Friday, October 31, 2014

Did you hear that???

I'm skipping the annual gun/girl Halloween story and instead re-sharing a different tale.

One October afternoon I went with my dad and brother to do chores on my dad's family's farm. We went after finishing chores at our house, so it was late afternoon. I think I was 10.

We took our beagles along to let them run in the woods (chase rabbits). When we were done, the dogs were NOT done.   They ignored us when we called them. In a move that completely shocked me, my dad decided to leave them there.  We went home, had dinner, and then headed back to the farm. It was well after dark.  I'll skip the details of how we got the dogs.  But it did amaze me that somehow my dad knew just where to wait to head them off (as they chased a rabbit).  The two dogs were pretty surprised when we popped up.

Within minutes we had them in the very back of my mom's station wagon, which was parked right next to the farmhouse. The ancient (Civil War-era) two-story house on the farm was abandoned at that point. Local kids shot holes in the roof years before and the house was beyond saving. It stood there, completely dark and spooky looking.

Guess what? The station wagon wouldn't start. The battery suddenly was very dead.

My dad walked to a nearby uncle's house for help. We (my brother, me, the beagles) stayed in the car. I'm not sure if we waited there a long time or if time was just passing slowly. But it seemed as if my dad was gone a VERY long time.

As I sat there, I heard something familiar. It was the faint sound of sawing. Where could it be coming from? My brother asked if I heard it. We agreed the sound was coming from the house. The abandoned house!!! It got louder. We pretended it was nothing.  But soon we could hear hammering along with the sawing. Something terrible was going on inside that house. I told my brother we needed to do something (not sure if I meant investigate or run). He did something. He jumped into the back of the station wagon with the beagles. They would save him!

Suddenly, all was quiet. But as we listened, the sawing started up again. This time my brother could tell where the sound was really coming from.  It was the sound of the dogs wagging their tails. A slight wag made a "sawing" sound across the carpet and an excited wag made the dogs' tails thump against the side of the wagon--making a "hammering" sound.

I shared the story with my dad that night, which upset my brother. Since he was older and tried to hide behind the dogs, I suppose he was embarrassed. But not me!!! I'm happy to share an almost-ghost story to go along with my real ones.

Haappy Halloween!!!


  1. I'd be spooked too! Those tails hitting stuff gets me spooked at home too!

    1. I'm sorry to hear that, but glad it's not just us! :D
      It really sounded like sawing and hammering that night.

  2. Ah, an almost ghost story! You had me there. I mean I know you've experienced the supernatural before so I thought this was indeed a ghost story. I think I would have been spooked by the dogs' wagging of tails too! Happy Halloween!

    1. I decided to go for what I hoped would be a fun story and not something real that was spooky. :)

  3. I would totally let something like that take over my overactive imagination today as an adult so I completely don't blame you for doing so as a kid

    1. The farm was the perfect place to be in the fall. The fields and trees were beautiful and a great place to go for a walk. And when th esun started to set it was pretty spooky seeing the abandoned house in what looked like the middle of nowhere (really, an aunt and uncle lived just 200 yards away, over a hill).

  4. I'm just getting caught up on posts after a weekend of guests. Great story, Rick!

    1. The way it ended was a lot of fun. There's no better time for a spooky experience. :)

  5. I remember when I was younger, my cousin and I would always tell ghost stories. And we loved that show, Are You Afraid of the Dark on nickelodeon. I've never had any real-life ghost stories/encounters though. And I'm happy to keep it that way! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. That was a good show! I've had lots of spooky moments. Some were my imagination (like in this case), but I'm not 100% sure about many of them. Thankfully I haven't had any (possibly) real encounters in years. :)
