Friday, June 18, 2010


When I was growing up, once the weather got warm it was time to break out the shorts (despite the Casper-white legs) and leave the shoes behind. We lived on a dirt/gravel road, so there were lots of “ouch, ouch, ouches” the first few days. I did put my shoes on if I was heading into the woods or towards the train racks—you never knew what you might step on there.

In fact, you never really know what you might step on anywhere…and sometimes shoes are no help. While running through the woods I once (okay, twice) stepped on boards that had long nails sticking out of them. That was painful.

But this story is about something I stepped on while barefoot. One night I emptied the kitchen trash and needed to put the bag in the ancient metal can outside. My parents had their back porch light on, which illuminated the porch steps and the sidewalk leading to our driveway. But the trash can was around the corner on the other side of the porch—in the dark. It was on a sidewalk, so I wasn’t worried about stepping on anything. Big mistake! As I went around the corner and approached the can, I stepped on something soft (and maybe a little furry?). Suddenly I felt the crackling, snapping of a hundred tiny bones under my right foot. It was so gross! I jumped back, but it was too dark to see what it was.

After washing my foot under the outside spigot, I went into the house for a flashlight—and put my shoes on. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see what it was, but I had to. I was praying it wasn't a kitten or something like that. I went back out and found a dead ground mole there on the sidewalk—a present from our cats. Yuck!!! I had stepped on that thing with my bare foot!!!! If you don’t know what one looks like, please Google "ground mole"! {shiver} A few nights later I had a nightmare about that thing—it grew to 8 feet tall and chased me! LOL

Hmmmm, I’m not afraid of the dark, but I really like flashlights. I wonder if it's related to that night??? ;P

Happy weekend everyone!

Edit: Just to be clear, I didn't kill the thing. My cats killed the ground mole and left it there either as a present to thank us for feeding them OR as a warning that we better keep feeding them!


  1. oh no >< that must have hurt. Reminded me of when I stapled my thumb.

    you stepped on a mole with your barefoot. lol! I had to google it to remind me what it looks like and the first picture i saw was a massive mole on someone's face. yuck :P

    i'm really afraid of the dark. I think I should blame ghost or horror movies for that. ^.^

  2. EWWWWWWWW!!! that's why barefooting is a no no. i can't really tell what im gonna be stepping on. shoes help sometimes (it protects from melting chewing gum and glass shards). thank you, rick, for this cautionary tale!

  3. You STEPPED on a ground mole and KILLED it???????? What the...? Ric!!!! OMG! You monster!

  4. Hahaha! That's why I don't go barefoot anywhere. I'm scared of the unknown.

    Have a great weekend Rick! xoxo

    PS... Manila is a 12-13 hour direct flight to SF. :-)

  5. Ack, not pleasant at all.

    I still feel more at home barefoot that shoed, but I've stepped in my fair share of icky things. Twice I've stepped in dog poo barefoot. *gag!

  6. lol @ your casper white legs! *woot woot!* ;)

    i just googled ground mole and aww so cute! hahaha! :P oh dear you stepped on it, did his intestines come out? eeeewwww! :P

    i've stepped on a lizard while barefoot... yucky!!! >.<! needless to say i always have slippers on now. :)

  7. I am too squeamish of a girl to walk outside without slippers XD Poor ground mole! It's not too ugly in the photos, I'm even imagining that a ground mole plushie might be cute LOL

  8. Advance Happy Father's to your father and to all the fathers out there... May God give them more blessings in the coming years...

  9. Ohh, that's why I never go on barefoot, not even as a child. I've never seen a real mole, but it must have been disgusting :-)) Did you say proper thank you to the cats for the mole? XD

  10. warrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i swear from now onwards i'll wear the yellow plastic boot like all the time. this kind of story scares me to death.

  11. OMG eewww!!! Hahaha...

    (btw, about your comment? I yelled at her for opening my letters, and she got mad. Thus more screaming. *shrugs*)

  12. awwww omg pooor ground mole!! i actually find them cute! haha... but thats probably because ive never seen one in person :P

  13. It's sounds so yucky ... it feels squirmish!

  14. Eww that's really gross!

    It's gunna make me think twice before walking around barefoot in the dark. lol

  15. sick!

    I once found a dead rat in my car door. That was pretty traumatizing!

  16. Let me update you on the bug situation.

    A couple days after that bug incident in my room when I was freaking out, I came home (really late btw) and there were a BUNCH of bugs outside my door on my patio area! I ran inside check to make sure none were in the apartment and grabbed the bug spray. I went crazy spraying everywhere killing ever single bug I could see. I know that it's normal to have bugs outside, but my fear of them coming into the house was just too intense for me to let any live. I had a huge can of bug spray - supposedly there's a 10 month supply of bug spray, well by the time I finished killing all those suckers, the can was practically empty. I think I may have gone a little overboard. After that I went to Home Depot inthe morning and picked up a bottle of this powdered bug poision. Lined the outside of my entire apartment and around the doors and stuff.

    Now I'm pleased to inform you, I haven't seen a single bug ! ^___^ *pats on back* hahhaaha

    My Dad told me to stop using bug spray because the fumes are probably terribly bad for me to be inhaling the way I was, so hopefully I won't have use it anymore :)

  17. LOL don't you just love my stories!? haha

  18. I never leave the house barefooted.

    Rephrasing Forrest Gump's famous quote, the ground outside is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will get.

  19. GAHHHHH! You stepped on that with your bare foot!

  20. ewww dead ground mole?! that's soo gross! haha I stepped on some broken glass on the beach when I was younger, it was tramatic so now I always leave my hosue with shoes!

  21. so i googled ground mole and they're kinda cute. but where are their eyes?!

    this would've totally traumatized me. not because ground moles are scary but because a gound mole was murdered. so sad :(


  22. i looked up ground mole and it looks like one of those moles i see in cartoons! it looks cute. but once its squished imagery sets in, i can't help but say yuck...

    btw, happy fathers day! have a good one!

  23. haha i'm glad you put the "edit" part because i was jokingly going to comment "MURDERERRRR!!!!" hahaha! ;P Nasty... i hate the sensation of stepping on something squishy WITH shoes on, i can just imagine what it's like without shoes on. *cringe*

  24. Hi Ric! LOL about your story...those darn cats are so crazy! That must've been a horrible feeling to step on that mole- yeecck. Yeah, i always try to wear shoes bc youre right: you never know what youre gonna step on.

    Thank you for all of your comments and showin my blog some love. I truly truly appreciate it!!

    P.S. the dolly eye post was old hair color and the new one is the recent post. see!! i like my older hair color better ha.

    hope all is well and you have a greeeeeeat week!


  25. holy crap thats TRAUMATIZINg ahahha aww :S

    -Sarah m

  26. Ha ha, I think they're kind of cute actually :) For a minute there I thought you were going to say you stepped on a baby porcupine... OUCH!

    Thanks for competing in my Cupcake Challenge, the winner was announced just a few minutes ago.

  27. thanks for your message! And lol at your wife not wanting you to use the same lotion! I dislike Vasline too cuz it feels sticky. So use Jergens ultra care lotion

    it feels light after you apply it unlike that coca butter stuff I can't stand. Olay quench body lotion is good too

    between the two I usually buy whatever is on sale/cheaper one :D btw happy belated father's day to you!!

  28. Yah..its been a decayed since I visited here...hahha..even to my site..hmm, visit you today anyway!
