My wife called to to let me know she had errands to run this evening. I asked if she wanted me to pick up dinner, but she wasn't ready to commit to not cooking. We both knew she wouldn't be cooking, she just wasn't ready to admit it. I'm not being critical, there was too much on her plate tonight for dinner to fit on there too. :P I'm happy to cook. Well, happy to pick up something.
We agreed she would call later to discuss dinner. She didn't have my new work cell number yet (my son has my cell today), so I told her I would use it to call her (then she'd have the number). I asked her to tell me her cell number.
She was very offended. ("You don't know MY number???")
As she gave me the phone number, I repeated wrong numbers back to her (as if I'd never heard her phone number before). She got annoyed.
She didn't realize I was teasing her. Even if somehow I'd forgotten her number (thanks to the joy of speed dialing), she was on her cell phone and the number was staring me in the face from caller ID. When I confessed I was teasing, she wasn't amused. It happens (maybe 1% of the time).
Now I'm in trouble. I guess one person's playful can be another person's aggravating.
Assuming I'm going to make this mistake again (it's a safe bet), what would you suggest I bring home for dinner (or cook) to get myself out of trouble???
ahahahaa... it was perhaps simply not the best time for a joke! Just remember to bring some cute chocolates home!
ReplyDeleteYes, timing is everything. I usually have good timing--I hope I'm not losing my touch. Oh well, if she stays mad I can enjoy the chocolates myself (they are a good idea)!
DeleteI think you need to take home a dozen red roses. :-)
ReplyDeleteI don't know a single one of my kids cell numbers. I think the era of memorizing phone numbers went out with rotary dial.
I have too many numbers in my head.
DeleteI wish I had my parent's old rotary phone. It was a basic black model, but I've never seen another one with the same design.
back in the days without cellphones i knew everyone's number, now I don't know anyone's number other than my parents' whose had the same number for 15 years, so if my car breaks down one day and I have no phone... I'm in a lot of trouble lol
ReplyDeleteI lost my cell phone last year and had to e-mail friends to get their numbers. I had all the family numbers written down--and I remembered a pretty good percentage of those. :)
DeleteHA - I hope you figured out dinner. I totally know how your wife feels - when you're trying to be serious and someone else is being completely goofy. Sometimes it lightens the mood and forces me to relax. At other times, it just makes me blow my top :)
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a great stress release for you, that top blowing business--as long as the verbal content doesn't press one of those buttons that can't be un-pressed. Although, sometimes those buttons NEED to be pressed.
DeleteHaha, my husband annoys me all the time! Most of the time I find him funny, or I just laugh at the absolute ridiculousness.. but sometimes I just get annoyed. And then he calls me sassy. What did you bring for dinner? I would have one with steak!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I don't know anyone's number.. just my parents house because I had it memorized back in the day when cell phones didn't exist! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Steak would have been a good choice. I'll do that next time (there will be a next time). Yesterday I picked up lasagne along with an individual piece of birthday cake.
DeleteLaughter is so's a nice feeling when I make my wife laugh and icing on top of the cake when she laughs and tells me I'm a strange man. :)
I would suggest her favorite place....if they have take out! Your wife must be really stressed out and that's why she wasn't in the mood to entertain your
ReplyDeleteThat's a good suggestion. There are a few places she likes, but one in particular from which we've never tried to get carryout. If they do offer it, that would be a nice surprise.
DeleteI can see myself in either one of your shoes! Definitely bring something back to eat - I'm thinking more in the line of dessert!