Thursday, October 23, 2014

Grocery Shopping Evolution

I have no good ideas for a post!  But I have spent a lot of time in grocery stores lately.  So much that I've noticed my past, my present and my future in the other shoppers--and their approach to grocery shopping. 

No cart:  Teenagers, running in to grab one item for their parents (or party supplies); Men who think they can carry 12 items

Hand-held basket:  College kids; Early career folks; Men who think 12 items will fit

Mini-cart: Elderly retirees; Men who refuse to get a full-size cart for 12 items

Full-sized cart:  People who cook; Parents with one small child; Men who finally wised-up

Two full-sized carts:  Tired parents (who may or may not cook) with multiple children; Human members of dog packs

Back down to one full-sized cart:  Parents waiting for their kids to move out

This post is mostly nonsense--I've probably done all of the above (except use 2 carts) over the past few months.  But I really can see the evolution of my life in the store.  I used to be the guy who thought he didn't need a cart.  Someday I will be the little old man pushing the mini-cart through the store every other day, browsing everything, trying to talk to people.  If you have a moment to spare, say "hi" when we're in the same aisle.  :)

Hopefully I won't be the homeless guy trying to walk away with a cart.

I've been spending way too much time in grocery stores!!!


  1. A very accurate portrayal. Though I'm never with 2 carts (except that one time when the hubs was with me and so were the kids), I'm definitely full cart lady, and with coupons.

    1. We've only used two carts a few times. The kids like to pretend they don't know their mom when she has multiple carts and a sack full of coupons. :)
      My wife might disagree, but I think I do more of the grocery shopping now. I'm certainly at the store more often. I found a way to avoid the midnight trips, but I'm still there a lot.

  2. it is pretty spot on, lol. My and the Mister always use the baskets, t's very rare we use the cart unless we're in costco...even then I'll be the one who thinks I can carry 12 things at once haha.

    1. Haha! I have up carrying items to the register after too many long waits in line to buy things like milk, juice and other heavy items.

  3. i use those mini-carts; they're easier to navigate and kayla doesn't fit in carts anymore so she just hangs on the side

    1. I do like the mini-carts when I can use them. But my lists are usually too long to allow it.

  4. Somehow, even though all my kids have now moved out, I have never managed to downsize to a mini-cart. But at least I never have to have two carts any more. Have you ever thought about how much of your pay check gets spent at the grocery store? When all five kids were living at home our food bill was way bigger than our mortgage.

    1. It it is a little shocking when I review the monthly credit card statement and see how much we spend. Since you cook, I'm not surprised about the full-sized cart. :)

  5. I am basket and micro cart girl. You can also tell what type of person by what's in the cart as well. Bottle of wine, yogurt, cheese crackers and water. Who survives on these things alone?!? Oh right...

    1. lol, it's awkward when you're browsing an aisle, look into a cart, judge the person, then realize it's your cart. Where did that box of chocolate Cheerios come from??? :)

  6. I love going to grocery stores! Walking through the aisles even when I'm not looking for soothes me. Not weird, right!

    1. Not weird! Not looking for anything, or at least not having to find something, is the best way to experience a store. I actually enjoy being in the store on the eve of a holiday as long as I don't need anything. Just browsing, wandering, is nice.

  7. LOL, this was hilarious. As I was reading, I was thinking, "I wonder if Rick is one of those men with 12 items?" haha :)

    1. I was, but no longer. After getting stuck in line a few times behind real slow-pokes while carrying heavy items broke me of that habit. :)

      PS - I almost answered "I'm the handsome one", but after re-reading my post I saw that was not one of the options. lol

    2. I'm sure in the grocery store you were the handsome man with 12 items waiting in line, lol
