Sunday, May 4, 2014

Scarfing down food

Last week Lauren tweeted about a video.  My reactions was, "Oh Lord, it's like looking in a mirror!"  The video can be viewed HERE.
The video is haunting me.  I think it may have captured perfectly what I look like when I eat.  Is it just me?  Do you worry that's what you look like when eating???

Happy Monday!!!  :)


  1. I definitely worry about what I look like when I'm eating. Which is actually why I get nervous eating in front of "new" people. I know, it's a weird thing

  2. That hamster is pretty cute but I don't really get why it's gone viral...if you look like it, then consider yourself cute and viral.

    1. lol, I was thinking about how the little guy attacked the food, but I like your take on it much, much better! :D

  3. I don't for even a second think that's what you look like when you eat. And I don't think it's how I look either. Unless, of course, we're talking about salted caramels!

    1. Salted caramels! I bought some for my wife--she loves caramels. But somehow she didn't really like them. She's picky in an unusual way. For example, she loves chocolate, but only Hershey. When I buy an upscale brand for her to try, she shrugs her shoulders and says "it's okay" (but it's not Hershey's). :)

    2. PS - Thank you! I actually eat very slowly. I'm always the last one done, even if I started first--and with the same amount. :)

  4. lol it eats more than its size!! and haha when I am really hungry I definitely look like that when I eat, nothing wrong with that :)

    1. Animals are pretty amazing! And I agree with you--it just means we're enjoying our food like we're supposed to. :)

  5. haha i remember there was a list of what food are appropriate to eat infront of the boy you like and what aren't.

    and i can't believe you still remmeber haha. it was my aunt, she sold it to someone else unfortunately!

    1. lol, I didn't know about the list. I guess messy things were out???

      That's bad news about the aunt selling. I love a good bakery--but mostly avoid them. :)

  6. LOL when I first moved to Ottawa people were always saying they're going to London for the weekend.. i was like what how can you go to London just for a weekend and why are you all so loaded, but turns out to be London Ontario LOL

    1. That is funny....I hope no one was invited to go and ended up disappointed. :D

  7. Aww... the hamster is so cute! I'm missing one of my 1st few hamsters. Now, it seems the rage to only keep dwarf hamsters. I prefer these brown ones. Syrian I think? No, I don't think you look like that when you eat though I can't really imagine if what I always imagine of you is that cute little boy in the profile pic.

    1. In many ways I am still that little boy...just not as cute. :)

  8. I clicked the link, watched the video, and proceeded to watch 4 more videos of small animals (hamsters, a hedgehog, & a bunny) eating miniature food items, lol

    1. With them it's really cute. With me? Not so much! :)
