Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Happy Bandit Post

As I've said many times, Bandit was a great dog.  He had the perfect personality for my kids--sweet, loving, manipulative.  He could con my daughter out of food and my son into walking him pretty much any time he wanted.

He was also an extremely atheletic dog--it was in his Border Collie genes.  He could play soccer, blocking balls and dribbling them.  He was very fast and always willing to "give up the body".  I had to train my kids to be careful where they threw Bandit's toys (for him to catch/fetch) because he would run through a table to make a catch (and not appear to feel it or even notice).  He could catch almost anything.

Except food.  Every dog I've ever had could catch food thrown to them.  But not Bandit.  If I tossed him a bit of bacon, he'd suddenly turn into "shaky-the-mohel" (Seinfeld reference) and lose his coodination.  He wouldn't even try to catch it...he'd just look awkward trying to get out of the way.  Once it hit the ground he was all over it.  But in the air?  Nope!  Tennis balls?  Sure.  Any one of his many toys?  He'd do whatever he could to catch them in the air.

But I could never teach him to catch food--or put his toys away. 

PS - My wife and daughter were the easiest touches for food, but Bandit was always polite about it--he was never pushy, he just looked at them.  In fact, he was so polite about it, one night my wife didn't think twice about putting her plate on a chair while she went out to get something from her car.  When she came back her hamburger was gone.  She left the house, so Bandit assumed she was done.  LOL!


  1. Aww that's a cute story about Bandit. He sounds like he was a really fun dog.

    1. Thanks MizzJ, he was. We didn;t set out to get a Border Collie when we got bandit, but now that's all my wife wants...another Border Collie. Somehow Bandit replaced her beloved childhood dog as her favorite pet.

  2. funny, one of my cats can't catch food either. he tries. but you should see him. looks like he has some kind of seizure.

    1. Pets are an endless source of fun. And occasionally aggravation, but the fun far outweighs that.

  3. hehe such a cute dog Bandit was...loved reading it !!


    1. He was cute and a lot of fun for the kids. I forget to mention it, but he was also really smart. He started to recognize words that we spelled out so he wouldn't hear us saying them--for example, he knew "w-a-l-k" meant walk.

    2. Awww thats amazing. Bendit was really smart and very intelligent too. Your words are so magical that I am feeling connected to whatever you told.
      And thanks for your lovely comment on my blog :)

  4. I love this, his name truly describes his character, as the last paragraph proved ;). Very cute that you describe him as perfect for your kids because he was manipulative ;). I hope my kids grow to love our dogs and vice versa. Right now, both dogs are skiddish around J.

    1. It's much more challenging for me to get the kids to do things. Bandit made them want to do things for him (I wish he'd wanted them to clean :). I think it's normal for smaller dogs to be a little skiddish with young children. Eventually they will have a great relationship.

  5. Haha aww Bandit. What a good boy and I'm sure that you guys miss him every day

    1. It's still weird not to hear his nails click on the tile when I go to the kitchen in the morning...and for him not to be at the door when I get home. :(

  6. Aw Bandit. Maybe he just didn't like playing with his food! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. LOL, You been making great observations...it's wonderful getting a different perspective. :)

  7. It's nice to have such great memories of Bandit, Rick. How are your wife and kids doing? I'm sure there must still be many sad moments at your house. Is there a puppy in your future? :-)

    1. Little things (like a piece of food falling on the floor) and big things (Bandit not being at the door when they get home) are upsetting them. We are leaning towards a puppy. I want to wait until after the holidays (puppy + Christmas tree could be bad) and I want a commitment that they'll be more proactive cleaning up--especially vacuuming, since they want another heavy shedding Border Collie. For some reason Bandit never showed any interest in our Christmas trees. He'd give them a sniff when they first went up and that was it.

  8. lol maybe he was just too excited and flustered with the bacon that he didn't know what to do!

    1. Haha, it was funny seeing such a coordinated dog react the way he did. He was super non-aggressive about taking food from us.

  9. I'm sure your wife forgave Bandit for eating her burgers but if you were to give the same reason, she wouldn't forgive you coz Bandit is placed on a higher pedestal than Rick, right? =D

    1. Right!!! But she is a sweetie, she wouldn't be mad at me for long. But just to be clear, Bandit did outrank me...my needs were a distant 2nd to his. :D

  10. hahaa oh man this makes me want a dog even more. my friend brought her dog this weekend and i fell in love. i love animals and im sure your dog would be able to con me to do the same things, haha
