Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Weakest Link

Over the years I have had a number of my comments disappear.  I'd wonder if whatever I wrote was somehow offensive (we're all different, so it's possible).  Did the blogger not want the comment on his/her blog?  Was I supposed to enter a captcha, but didn't? 

Closing a window without noticing a captcha was required accounted for a small number of the missing comments--usually on nights I was really tired.  But what happened to the others???

I found the answer over the weekend (I think).  I was commenting on blogs and Instagram using my iPod.  When I went back to check, none of my comments were showing up.  I believe the cause was a very weak wi-fi connection (I was at the opposite end of the house from the router).  The upload was really slow and I was too quick to close/change pages.

Or you folks are deleting my comments. 

Don't tell me if you are...like Linus (Charlie Brown), I don't want to know.  :D

Happy Mon....Tuesday!


  1. Ahh the weak WIFI connection excuse :)

    1. Darn, I just can't come up with anything original! :)

  2. Indeed hohoho! I was using this weird (lousy) browser once and it was the cause of my comments disappearing. Even though blogger notified via email that they received a comment from me, it just wasn't there when they went to approve it

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had that problem--but I'm sorry it happened to you!

  3. CAPTCHA on mobile devices are killer. I always browse away too fast and oh well, I aint going back. Next time, don't use your iPod. It must be so hard dialing-in each letter ;).

    1. I have to really like someone to even comment via PC when CAPTCHA is required. Doing it on an iPod...I must have been really bored. :)

  4. haha i only delete comments when they're really appropriate. otherwise, comments are always welcomed:)


    1. Me too and I haven't had to delete many. A few years ago I had a semi-troll visitor, but the person moved on.

      Comments make my day!

  5. my platform has been acting up lately; they've been attacked THREE TIMES (DDoS attacks) so that caused them to shut down and jack up their security protocols so a lot of comments get filtered to spam folders which i used to never check (didn't even know i had a spam folder) and that means i don't get email notifications when they go to spam. it also behaves like the comments disappear/the platform won't accept them but i do get them.

    also, i've done that before - closed the window before the comment actually goes through.

    1. That stinks! You'd think people would have better things to do with their lives than to spend time messing with a blog platform.

      The comments I entered and couldn't post (because the "post" button wasn't active), those are just no where, right? Since they never actually posted?

  6. I had that a lot too. The one on closing the page too fast before the comment got publish and not having noticed the captcha. Either way would happen when I'm typing my comment sleepily. A few times, my wifi connection was bad too and after typing a long comment, it disappeared and I wanna tear my hair out.

    I won't ever delete your comments coz they are such a dear to read.
