Friday, February 7, 2014

"cheap chinawoman"

My friend Kathy frequently refers to herself as a "cheap chinawoman".  From what I can tell, that's a good thing--something my German dad would have LOVED (German and Asian parents seem to have a lot in common, but that's a different post).  My dad was...frugal, let's say he was frugal.  My favorite example involved Christmas tree tinsel.  He had us put it on the tree one strand at a time.  The cheap came into play when it was time to take the tree down.  He had us take the tinsel off one strand at a time so we could neatly put it back into its package and re-use it the next year.  We used the same 2 packages of tinsel every year throughout my childhood.  Now that's che...frugal, let's say that was frugal.  :)

Kathy has also shared posts on her bout with depression.  She has been very open in hopes that her story might help others.  Those posts resonated with me.  I haven't battled depression myself (I'm more of a carrier), but my mom struggled through two bouts of it--the second hitting close on the heels of her recovery from the first.  Last July I shared the story of her first depression.  In my next few posts I'd like to share the story of what sparked the second--the setting was a huge snowstorm.  I think it's an interesting story--and honestly, I only think a few of my stories are interesting (but I have to post something!!!).  :D

Hope you have a great weekend (with no snow)! 


  1. aw, thanks for this, Rick!!

    i think to some degree, all of our parents were cheap - my dad reused the same dishes even if they broke - he'd just glue them back together!

    1. I do believe in being I guess it's just a matter of where we draw the line. I hope my wife doesn't see the story about gluing dishes back together. The last few that broke here I actually wanted to get rid of--but I swear those were accidents. :)

  2. I wonder if our kids will ever say we were cheap, and it'd actually refer to something cheap, not like "my mom's so cheap she didn't buy me an iPhone"

    1. When my middle brother talks about our dad being cheap, his example is that dad wouldn't buy him a mini-bike (a miniature motorcycle). He was mad that our older sister got help with her college tuition instead. I can't imagine you and Alan having kids that selfish or clueless.

  3. Replies
    1. Not enough people are willing to share their experiences. I can understand that--it's painful. But it helps others realize they are not alone.

  4. Thanks for introducing us to Kathy

    1. Wait a few weeks to see if you still feel the same way. LOL!!!

  5. haha my mom was frugal too, but one tinsel at a time.. that must have taken HOURS to finish decorating!

    1. It did--and wee put the tree up on Christmas Eve. It was a pressure situation. :)

  6. I think your dad was simply an early adaptor recycler. :-)

    I'm looking forward to reading about your mom's depression. It seems so many people suffer from it, and our family has been hit as well.

    1. He had scraps of wood (project leftovers) in his basement that he kept just in case he needed it...along with bits and pieces of almost anything you can imagine. And two broken dryers that he kept for spare the parts.

      Depression affects so many, but is talked about relatively little. It's good to share (I think).

  7. funny, we did the same when I was a kid, reusing xmas tinsel. really seems to be a german thing :)

    1. Oh no! I'll have to share that with my siblings. They'll get a laugh out of it.

  8. I remember the one tinsel at a time story! Poor you. Thanx for sharing the link about your friend Kathy's depression. It is very difficult for people to admit that they are under depression.

    My weekend had no snow!

    1. I've been I wrote, I'm more of a carrier! :)

  9. I think there's a slight difference between being cheap and being frugal. My parents are definitely frugal.. but they are not cheap. I'd like to think of myself as a great bargain shopper. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Well said! I'm a strong believer in being frugal and looking for bargains.

      But my dad was cheap. :D

  10. Hey, I think it's AWESOME to be cheap ;) But I really laughed reading that your dad made you guys reuse the tinsel HAHAHA
