Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chores I

We all have chores to do around the house, right? Everyone has spent time raking leaves, washing dishes, digging up yams, doing laundry, etc. As an adult, they're just part of the daily routine. During summer vacation as a kid, they were the bane of my existence! My dad wrote out a list of chores every morning. In theory I wanted to be responsible, but in reality I wanted to play!!! Looking back, I can see that the work was good for me. Having those duties helped teach me to be responsible even when I didn’t want to be…or perhaps especially when I didn’t want to be. It was a good lesson to learn. I should point out that I had completely learned that lesson by the time I was 10. All the chores after that were simply overkill. LOL

This might be a semi-recurring theme over the summer, sharing stories about different types of chores. Today's topic: Digging trenches.

We had a leaky basement. My dad kept coming up with ideas to direct water away from the house. We dug ditches in front of our property, behind it, everywhere. When I was 12 we dug a trench almost all the way around the house itself, down to the basement footing, so we could install drainage tiles. We started out digging together one Saturday and then each day we’d dig a little more. But one of my brothers had a job and the other one was practicing to be a magician’s assistant—he kept disappearing! I dug by myself pretty regularly.

One morning the daily chore list said “finish the trench TODAY!” So I climbed down into the trench alone and before long it was done! I was so happy (I didn’t know I would soon be carrying buckets of rocks to put around the drainage tiles--LOL). I looked up for a good spot to climb out of the trench. I quickly realized there were no longer any “high spots” to stand on. I couldn’t reach the top edge of the trench to pull myself out the way I had every other day.

I tried waving the shovel and calling out, but couldn’t get anyone’s attention. I clanged the shovel against the house. Nothing! I was tired and hungry. There was no way I was going to just sit in that hole until someone came by. I should have used the shovel to dig a foothold in the side of the trench, but I didn’t think of it. I did think of something. I went to one of the corners, drove the shovel blade into the ground at an angle (close to the house) and wedged the handle into the corner of the trench. Then I “walked” up the shovel handle while balancing myself by holding onto the house. After several tries, it worked. Sweet freedom!

The moral of this story? We all know not to paint ourselves into a corner. But also, don't dig a hole you can't get yourself out of!!!


  1. I love the moral of the story lol! It's very true.
    I've been in a trench for my history trip. At that time it was really muddy because it had been raining. It's pretty scary to get stuck in a trench.
    I've would've tested my luck and lobbed the shovel up hoping to tap someone. x]
    How did you manage to 'walk' up the shovel? LOL! i would never have the balance to walk up a shovel :P

  2. You got it right Rick... but you did a good job in digging. And I believe that incident showed your real character... you will never say NO and I GIVE UP... that's the spirit and I admire you for that. xoxo

  3. Haha. That would've been quite the predicament. Clever, the shovel thing.

  4. very true rick!!! :) i commend you for being an obedient son and being smart at the same time :)

  5. hahahahaha that was hilarious! i'm sure it wasn't as hilarious when that happened. :) i'll keep in mind not to dig myself a hole to begin with :P

  6. Love your story. I guess when we get ourself into deep sh*t, there's only one person who can help us get out - ourself!

    Your childhood must have been wonderful, can see that you have learnt so much in the past, that the lesson can come in handy today.

  7. Good thinking Rick! If it was me I would have fainted! But then again I don't think I will do it as no one can make me dig that much even if I tried x_x

  8. Lovely moral! I wished someone had told me earlier when I was a kid. There was a similar story I was involved with, not with a trench, but with the girls washroom back in elementary school.
    I went to the restroom, locked up and after some minutes, I realized I couldn't open the door anymore. There was no on else in the washroom, and instead of waiting for someone to come I decided to help myself getting out of the restroom. I climbed on the toilet's seat, and somehow hanged myself on the door and jumped outside XD I still wonder how I did manage to do so, since I wasn't the tallest girl at my age (I must have been about 7 or 8 years old)That's probably why girls never go to the restroom alone :-))

  9. great moral and so true to life...literally and figuratively :)

    happy thursday rick!

  10. OMG i love this post rick!
    i love the flow of the scenes and i also love the pretty powerful statement at the end.

    keep it up!

  11. hahaha, one of my nightmares is getting burried alive! but that's interesting that you dug a hole and couldn't get out of it! The closest I have to that is being locked in a public washroom once because their door handles were high tech and all... and I was like 6 lol

  12. thanks or your comment :)

  13. I probably would've sat there and cried! Love your stories, Rick!

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  14. You made yourself a bridge? Cool, hahahha.

    Nobody has to dig any trenches where I come from but almost all guys have to learn to do it in the army once they're 18. LOL.

  15. SO scary! I would have helped you to call for help, I have a pretty loud voice (esp when I want to be loud) ahaha

  16. Muahhaha! Your co-worker is probably saving her points for something REALLY big! 8)

    I'm also curious.

    <33 Rena

  17. Hahaha!!! Cute, very cute. Luckily, you managed to improvise a way out.
