Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Decorations

This tree-topper is a family heirloom--it's the one with real Santa whiskers (my dad got them when he saw Santa getting a haircut). It is really old! It's also my favorite decoration.

My favorite way to view the Santa is with the tree lit, the house lights off, a fire in the fireplace, and Christmas carols playing softly in the background. It's a nice atmosphere to think about the true meaning of Christmas.

My daughter called these "mishmas mecarations" when she was two (a long time ago).
The carolers decoration is another oldie, but goodie!

This is the last picture of decorations. There's a sleigh and reindeer set missing. Maybe next year!

And Bandit...he didn't like snow.  He's really missed!

We didn't have snow for Christmas this year, but that's okay.  I'm thankful we didn't get ice like they did in Toronto.  Christmas has passed and the decorations will soon come down, but the feeling of the holiday should stick with us year-round.

PS - I don't like that Christmas music mostly disappears from the radio on Dec. 26th.  Christmas?  What Christmas???  Instead of starting before Thanksgiving, it should play from mid-December through New Year's.  I'd rather hear it at the end of December instead of the end of November.  If you agree with me, your vote counts.  lol!


  1. happy belated Christmas and a good rest of the holiday season. sounds like you had a good time so far xoxo

    1. Thank you! We've had too many doctor visits and tests, but that hasn't dampened the holidays.

  2. So your dad collected the whiskers from Santa himself? Weird, hehehee. You guys sure have lots of mecarations ;)! I hope that the spirit of Christmas sticks year round too. Actually, I hope to spend more time reflecting on Christmas with J next year. This year seemed too rushed.

    1. Time and a place for definitely had your hands full this year. Show J (and O) the Charlie Brown Christmas special next year, Linus gives a great explanation. :)
      I'm afraid we have more decorations. People knew I had a fondness for old decorations, so I kept getting them as gifts. We've put a stop to that.

  3. lol there is so much snow in Ottawa right now I'm glad I'm somewhere without snow! and that santa star looks so odd but funny!! I love it hahaha. hope you had a great christmas, and a fab new year!

    1. Thank you, I hope your holidays are going great too! The Santa is from my childhood, so it will always be special. :)

      PS - It looked really warm (relatively speaking) on Fisherman's Wharf.

  4. Wow your home is so festively decorated! We didn't even put up a tree this year but I feel like I more than compensated by getting the most Xmas cards I've ever received

    1. But you had lots of tree beautifully decorated by nature!

  5. Love all your decorations! I totally agree with you that looking at the tree glowing in the dark is one of the best Christmas moments. Just makes the house feel so cozy and festive. I wish Christmas would never end :)

    1. You would probably get frustrated with me too--my wife wants the tree up early, but my family tradition was to put it up on Christmas Eve (along with a little cursing as my dad wrestled the thing into the stand). :D We usually compromise and up it up mid-month.
