Tuesday morning I had a long meeting. Halfway through it was disrupted by a small group led by our public relations director. I was closest to the door, but sitting with my back to it, so I didn't see who else was with her. The first thing I heard her say was "Secretary Albright may have once had an office in this room." {You'd think she would first say "excuse me", but she has terrible manners} Secretary Albright? We never had a Secretary Albright?
At that point I turned in my seat to look back at the group. When I did, the face of former US Secretary of State (under President Clinton) Madeleine Albright was about six inches away from mine. She was in my personal space! We were so close she had no choice but to exchange greetings with me, so I introduced myself. And then they were gone. It turns out she had spent time with the Woodrow Wilson Center back when it was housed in that building.
It was an interesting experience, but not exciting. It's not like she was my favorite Secretary of State--that would be John Jay, who temporarily filled in for the first Secretary, Thomas Jefferson. {Confession: I only know that because I just Googled it two minutes ago! LOL}
The funny thing is meeting her didn't make much of an impression on me--she's just a person like everyone else. But if I were to meet one of my blogger friends, I'd probably start jumping up and down like I was on a pogo stick, pointing and shouting, "Hey, it's you. Is it really you? OMG, look, it's you!!!" That's a clear sign that I have my priorities in the right order. :D
Hahahaha, that's so funny - I think we all feel that way!
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to enter to win a Lime Ricki swimsuit!
clothed much, a modest fashion blog
How awesome! I've never met or seen a famous pperson, or an important poiltician or someone like that. Not even a pop star cause I don't go to concerts :-))
ReplyDeleteIf we were able to meet you too, then we would probably do the same! Good to know that your blogger friends are VIP's in your eyes XD
LOLZ yes, you have your priorities right rick :D :D I guess those famous ppl are just human like the rest of us, they might look mighty n something on the tv screen but most of the time they're not that 'scary' in person :p
ReplyDeleteryc, the eyedrop is clear, it's just the green bottle that fooled my hubby hahaha
Never had much chance to meet any famous people.
ReplyDeleteThe only one I met so far is when I look into the mirror every morning when I brush my teeth. Woah there, Handsome!
same . no famous people for me. Unless i got to concerts and meet lady gaga from a distance x]
ReplyDeleteThat'd be so cool if all bloggers gather up one day x]
I think that'd be pretty much my reaction as well. I'm going to meet Nashe on October when I go to Singapore!! Too bad I won't see Ejannz, she'll be in Malaysia on September and I'll be there on October :(
ReplyDeletelol @ shingo T! :)
ReplyDeletewell, at least you got a blog post out of the experience! ;)
i would get all giddy and jumpy too if i ever meet one of you (blogger buddies!) :)
soo.....when are we meeting? lolll
ReplyDeleteBig name politicians have never had an "idol effect" on me.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how some people get star/celebrity/famous people-struck. To me they're just normal people, for the most part. I mean I'd probably be very curious and start picking their brains, but not go OMG so-and-so just walked through the same room as me! *swoon
Thanks for your comments, they always brighten my day!
Awwww, lol, how cute was that last paragraph of yours?!
ReplyDeleteAnd yep, I think it's safe to say most of us would have that kind of reaction upon meeting blogger friends!
hahaha she sounds.. nice? well it's nice to meet famous people in real life I think, sometimes you're like hmm.. you look better on TV/Magazines! And agree with you on Kristen Stewart, how can she get 2 hot guys to fight over her about spending the rest of their lives with her? they need to get their eyes checked.
ReplyDeleteno specs, no glasses. i thought you noticed. haha!
ReplyDeletehave a nice day rick.
i have nooo idea who Secretary Albright is buut id probably do the same thing if i bumped into a fellow blogger haha
That's pretty cool! Although, i'd probably be the same - meeting any one of the blogger friends i've grown to know and love would be more exciting and nervewracking!! :D
ReplyDeleteLol. If I saw a celeb down the street, I would look twice, maybe ask for a picture. But if I ran into you or any other one of my blogger friends, I would totally want to spend a few days just hanging out and savoring each moment. I would be in blog heaven to get the chance to hang out and chat and say "hey it's really you."
ReplyDeleteI've the same thought too. Being in the Klang Valley in Malaysia, we kinda bumped into some local celebs quite frequently ... took a second glance and that's it! No feeling. What the heck, they are just the same as you and me.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to visualize our meeting as you've described ... LOA will make it happen!