Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Liebster Award

I actually received a blog award (no, it's not for being interesting)!!!  The Girl in Stiletto gave me the Liebster Award because...we've been friends a long time.  So I got the award for being faithful and hanging around (two of my strengths).  Thank you Stiletto Girl!  :)

The award comes with a set of 11 questions to answer: 

1) What is the sweetest nickname someone ever called you?  Dad!  Although, my performance appraisal went so well this year, I told my family they are to call me "Awesomo" from now on.  :D

2) Who is your current celebrity crush?  Jenna Coleman (Clara on Doctor Who); Man crush:  Perry Mason (from the old black and white episodes)...the coolest guy on television ever. 

3) Name 5 things you can never leave the house without.  Pants, shoes, shirt, keys, wallet...but mainly the pants.

4) Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive, and why?  Sky dive.  I don't think I would like the up and down (like a yo-yo) of bungee jumping.  Plus, sky diving gives you a heck of a view. 

5) What's your favorite month? And why?  October, because I love the fall....the colors, crisp apples, halloween, the Charlie Brown halloween special.

6) Any pet peeve?  How much time do you have to read this???  The general pet peeve categories include: work; home (with sub-categories for kitchen, clutter, bathroom, laundry, cleaning); driving; shopping; the subway; behavior in a public setting; and...I'll think of a few more later.

7) What was the last song you listened to?  Why Don't We Just Dance (it was on the car radio).

8) If you're a color, what color would you be, and why?  Blue...I like blue, it's warm and relaxing.

9) Dog or goldfish?  Dog, for many reasons.  Specifically I'd want to be my family's pet.  What would it even be like to be the most important "person" in the family???

10) What do you get complimented most about?  Well, I don't deserve the compliments, so I'd rather not say.  The strangest one comes from a guy in my office--he frequently comments on my arms.  I totally deserve that one.  lol!

11) And lastly, what's one thing on your Christmas wish list?  Good health for my family and friends.

I'm supposed to tag new recipients and come up with 11 questions.  But I like these questions.  If you've made it all the way through and are still reading this, I tag you as a Liebster Award recipient (yes, especially YOU)!


  1. hey, EVERYONE deserves compliments so don't sell yourself short! :D

    1. After my performance appraisal (which was awesome), I told my wife this place sets the bar too low...they should expect more. But maybe I set the bar too high.

  2. nice list! and yeah I'd prefer skydiving too, and hope you and your family will have great health for the years to come! :D

    1. Thank you, I think 2013 is an's been a weird year health-wise.

      I don;t think anyone is going to agree with me about Perry Mason. :)

  3. But hey, I didn't only award you because you were being faithful :p Although I really appreciate the loyalty and all because who doesn't like loyal buddy ey? :p and you're very very welcome :) thanks for taking your time to answer those Qs :) but you sure do have a lot of pet peeves :p happy holidays, Rick! :) *pokes*

    1. Loyalty is the only thing I'm good at. :)

      I worry I've become peevish over the years. Why won't everyone do things the way I want them to??? LOL!

  4. Congrats on your award! I think if I had to choose between bungee jumping or skydiving I might pick skydiving too. But really, I don't want to do either, haha.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Thank you. I'm not rushing out to do them either! :)

  5. Actually, blue is a "cool" color. It is relaxing, you got that one right ;). Congrats on the award. Please do separate posts on all your pet peeves :).

    1. Which ones did I get wrong? :D Sorry, I'm in a silly mood lately.

      Thank you! When I do "peeve" posts it's interesting to see who identifies with them and doesn't.

  6. I've noticed this lately that many people prefer to skydive over bungee jump for the same reasons you've cited! Tbh, having done bungee jumping myself, it's nowhere near as jerky a yo yo sensation as people think it is. Sure yes, you're swinging around, but it's only like once that you recoil up and then the rest of the time you're just swinging in a more normal pendulum fashion.

    1. That's good to know, thank you. I imagined it being much more jerky. I figured with skydiving I could at least enjoy the scenery on the way down (even if the unthinkable happened). :)

  7. I like to read such posts and get to know a little more about my blog friends. These facts about you are really refreshing.

    As usual, I would always google something I read which I dunno. So now I know, you have a crush on a fictitious character, you have so many pet peeves, you have popeye's arms and I'm grooving to Why Don't We Just Dance now.

    And dad sounds a lot awesomer than awesomo.

    1. lol, the popeye arms have's been too long since I dug a ditch or cut a tree into firewood. But yes to the crush! :)

      "Dad" is pretty awesome, I'm happy being called that at home--I'll make them call me Awesomo at work. Haha!

  8. I always love your comments on Rooth's blog (especially today's about the Winter Hunger Games!), so I thought I'd pop over and say hi! I'm likely not nearly witty enough for you to hang out with (although I rarely leave the house without pants, and my pet peeves are: people who don't help bag their groceries and when my family nibbles at dinner in the pot when I'm cooking. See, I'm totally relatable!), but I thought I'd pop in anyway. Cheers!

    1. Witty? You must mean Rooth. I've noticed your comments too--and thought I wasn't smart enough to hang out with you. Of course, the same is true about Rooth, but she's been kind enough to humor me. :)

      Oh, you've reminded me about a post topic I've been meaning to tackle. I better write it down this time. As you can see by the frequency of my posts, I'm not the best blogger. But I do try to do better at commenting.
