Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Dad's Birthday

It was the 14th.  He passed away a few years ago...of natural causes...which sort of surprised me at the time.  Like all of us, he had flaws. But one of his best traits was speaking up when someone else was being a jerk, not standing by silently if someone was being victimized. I realized while he was in the hospital that somewhere in the back of my mind I expected that trait would lead him to a premature funeral.  Luckily it didn't. 

Today I'd like to pay tribute to that trait and also to the heroes and victims of last week's tragedies in Newtown and Chenpeng.  I hope I live long enough to see a day when humans don't do such terrible things to each other.

To lighten the mood before you go, I want to share a story about one of my dad's craftier decisions.  I posted recently about when I first got my driver's license.  Soon after that I was eager to buy a car (so I wouldn't have to walk back and forth to work). My parents agreed to put the car in their names to help lower the insurance rate, but said it would still be expensive (since I was a teenager).

Every six months my mom told me how much I owed and I forked it over. It was a lot. But again, car insurance for male teenagers is very pricey.

A few years and a few cars later I bought a "new" car and decided to register it in my own name.  I knew the insurance would be a lot higher--but it would really be mine. I went to the insurance agent's office to fill out the forms for the policy and he shocked me. He gave me a quote that was less than half of what I paid for the older car. I asked him why it was soooo much less.

The agent checked my parent's file.  It turned out I had not been paying the insurance for just my car.  I had been paying the ENTIRE bill--for my car and both of theirs!!! Later my dad explained his thinking--he said having me on their policy raised the rate on all 3 cars, so he thought it was fair for me to pay the entire bill.  I wonder if he collected the entire amount from my brothers too before they struck out on their own???  He probably made a bundle on that insurance scam.  My dad was an interesting fellow.


  1. Wow....your dad certainly was counting his dollars and yours... May his soul rest peacefully.

    1. We're pretty sure my mom was waiting for him with a rolling pin when he showed up, but all should be peaceful by now. :)

  2. Your dad sounds like a craft guy - running a scam on his own family. Who better to rip off??! I like your stories like this - it gives a little hint of how you are the person you are today

    1. Uh-oh! I'll have to self-edit more from now on. :D

      I learned a lot from my dad, things to do and things to not do.

  3. Haha, your dad was awesome. I'll have to remember this little scheme for when I have kids!

    Also, this was the perfect tribute. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Thank you, Yi-chia! My dad was a character. He taught me a lot of good life lessons you can't learn in school.

  4. ./hugs about the loss of your father. He sounds like a great man, especially when speaking up against people who were jerks, the world needs more people like that.

    I hope your well! =)

    1. Thanks, I'm keeping out of trouble. :)

      My dad was a good man to have around if you were in trouble. But he's also the guy who taught me that holding a spark plug can kill you by having me hold a spark wire (on our lawn mower). LOL--it hurt like the dickens.

  5. Did your old man have a side job as an insurance agent or a lawyer? LOL!

    1. Almost as tricky--he was an auto-mechanic. But he didn't cheat his customers the way most do...that special treatment was reserved for family. LOL

  6. Haha I've always wondered if my dad did that to me too sometimes

    1. Trust but verify turns out to be a good idea.

      Show me the bill!!! :)

  7. Oh dear. Your dad is really crafty. I'm sure he made a huge pile on that. Did you argue with him over this? I would have flipped if this were to happen to me though I know all would be forgiven eventually.

    1. Arguing would have been a waste of time--he was more stubborn than I am. I found a way to get the money back, sort of. KH and I lived with him for a year after we were married. He said no, I said yes. We paid the rent I thought was fair instead of the amount (twice as much) that he wanted.

  8. that's an awesome trick your dad pulled; filing that one in my mental rolodex :)

  9. What a lovely post. :) sneaky, sneaky!

  10. Belated happy birthday to your Dad - he was a clever one!

  11. Happy belated to your dad! :)

    Great post!

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    Happy New Year!

