Monday, December 3, 2012

Bad Car Karma

Car trouble has been a major theme during 2012 for my family.  Ruth pointed out it has been a year of bad car karma.  The highlights included a rear axle snapping in half (while I was going 65 mph (105 kph); our van needing a new engine; replacing batteries (including in-laws, I replaced four this year); pushing cars; and lots of other minor issues.  We had car trouble again on Friday, but this time it was different.

When my wife tried to start her car Friday evening, the sound scared her.  She knew something was terribly wrong, but not what.  She got a ride home and later we went to check out the problem.  I could see the front of the muffler was touching the ground.  I assumed a pipe had broken.  I was wrong.  When I got on the ground to take a look, I saw the catalytic converter was gone.  Two very clean cuts on the remaining pipes made it clear it was a theft, not an accident.

We called for a tow.  Somehow the tow truck driver knew who stole the converter.  He said it was the Blacks.  I was shocked Wayne and Edna Black (they live 3 houses away) would do such a thing.  Then I realized he didn't mean the Blacks, he meant black people in general.  That was the end of our chatting--and of course I didn't tip him.

The aggravation and expense from this theft is extremely annoying.  But, as I'm sure you're thinking right now too, there really is only one thing I can do.   I have to pay for the repair -- and then take an extended leave of absence from work so I can stakeout that parking lot until I catch the scum who did it.  It shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 months. 

Who wants to go on the stakeout with me???

LOL, I'm just kidding about the stakeout!   As much as the little vigilante in me ("Two go out, one comes back") wants to find justice, there's no point in going out looking for trouble.  It's better to just always remember to be a good neighbor and a good citizen when you happen to stumble across trouble.  Do what you can without putting yourself in harm's way, which for most of us is calling the police.

PS - What a weird ending for a post about car trouble!!!  :)


  1. it sucks total ass when you find out your car's been molested by someone other than you. the aggravation of filling out all that paper work and going through insurance etc is a huge pain.

    i remember when i discovered the emblems on my rims were stolen, i fell to my knees on the driveway and screamed "NOOOOO!!!!!!" as i looked up at the sky as if God struck down and punished me... sort of like what they do in the movies when a king dies. true story

    1. Thanks Kathy, insurance is going to cover 90%.

      Haha, I can picture your reaction! I know the feeling and know it's not funny, but... :)

  2. I think it's time to take advantage of the year end clearance deals and get a new car. All these repairs probably = the downpayment on a car...

    1. New car? My dad would never forgive me--he was a mechanic! :)

  3. It would have been 'easier' if it really was Wayne and Edna Black. LOL!

    1. Oh yes! I would have made them regret the act. haha!

  4. That totally sucks that people messed with your car and I really hope you have better luck in 2013 - maybe it'll be the year of public transportation!

    1. Thanks rooth! I drive to the subway, maybe it is time to take the bus there instead. Having to catch a bus would force me to stop working late.

      But it's a long-shot--I don't like the bus. :)

  5. I think this time of the year is the best time to get cars... or maybe january and feb when they're really trying to get rid of it, blah mechanics always rip you off!

    1. They are usually sharks. It's hard for me to buy a brand new car, perhaps a 2 or 3 years old model. One only driven to church by a little old lady. :)

  6. I am confused. Why would somebody want to steal a catalytic converter? You really have had rotten luck with vehicles this year. 2013 is only a few weeks away. I hope it turns out to be a much better year! Oh, did you have insurance that covered the replacement cost?

    1. They contain precious metals--platinum, palladium, rhodium, and gold. So, unlike other car parts, they're not stolen to be used. The crooks damaged an oxygen sensor, so that had to be replaced too. Thankfully insurance is going to cover 90% of the cost. For once insurance provided more than just peace of mind. :)

    2. Thanks for answering Rick. I have learned something new today! I had no clue. Maybe thieves here in Canada haven't figured this out yet either. I have never heard of a catalytic converter being stolen before you wrote about yours.

    3. haha I was just about to ask the same thing and then thought to read the other comments first ;) Interesting.. does anyone make catalytic converter protectors then? :p

  7. I don't know much about cars, but what a weird thing to steal!? Anyway, I was semi-excited when you mentioned your 3-4 month stakeout, but then I realized you were kidding, which leads me to say I was just kidding about being excited. Or not. I think the obvious conclusion is, it's time for a new car!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. They contain precious metals--but it's still a weird thing to steal! Excited is understandable, stakeouts are fun...especially if you have good company and/or don't have to wait too long. :)

      My wife's car has plenty of life left, but one more problem with mine and we're donating it to the local vocational school. Working on it should give the kids lots of valuable experience. Then I'll get a new car, which means I'll be driving my wife's car. Haha!

  8. Guess it's time for you to get a new toy.

    1. For me, a car is just a tool. As long as it can do its job (and the a/c works), I'm happy. It doesn't have to be impressive, just work. :)

  9. Sometimes I think leaving the car outside of the garage is cutting it pretty close...knock on wood, but so far the car hasn't been touched.
    What a crazy story...

    <33 Rena

    1. I hope you never have any sort of theft or vandalism. It's an aggravation no one needs.

      It's nice to see you! :)
