Friday, April 18, 2014

Watch What You Say

I remember seeing an old, English comedy show that did a bit on the confusion that can be caused if we don't say something the right way.  The examples I remember are:

What's in the road ahead?  versus  What's in the road?  A head?

What is this thing called love?  versus   What's this thing called, luv?

Very different meanings.  I think I shared this once before, but it was a long time ago.

I thought about this today because a post by Rooth reminded me of a story--which is almost completely unrelated to the above, except in that we have to be careful what we say.  My brain is making weird associations this week.

Years ago I went though a super busy time at work--worse than anything I've experienced lately (and complained about).  I was working 100 hour weeks.  It caught up to me.  One day I was at my desk, talking on the phone and I nodded off.  (In the middle of a conversation!)  When I jolted awake I didn't know how long I'd been asleep (it was just a few seconds) and didn't know what I had missed in the conversation.  Over the years I learned if I missed something my wife said to me, I wouldn't get in trouble over it if I said "luv you".  It worked in any situation.  So I said it into the phone. 

Then I heard a voice that was not my wife's!!!  And it was saying "I love you too" back to me in a very choked up voice.  My brain exploded when I realized I wasn't talking to my wife (did I mention I was really tired?).  I didn't say anything, but in my head I was shouting, "no, No, NO!!!"  I couldn't take it back.  It was done.  There was nothing I could do about it.  She was a co-worker and a friend.  But I have to admit I was very relieved when she retired and moved to Florida.  And even more relieved when the Valentine's Day cards stopped showing up.  :)

PS - That's the only time I've ever said or written (or even implied) that particular sentiment without meaning it.  I don't need to feel guilty about it...right???


  1. Oooh, hahaha! You always have funny stories to share.
    Did your wife ever find out?

    1. She did. If it had been almost any other woman, I would have been toast. But my wife knew her and saw the humor in the situation.

  2. I don't think you need to feel guilty about something that funny. I almost choked on my tea when I read it. :-)

    1. Thank you Kristie! I guess it didn't cause any harm and taught me a good lesson--I now have no problem admitting when my attention wandered, apologizing and asking what I missed.

  3. lol, that's an absolutely hilarious and very heart-warming story at the same time. luv it :)

    1. Despite my initial freak-out about it, it didn't do any harm and actually made someone happy. But never again!!!

  4. Hahahah your stories are always so awesome - thanks for sharing Rick

  5. Whaaaat??? So this coworker had romantic feelings for you and sent you V-Day cards?? That's crazy!! Glad she moved away.

    1. It made me very uncomfortable, which was part of why my wife thought it was funny. Also, she wasn't worried, mostly because the woman had kids my age. Just glad it's over!

  6. Lol! You accidentally confessed your love to a woman much older than you who totally lapped it up and started sending you Valentine's Day cards? How? How could you survive that whole period in the office? You didn't clear anything up?

    Hehehe... so lovely to read your words about me being a nice cat and not a mean old putty tat (imitates Tweety Bird). Oooh... the custard is salty, just in case you think it is weird coz it is sweet. It's a kinda Japanese steam egg custard and it pairs very well with the salmon roe.

    1. Hey! That was no confession!!! lol
      It was awkward at first, but I just acted like everything was normal. No big deal. If I act comfortable and relaxed, it seems to help others feel that way too. But....yikes!

      The custard sounds I would like to try it. You are nice, but no one should ever take that for granted. :)

  7. hahaha so true! that's why I say "I heart you" to everyone :D love and luv, can't differentiate that over voice!

    1. sniff* *sniff* I heart you too! :)

      "Love" might be the most important unclear word I know.

  8. Haha she started sending you valentine's day cards, that's hilarious!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Yi-chia!

      It was really awkward--and I almost never feel awkward! :)
