nosey so he always tries to wake me up and ask me what my dream was about (so that he can laugh too lol)


  12. I probably would've been a little embarrassed but would have laughed it off!

    I do it often but not always.. Usually it's just misplacing it completely and not having it anywhere near me!

    I've had some weird dreams lately mostly because I've been sleeping a lot more lately :D. But then I forget about it but I do remember the feelings I had during the dream.

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  13. I usually remember my dreams, especially when they're really out of this world. But there are times when I remember then when I wake up, and then totally forget the details when I'm already telling the story to someone else. It's frustrating, really x_x Once I dreamed that I died, it was the most peaceful feeling ever. Morbid much? :D

    I lose stuff all the time, and then see them when I'm no longer looking for them x_x

  14. According to our Chinese belief, to dream of someone else, good things will come to that person. If it's a good dream, by all means tell them. Otherwise, let's not talk about it.

    On many occasions I woke up and still remember my dreams. Unfortunately, those that I forgot always involved the numbers for the lotto games.

  15. Someone just rose from the grave, LOL.
    I'm lucky to have some net time today. I'm home by choice and here I am. I enjoyed reading your post, as usual.

    I tend to remember my dreams all the time. I don't just remember the events; I often remember the color of clothes that people are wearing in my dreams. I don't like my dreams these past months. There's always someone close to me either getting into an accident or dying. In these instances, I always tell the person in such a way that he or she will not freak out. My college professor always told us that dreams are not in any way manifestations of the future, rather they manifestations of our fears, desires, and wants.

  16. I have weird dreams all the time! In fact, i had one just last night and it involved my brother's co-worker. hahaha! Which leads me to answering your questions..

    1. Would it make you uncomfortable if the dream was about you? Should I tell the friend or keep quiet about it?

    The only time i wouldn't tell the person in the dream would be if it would make things awkward. For example, i wouldn't tell my brother's co-worker I dreamt about him b/c that would just make things weird. He'd wonder why i was suddenly dreaming about him. hahaha!

    2. Have you ever been looking for something that was already in your hand, on your head, etc.?


    3. Do you remember your dreams very often?

    Yup! In pretty good detail too! :D

  17. I believe dreams happen for one reason - that they will not happen in real-life.

    I seldom remember my dreams, but during those mornings when I do, the dreams will often appear illogical. Like my best friend will be someone who I only met a few times in real-life. Or my girlfriend/wife was someone else. Haha.
