No, not that--the other 'roid! I don't know how it happened, but somehow my thyroid has gotten lazy. I found out last week it is underactive. No one in my family has ever had thyroid issues, so it's likely that something caused it.
I've read that dental x-rays can cause thyroid problems. Make sure your dentist uses a lead-lined collar (in addition to the lead bib) to cover your throat whenever you get an x-ray. I didn't know such things existed.
Some believe that Teflon can cause thyroid problems too--the theory is that when the surface of a Teflon pan is scratched, it releases a toxic chemical. So when you cook with it... Anyway, I'd already switched to a ceramic-lined frying pan and it works great. Hopefully that will keep the kids from being exposed to that one particular toxic substance. Who knows what else we're being exposed to!
I don't know much about this yet, but I'm learning. Also, I'm looking for a silver lining. I've read that people with "my condition" often are very tired. So once in a while I should be able to use this to get out of some chores at home. Right?
How else can I benefit from this??? :)
PS - My wife has a thyroid problem too, but a different runs in her family.
at first i thought you had a hemorrhoid problem so i was ready to give you some major advice to eliminate those suckers because they plagued my ass for a week when i switched to power lifting.
ReplyDeletethat said, i have no advice for you for thyroid issues except see your doctor....sorry to hear that you're going through this.
that said, as soon as the non-stick goes from my pots/pans, i toss them. i only have 1 non-stick pan i use because that coating sort of scares me!
Vodka and Soda
I'd be happy to get the other 'roid advice--never know when that problem might pop up (or out, or whtever it is they do). :D
DeleteI'm glad to hear that about the non-stick pans. I'll be going with the ceramic ones from now on.
I'm glad you were able to get a proper diagnosis. Sometimes people go for many years trying to figure out what is wrong with them before someone runs the right tests and figures out there is a thyroid problem. It might have been caused by one of the things you mentioned, but it could also just be one of those random acts of bad luck.
ReplyDeleteI'm lucky, I didn't think anything was wrong (but with 20/20 hindshight I may be able to track this to something). My luck is overwhelmingly good, so a random negative isn't terrible. :)
DeleteI hope you are able to figure out what is causing your thyroid issues! I have friends who have problems with their thyroid and it's a doozie.
ReplyDeleteI never heard of the teflon pan issue, but I have heard about the dental x-rays being something to be wary of. All the times I have gotten them done, they put this 20 pound jacket on me, well it feels like it's 20 pounds lol.
Hope you get better soon!!
Thank you! I don't think I have any symptoms yet, but I'll know better after I've read more about this--I may be able to blame all sorts of things on this! :)
DeleteWhen you get a few minutes, Google "teflon health risks". Even if it doesn't affect the thyroid, there are enough stories out there that have scared me out of using teflon.
Visiting your blog after long time & learning about this :( Get well soon.
ReplyDeleteThank you, it's nice to see you again! I'm okay...and I'm lucky this was caught so soon.
Deletehmmm that is interesting, I've never had problems with mine but hey when shit happens it happens....
ReplyDeletelol, you're right...something is going to happen sooner or later. And this is something treatable, so my luck is holding! :)
DeleteI'll be using ceramic lined pans from now on instead of the teflon. So how many years do you think it will be until we find out the ceramic somehow cause problems too??? :)
I'm hypo too. severely so. found out in early 2012 and it took me almost a year to get my meds adjusted. now I feel great. but I had been suffering from depression and fatigue for years, like many (!!!) years, before I was diagnosed. so for me it was a blessing. for the longest time I thought I was simply losing it, putting on a brave face for everyone, because, you know, why on earth would I feel like shit all the time. it got so bad, I got anxiety attacks in the end. and it's partly to blame for the demise of my relationship. after years and years, the mister simply couldn't see me unhappy anymore. there were other reasons, too, of course.
ReplyDeletemy mum is hyper. thyroid conditions do run in the family, but since I'm the opposite of her, I don't know what's going on. my doctor said it's most likely hashimoto's, an auto-immune condition that attacks the thyroid. I obviously don't know what being hyper means, but from my own experience I think I prefer hypo. it's fairly easy to manage. you just go on a hormone-replacement therapy. as long as you take your meds every day and keep an eye on your thyroid declining even more (and your weight, dosage correlates to body weight), it seems to be fine. my whole life has changed in the past year because I simply feel like my old self again, have energy, don't panic all the time. after many years of retreating more and more into myself, this feels like heaven.
I was upset at first too. it's a chronic condition. but it's one of the best to get. easy to treat. no side-effects, even though some people claim their meds don't work - I don't buy into that, they either don't take them regularly or live off having something wrong with them. so yes, your luck is holding up.
That must have been rough, I'm glad you were able to hold on until relief arrived. I've witnessed a similar struggle. My mom didn't have thyroid problems, but she did suffer with depression for most of my first 13-14 years.
DeleteI did not know that about the dental xray bibs. My cousin is a radiologist so I'm going to have to ask him about that one. How are you feeling lately? How is all the gymming going?
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling good, thank you. I know it's psychological, but I sometimes think I can "feel" my thyroid...and my spleen and my hippocampus. LOL!
DeleteI'm easing into the gymming--I need gym clothes. I have workout shorts, but it's too cold for them. I need to get pairs of running pants.
I may not be an endocrinologist but I can help explain those terms. You know where/how to find me if you have any question :) even though it's incurable, it is treatable :) but I do hope you will feel much much better.
ReplyDeleteThank you my friend! I feel okay (I think), so if the medication makes me feel even better, this will be a great discovery.
DeleteHa, get out of chores! No way ;). JK depends on how bad. So what about ceramic pans? They are non-stick?
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa! Somehow I missed this comment. My thyroid problem isn't bad. I'm worried about my wife though...she has a nodule on hers. The ceramic-lined pan is great...completely non-stick and cleans up in a flash. It's weird the first time you fry an egg--the white on white. I recommend ceramic!