Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fashion Blogger

After sharing a picture of my extreme cold weather hat, scarf and gloves, my friend rooth jokingly dubbed me a fashion blogger.  So I HAVE to do a fashion post (sort of).  Should I share tips on how to style something?  I have no tips.  Comment on current fashion trends?  Hahaha, no! 

Instead, I'm going to predict what people will be wearing next season.  Well, what I hope to be wearing...what I wish I could wear now--my swim trunks!  It's terribly cold now, but in six months I'll be lounging by the pool, enjoying the heat.

I'm going to pretend I'm doing that now!  :)


  1. You're going to be featured on the Sartorialist before you know it! Great first fashion post :)

    1. You're going to have me believing I can do anything. :D

  2. I can't wait until I can shed my winter warms. I have so many layers, I can't put my arms down! (˃̶᷄‧̫ॢ ˂̶᷅๑ )

    1. lol, that's a great way to keep warm. The image that springs to mind is of the little brother in A Christmas Story.

    2. That and jogging on the spot. ;)
      Ah, it's been so long since I watched that.

  3. this winter needs to be OVER already. today is -30 windchill. yesterday was the same. oh, and also, we're getting snow tonight. yay.

    Vodka and Soda

    1. Yes, enough is enough! It's time to move on. I hope the Groundhog has good news for us on Sunday--and that you don't get much snow tonight.

  4. I wish I was lounging by a pool. Or even just be able to be outside and not wear a jacket (mostly because most of my jackets don't fit me anymore and I refuse to buy a maternity one). I can't wait for spring! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Eek! I hope you're keeping covered when you go out. My eccentric wife doesn't like to button/zip up her coats.

      Spring is going to be extra awesome this year! :)

  5. I have a better plan for you. Instead of waiting six months to wear your swim trunks, why don't you and your wife head to an all-inclusive in Mexico for a week? :-)

    1. Where all that tainted produce comes from??? Just kidding, that is a nice idea. We have a few health issues to sort out in the family, but once that's done we should get away for a week.

  6. now you have to talk about how you're going to wear them now. and wear them in 15 different ways. Or something.

    1. lol, I guess I'll never be a real fashion blogger--or even a real blogger for that matter. But I'm very happy that it's helped me meet some really wonderful people. :)

  7. and now you can guest post as a fashion blogger! xD something to add into your blogging cv ye know :)

  8. Just make the warm weather come sooner!

    1. I'm on it! The groundhog let us down this morning, but we don't need him!!! :)

  9. ooooh I've been gone for about a month and you've become a fashion blogger! Wooohooooo!!!! I wonder what you will be up to next.
