Monday, January 6, 2014


It can be magical!  Some of the most beautiful sights I've seen have involved snow.  No, not the under-dressed young lady (she was older than I was) I picked up along the road.  I mean the landscape...the trees, the bushes, the mountains, everything.  Snow makes everything beautiful.

Snow can make you happy or it can make you tense, depending on the situation.  Snow has been a part of some of my best days and some of my most stressful.  When I think of the fun my friends and I used to have playing in the snow, it always makes me smile.  The BEST of those good times came at night.  We built snow forts and had major snowball battles.  We also went sledding at night--that was the most fun while it was still snowing.  Although, that was dangerous.  One friend got a snowflake in his eye, missed a turn and went head-first into a tree (he was okay).

And the tense times..I've already shared the story about driving my dad to the hospital when I was a teenager.  I have several other tense snow stories, including one (only slightly tense) that was supposed to be GREAT!  But, well...

There was a chance of snow and we needed a few things from the grocery store (including formula--my daughter was 6 weeks old).  But He Whose Name I Won't Speak (a tv weather person) told me DC wasn't getting any snow.  It was a Friday night and I was tired after a full week of working and night school.  I decided I would go to the store on Saturday.  Saturday morning we were snowed in! 

I spent the afternoon shoveling the sidewalk and clearing the car.  But the association had not yet cleared the parking lot, so I was driving nowhere.  My wife and I reviewed the formula and diaper situation...we could make it another day.  But what if the plow didn't show up?  Or it snowed again? 

I couldn't take the chance, so I set out on foot through snow that was up to my hips.  After about 250 meters of that, I made it to the nearby highway.  It had been plowed, so the two mile walk to 7-11 wasn't so bad--I just had to keep an eye out for trucks.  I made it to the store ahead of any other panicked  parents and bought formula, diapers and a gallon of milk for my wife.  The walk home was uneventful.  As I made my way back through the deep snow, I thought "Someday this is going to be a great story...maybe even my daughter's favorite!"

But it's completely boring!  I wasn't attacked by Manbearpig, or stalked or anything.  It was just a walk in the snow.  I should spice it up a little for my daughter, but I can't.  All of my stories are true.  I don't want to ruin that.  I probably shouldn't bother telling her this one.

My apologies for the boring story!!!  My next snow story will be more interesting


  1. "I walked in the snow for five hours. Uphill. Both ways. Without shoes," is how that story should be relayed to your daughter. A little artistic enhancement never hurt anybody!

    1. Without shoes! LOL, that story could only be true if I never made it back with the supplies. This boy needs to keep his bare feet off the cold and wet!

  2. We have great snow stories too, but I suspect they're great only to us, you know? Hoping for more to share this year, but right now, with the temps plummeting 50º in 24 hours, all my stories are simply COLD!

    1. I do! Some of my favorite stories would be pointless in a blog post. They mean something to me, but...
      Come to think of it, I shared a lot of those stories here already. Uh oh, that can't be good for the blog! :)

  3. I'm not a huge fan of winter, but I do have fond memories from when I was a child, building snow forts. the past 20+ years, winters were too mild. snow was always more slush than anything. and even if it stuck around for a little while, it got dirty after a few hours. the joys of living in a big city...

    1. Shucks...dirty snow just isn't the same. I'm glad you've got some fun snow memories to hold onto. As an adult, snow had been more of a pain than a pleasure, but I still like it (in moderation).

  4. Not boring at all! You certainly came through for the family. Once, Philly was struck by a storm that no one saw coming. The buses were taking hours to get running so I decided to walk home, which was about 1.5 miles. It was dark out so I took Oprah's advice (I think it was her) and pretended to be crazy (talking to myself, moving my head back and forth) so that no creep would bother me on the way home. It worked :).

    1. Yikes! I'm glad it worked. That distance must have seemed even longer in the dark, in the city (and especially in the snow).

      And thank you!!! :)

  5. I love snow until I have to drive through one. Not cool. Esp for a small compact car, doesn't make me feel safe at all. lol

    1. It is scary in small cars! I prefer to drive in the snow after most people are off the roads--even if that means the snow is deeper. Other drivers make snow so much worse.

  6. Oh no that must have sucked so much!! You can never trust meterologists, although I do feel a lot of sympathy for them. Everyone blames them, but weather has got to be one of the most unpredictable things around.

  7. This is a fine snow story too. A story of a father's love for his daughter, a story of a husband's love for his wife, a story of a man's love for his family. I wished we had snow here though not those waist deep ones. I love those that cover the land by a few inches.

    1. Hopefully someday I'll learn how to make it more interesting. :)
      I'm glad you were able to experience snow when you were in the US.

  8. I wonder how I'd react to being snowed in. Hopefully not too bad coz I hoard a lot of foodstuff in the house!

    1. That is the key..and keeping the stock rotated so the supplies are always fresh. :) Well, and also having a way to keep warm just in case the power goes out.

  9. Snow is definitely more fun for kids. I have come to really be indifferent about the snow, despite living in New England. It can be really pretty, sure, but sometimes it can be really inconvenient, haha! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. If I controlled the weather, I think we would get an inch of snow on Christmas Eve and maybe one decent storm (less than a foot) on a random Friday night. That would take care of any desire I had to see snow. :)
