Thursday, November 28, 2013

My house is full of junk

And it is all for sale!  You might think I've snapped.  It would be understandable.  I don't like clutter and the house is cluttered (very, very cluttered).  But the stuff really is for sale.  My wife's hobby is selling things on eBay.  Several times I've offered to have a giveaway for her to help promote her site...each time she said "Give away my things?"

I've decided that means she really wants to keep the stuff.  Selling on eBay is just a front for collecting.  So instead of sharing information about her site to help her, I'm doing it for me.  This stuff has to go--especially the scary doll's head!!!  LOL

If you're in need of an unusual gift, stop by Molly's Hidden Treasures on eBay.  But please don't mention my name.  You don't know me and I never said anything about selling anything.  :D

Here's a small sample of the items available:


  1. ...each time she said "Give away my things?" *hands up* I can relate! I can't bear to part with things that I no longer use either

    1. I con understand that...until it gets to the hoarding stage. Then we need an intervention to clear out the stuff! :)

  2. you know, i've thought about selling my old stuff but i just don't have the patience!! hope she sells everything off - esp that doll head yikes!!

    happy thanksgiving!

    Vodka and Soda

    1. Thanks Kathy, Thanksgiving was nice.
      Living in a cluttered warehouse is hell. When I freak out it's going to be ugly.

  3. I'm laughing at your statement about your wife's selling on Ebay being a front for collecting. When I was staying at Byfield House, a B&B in the Cotswolds, the couple who owned the 600 year old home stuffed with STUFF did much the same thing. They bought antiques and art work supposedly to resell, but most of it stayed. Every square inch of the place was taken up with things. It made me feel claustrophobic.

    Good luck with promoting your wife's site. I hope it doesn't result in your wife listing you for sale on Ebay. :-)

    1. I remember that place--and identified! If I get listed, the only restriction I'd insist on is that the sale would be void if the person was a hoarder. :)

  4. You know I move around the country so very often. You probably also know that I always bring my whole room whenever I go on holidays. My point is, the last time I had to move to a different city, it took me 6 to 7 three-hours-drive trips to move everything that I own. I know it's much more convenient to just hire a moving van or something, but I don't trust those people with my stuff, plus my stuff aren't all big. I just have too many stuff. And I probably just use about 10% of the stuff that I own.

    In fairness, those stuff in the photos look very nice. Did you make her sell them? :p

    1. Oh, I forgot to say, the moral of the story in the first paragragh is, I can totally relate to your wife :p

    2. I don't trust movers either, but I do usually rent a small truck to reduce the number of trips. It's a long story on the started with failed yard sales and then took on a life of it's own.

    3. LOL! If we have yard sales here, I would have sold my stuff a long time ago. Or maybe not. I don't want to give myself more money to buy more stuff. Although..... that actually isn't such a bad idea hmmm.

  5. oh, good for you. I hate clutter too. and there is something liberating in giving things away. good luck with that :)

    1. Thank you, I'm going to need luck...a miracle, actually. But once it drives me insane I won't care anymore--so it shouldn't be a problem much longer. :)

  6. Okay, the scary doll head has definitely got to go - especially after watching The Conjuring this weekend

    1. How much did you bid??? You could put it on your sister's bed. Ahahaha!!! Sorry about that, not sure what came over me. :)

  7. I get your wife's mentality! Last time, I used to sell things on the now defunct Yahoo Auctions. Some of the stuff I put up are not exactly things I want to get rid off. It's ok if nobody bought them and I get to keep them and it's also ok if somebody bought them and I see these items going to better owners. I was sort of collecting my stuff.

    Somebody mught sabotage you and say that you publicise her page on your blog. Da dee dum...

    1. lol, that would be okay. I can just claim I was trying to be funny and that my only intention was to help her. :)

  8. I hate clutter, but I'm also a borderline hoarder. See the conundrum? It's all very organized though.. an organized mess. But recently I did a lot of cleaning in preparation for the baby and it felt liberating! We usually donate the things we don't want.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. It sounds like you've managed to find a balance. That's good. The ebay hobby started as a way to de-clutter, but then my wife started buying things to sell, so the clutter got worse. We donate a lot, but not enough. lol!

  9. thats a smart idea to sell on ebay with all the stuff... shipping in canada is so expensive though lol. and I'm sort of a hoarder myself too!

  10. The other day I was clearing (some) old junk and found a ceramic duck holding a bowl (don't even ask!). Couldn't bear to throw it out but then fate intervened and I accidentally knocked it over and it broke into pieces. Didn't think I'd be so happy to see something break!

    I can't bear to part with all these useless mementos I have all over my room, Rick! How now? Why did I get and keep so many things in the first place?? Wish I wasn't so sentimental. :D

    1. No, it's nice that you're sentimental. It's a nice trait--as long as it's not taken to extreme. lol
      Thanks for the suggestion. I just need to have a few "accidents". Yeah, accidents...that's the ticket! :)

  11. Yikes! Saw the doll's head, scary indeed! Where's the doll's body?

    1. My story on the doll's body is that it comes out at night looking for its head--or someone else's!!! :)

  12. I hope she finds good buyers esp for the jadite stuff. Martha Stewart had a section on her jadite collection in one of her magazines. Sell to her ;). Gosh, I almost missed the head on the last page! Hope she isn't selling jewelry you gave her!

    1. She usually returns the jewelry (and perfume) I buy. :)
      She started out selling our old stuff, then family and friends started giving her stuff to sell for them. It's a god thing she enjoys it as a hobby because she doesn't make any money at it.
