Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Mystery Gift

I've been told this is a vintage, white rhinestone choker with "individually prong set stones" (I don't know what the last part means). It has matching screwback earrings.

My wife selected them for me. She sells stuff like this on ebay along with an odd collection of junk she and her sister have accumulated.

The giveaway closes on Thursday and I'll ID the random winners as soon as possible. I wish you could all win! =)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Typos, typos, typos!!!!

I confess that I stalk my own comments on your posts. I don't want to miss it if you comment back. But I think I need to stop--I can't stand reading my own comments. It makes me sick! I am making sooooo many typos that my comments appear to be the work of a drunken illiterate. I am neither--I know for a fact I can read and write on at least a 5th grade level!!! LOL!

Anyone know how to run a virus check and reboot a human????

Tnhaks for baernig wtih me!!! =)

PS - As is true with so many things, the typos of others don't bother me--I usually don't even notice them. It's just mine that drive me crazy, especially the ones that cloud my meaning. Ugh!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Have a wonderful weekend!

I don’t have a story today, just some random ramblings.

Many bloggers have mentioned both the joys of blogging and also the work it involves. What about the dark side of blogging? The things we learn that maybe we wish we didn’t! For me, it’s the discovery of Nutella during the holidays. The stuff is too good. I’ve discovered two really dangerous (to my weight) combinations for it. The first one is with peanut butter on toast. Oh so warm and melty! Yum! The second combination is even more dangerous because it is so simple—you take an open jar of Nutella and add a SPOON. How many times did I tell myself “well, just a little more won’t hurt”? Hahaha! Honestly, I do love it, but I’m being careful. I won’t buy a second jar until the time is right. Hopefully that won’t be tonight. =)

Do people drive worse in Spring? Something annoying has been happening regularly on my commute home. As I approach my exit, someone from the left lane speeds ahead and then cuts me off so he can exit too. Usually I would just think, “whoa, he almost missed his exit”. But in these cases there has been an opening of at least 75 yards (69 meters) behind me. Do these drivers feel they HAVE to pass at least one car? Would it be a blow to their ego to just merge over in that huge gap? That would be so easy and safe and they would only be one car farther back. I don’t understand. The speed limit is 65 mph and I’m usually going that speed as I approach the exit. One night I was going 72 (116 kph). The other driver must have sped up to 90 to pass me the way he did. Then he had to hit his brakes hard to avoid ramming the car in front of me. Genius!!!

I joked to Jing this week that Blogspot might be alive and all of our posts are forming its personality. That goofy thought occurred to me because the system has gotten very picky about what blogs I can visit and when I can logout. Has anyone else been having problems visiting blogs that usually load quickly? Well, I hope not, but at the same time I hope it’s not just me. LOL!

On Monday I will shed some light on the giveaway’s mystery prize. I know it wasn’t clear that there are three prizes, but it was sort of a last minute decision. Have a great weekend folks!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Weird, random health stuff

My mind has been on health lately and that has reminded me of a few odd things that have happened to me--for some reason these all involve my eyes in one way or another. Perhaps in future posts I'll work my way from top to bottom. =)
Patriotic Eye: Apparently I cough too hard--doctors have said "don't cough so hard" to me several times. Twice I dislocated (dislodged???) cartilage in my rib cage. That hurt like the dickens, especially when I coughed! LOL. But the coolest side-effect came when a capillary in my left eye ruptured slightly. The outside half of the eye was blood red, while the other half remained white. So I had a patriotic eye--it was red, white and blue! {USA, USA, USA}

Raccoon eyes: I've heard this can happen to women who fall asleep with their eye makeup on. I found another way. I had a stomach virus and in the middle of the night I...well, I'll just say my dinner retraced its steps. Apparently I do that too hard also--capillaries around both eyes burst ever so slightly and it looked like I was wearing red goggles.

Chicken Disease: In really low light my left eye dilates a little larger than the right. While working late one night I caught a co-worker staring at my eyes. She was the first person to notice. After that I experimented in low light, looking through one eye and then the other. I discovered she was right, things were a little brighter through my right eye. It only happens in very weak light. I asked an ophthalmologist about it. After an intense exam he asked if I had ever been around chickens. I said no, I thought he was joking. But he went on to explain there was scarring in the eye that had to be the result of an untreated case of "X" (can't remember what he called the bacteria--just that I couldn't pronounce it). He said "X" left a distinctive scarring pattern. I thought that was impossible because I had never been around chickens. Except later I remembered I HAD. My aunt who made the great Xmas cookies had chickens. During several visits she asked me to help her son collect eggs. I must have wiped my eye during the chore. I had a chicken disease!!!

PS - I remember having an eye infection, but it was NOT untreated. My parents had me hold hot teabags on the eye every morning! LOL

Saturday, March 20, 2010

My First Giveaway: Hope and Heroes!

Since this is my first giveaway, I wanted it to have a theme—I’m going with keeping a positive outlook. To do that it helps to always have hope and heroes in your life. I can’t really give away those things, but I can offer symbols (and plays on words). I’m giving away two items. One for hope (a small pendant replica of the Hope Diamond) and one for heroes—or in this case, herros (as in a “live, love, laugh, eat” shirt from herrohachi). The giveaways both close on March 31.

herrohachi giveaway:
All followers (current and new) are eligible and so are frequent commenters (before today!). Just leave a comment that you want to enter. That's it. You may earn an extra entry to win the very cool shirt (look left to see for yourself!) by posting about the giveaway on your blog.

pendant giveaway:
The Hope Diamond pendant is a thank you to my current followers and frequent commenters. If you are both, you get two entries--3 if you’ve laughed at my lame jokes!!! jk, 2 is the max. If you entered the shirt giveaway you are automatically entered for the pendant and a mystery gift.

Also, if you have not visited the herrohachi shop yet, I highly recommend it! I purchased both in-stock and special order shirts from Kym—it was a great experience. Kym took great care to make sure the special order was exactly what I wanted. The merchandise is top quality and the service is super. I'm going to do a post on my purchase. But the shirts are gifts to friends, so I have to wait until after I've given them away in mid-May. When I do, the box of fudge you will see in the pictures is already empty.

I’m not going to get all mushy (actually, I am—so this might be a good place to stop reading). But I want to share that blogging turned out to be much more fun that I expected. I discovered some amazing people—some angels, and one devil (I'm keeping an eye on you!) and suddenly I was in a community of friends. How cool is that??? Anyway, thank you for what you’ve shared and what you have allowed me to share.

PS - I hit the jackpot this morning in my doctor's office--2 samples, 3 prescriptions, and 1 order for a chest x-ray. Oh how I miss cold of winter and am looking forward to heat of summer. I really, really don't like the rollercoaster temps of March (or the wind and rain). Humbug!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

A sign I'm getting old...

When should a person start feeling old? Hopefully never! Unfortunately something happened last week that made me feel old. It wasn’t my birthday. I’m happy to see that roll around. Although, my wife looks forward to it much more than I do (I enjoy other people’s birthdays more than my own). She is 3 weeks older than I am and she does not enjoy those weeks at all. She’s happy when my b-day arrives because then “we’re the same age again”.

The year I learned she felt that way, I made a huge mistake. I used to tease her about being an older woman. It was funny when she was 16. It was hysterical when she was 18 and I was still 17. It wasn’t quite as funny when she was 21. When she turned 25 it stopped being funny altogether. That’s when she first made the comment about us being the same age again on my birthday. I was confused. That’s when I made my mistake. While still in a state of confusion, I stated a fact. I pointed out she is always 3 weeks older than I am—not just during the time between our birthdays. I wasn’t teasing her, just stating a fact.

I learned that is a fact she doesn’t enjoy and doesn’t want to hear—ever! She let out a small, stunned gasp (that very clearly communicated “how dare you”), so I apologized. I’ve never mentioned it again. She mentions it, but I never do. However, I do THINK it. Somehow she knows. Well, not exactly. But when I do think it, she always asks “What are you thinking? I don’t like that twinkle in your eye (or occasionally “that smile on your face”). I know you’re thinking something.” By “something”, of course she means something she would not like. LOL

The only thing I can do in that situation is ADMIT NOTHING! I simply smile and say "Oh, nothing". She is smiling when she asks the question. I think it is better to keep it that way rather than telling her. Right??? That way we’re both smiling. And shouldn't she just be happy to see me smile anyway? LOL

It’s funny how little things can make a person feel old. In my wife’s case it’s those 3 weeks. For some people it’s being called sir or ma’am. Me? I received a sign I was getting old. I was having dinner with friends and as we were being seated I noticed a draft blowing on the table. I asked for a different table. Not a big deal. But later I remembered I used to joke about my father doing that same thing. The man would take a tour of the entire place until he found a spot with no draft. Now I’m starting to do it. Next thing you know I’ll be writing crazy “Grandpa Simpson-style” letters to the local newspaper. I’ve had a good run, but it’s all downhill from here.

PS - Just for the record, “ma’am” is NOT polite speak for “hey old lady”. I don’t know why it bothers some women. It’s simply a sign of respect for the wonderful person you are. Take it as a compliment! The first time I was called sir it amused me—I was a school safety patrol and a boy in kindergarten called me sir. He was so serious ("Excuse me sir...). Very cute!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Piece of Me...March 2010

This is a monthly game started by umm, someone, oh, you know... What's her name? (jk Shirley, you know I miss you being on-line) The game is to share info about yourself on the 1st Sunday of every month. This month....

I like: that my birthday is this week.

I don't like: that it's going to rain on my b-day! Also, I don't like James Taylor's rendition of the Beatles "In My Life". He sang it during the Oscars on Sunday night. I LOVE that song, but I almost didn't enjoy it when he sang it. Where's my iPod? I need to hear the original NOW!!!

I want you to know: I'll understand if no one reads this or comments. After all the random stuff I shared last week, you should all be burned out reading my blog. That award post was ridiculously long. But I wanted to acknowledge the awards. I want you to know how much I appreciated them. =)

I've planned: to buy a car, but it's going to have to wait. And so is our next vacation. We recently had a small financial screwup that needs to be addressed.

I want to say to someone special: We all screw up. Remember that the next time I do something...IF I ever do!!! LOL, really, me screwing up should only take about 10 seconds!!! =)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Just say no...

Me: What would you like to do for dinner tonight?
Wife: I’m making chicken.
Me: But…it’s Friday…during Lent!
Wife: We won’t go to Hell for eating meat today.
Me: No thanks “Eve”, I’ll pass.

If only Adam had given that same answer when offered the apple!!! LOL

Honestly, I agree with my wife. I observe the “no meat” rule only as a tradition, not a true belief. I'm such a rotten Catholic! :P

Have a great weekend folks~

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I had a bad weekend. I had my heart broken a little. I can't go into details. But to cheer myself up I decided to finish a post I'd been working on for too long. It's answers to the wonderful tags and awards I've received over the past few months from some beautiful bloggers.

I am passing the Beautiful Blogger Award and the Sunshine Award to: Angel, Blair, Dana, Khim, RML, sssdawna, teJan, and Thanh Thao for helping me out of a funk.

I'm passing the Ten Honest Things About Me tag (an invitation to share more) to: ana, applepie, Becks, Christy, kimmy, Megan, Nitia, Olive, Sonia and Wenny.

The You're a Doll Award goes to: acutelife, anne, bananas, Elaine, eQ, Mel, Krissy, Kym, Leah, Manju, Nashe, russ, Shirley and Stiletto Girl.

The I Love Your Blog Award goes to all of you listed above. If I didn't love your blogs I wouldn't bother reading and commenting.

The title of this post has the "L" word in it. I have trouble getting that word out sometimes (unless you live with me). But fortunately the "F" word (fond) rolls right off my tongue. I'm very fond of the people I've met blogging! Thank you all for being so wonderful--especially you! Yeah, that's right, you! You know I'm talking to you!


Dana gave me the "I Love Your Blog Award". Since my blog is me, well, for someone to love my blog is very exciting!!! When I saw it I almost made a really high pitched “Eeeeee” sound. Almost! Since I’m a baritone it didn’t quite come out right. Dana understood. She has a great, natural enthusiasm for life that occasionally causes her to, um, not use her "inside voice" when she's inside!

ambiguous_angel thought of me for a tag called “The not so 25…”. You are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself and then choose people to be tagged. Twenty-five requires a lot of thought. Fortunately angel and my new “goofy” friend RML gave me an easier target with the “10 Honest Things About Me” tag. Ten I can do!!! Although, I guess I ended up doing about 25 in this post since I waited and combined different awards and tags. I let the big number intimidate me, when really all I needed to do was break it up into smaller bites.

1. My eyes are blue and my hair is light brown
2. I don’t drink hot coffee, hot tea, or eat soup unless I feel sick.
3. Growing up, I didn’t want to have a wife or kids
4. I changed my mind about #4—I have a wife and 2 kids
5. I like watching old movies and old TV shows
6. A car is just transportation to me. It doesn’t have to impress anyone.
7. Aside from my mortgage, I don’t like being in debt—at the moment I hate it!
8. I played little league baseball, soccer, tennis, basketball and played on the school soccer, wrestling, and baseball teams. My parents wouldn’t let me play organized football, so I played that at the local park.
9. I’m the youngest of six children—my parents kept trying until they finally got a good one!
10. Like any good German, I’m really, really excited about having followers!!! Hahaha~


Thanh Thao tagged me with "Mr. Brightside Award" {formerly the “Ms. Brightside Award”}. You need to list 10 things that make you happy and 5 trivia items about yourself.

Things that make me happy:
1. My kids (daughter and son);
2. Time with friends/meeting new people;
3. Bloggers;
4. Spicy food/home cooking/dining out/EATING!!!;
5. Visiting new places;
6. Learning something new, exchanging ideas;
7. Quiet time at the end of the day/looking up at the stars;
8. Doing random acts of kindness daily (I do it early so I can be a grouch the rest of the day).
9. Keeping traditions alive, creating new ones for my kids
10. I'll never tell!!!! =)

Trivia about me:
1. I used to be able to climb trees like a monkey {not sure now};
2. When I was little I wanted to be Governor of my state;
3. I like peanut butter on toast {sometimes w/honey), but rarely think to make it;
4. I use a western grip to hold my tennis racket;
5. My hat size is 7 5/8—which is VERY attractive to zombies (that's for you, Manju).


Along with teJan, Dana also gave me the "Lucky Chinese Tag" {aka, Crazy Eights, Eminent Eights}. **in no order particular order**
1) How I Met Your Mother
2) Top Chef
3) The Office
4) Big Bang Theory
5) Smallville
6) That 70’s Show
7) TLC; HGC; The Food Network
8) Angel/Buffy/Moonlight
1) Olive Grove ...for crab cakes
2) Rita’s ...slushies and soft ice cream
3) Grace’s Fortune ...for Chinese food
4) The Original Steakhouse ...for steak, LOL
5) Jerry’s Seafood ...for all seafood (except oysters)
6) Thai Restaurant ...for um, oh yeah, Thai
7) Papa Johns ...for when I want to stay home
8) Almost anyplace for Italian food or barbeque
1) Considered taking the day off from work
2) Went to work
3) Had lunch with a great friend
4) Bought Girl Scout cookies
5) Ate Girl Scout cookies
6) Had to ditch dinner with friends
7) Got home too late for dinner
8) Watched “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”
1) Clear night skies
2) Holidays and cozy fires
3) Great food—and fruitcake (I mean including fruitcake!)
4) Spending extra time with family
5) College bowl games
6) Snow, but not so many feet
7) NFL playoffs
8) Snow days!!!


Blair graced me with “I love your blog award” and the “You’re a Doll” tag. I was very touched by both and excited by the conditions. She did not include any rules with these. Being the responsible goof that I am, I ASKED her about the rules! She laughed and replied that she usually ignores them. I found that very appealing. No rules! I think she has corrupted me. Yay Blair!!!


sssdawna gave me the “Once upon a Time" tag. The rules are to post a picture from your childhood (less than 13 yrs old) and write about it.

Have you seen my profile picture??? LOL! That is a school picture, but it was taken before I started school. Our local elementary allowed younger brothers and sister of students to have pictures taken—they probably made money on it.


teJan shared a “Valentine” tag with me, but I guess I’ve missed the boat on responding to that one since it is now March!!!

Khim passed to me the “Beautiful Blogger Award”—in my case it’s an honorary thing, I did not earn it the way she did! I’m supposed to share 7 hidden facts about me:

1. I like Dr. Pepper and Diet Lime Coke
2. I have had cats and dogs as pets
3. I love walking in the snow at night—especially if the sky is clear. 4. I enjoy college and pro sports. I’m a fan, but not a fanatic.
5. I like flowers, but don’t have a favorite. Although, there is a very cool blue weed I am partial to—it grows in my yard during the summer.
6. I don’t remember ever being lonely or bored
7. Most people can’t tell I’m angry unless I want them to, then it’s unmistakable. LOL!


ambiguous_angel named me for the "Sunshine Award". She said she was giving it to people who brighten her day. Like so many people she got that backwards!