Monday, May 7, 2012

Stalked at Midnight

Exchanging tweets with a nice lady at Flo Tea Room reminded me I have another stalking story I want to share.  She asked if I had to fight off other suitors when I first met my wife.  There actually was a confrontation or two (teenagers!), but this stalking story was the first thing that popped into my head (and the scumbag story).

Some readers know I worked at a burger joint while I was in high school and I walked home after work (about 6 kilometers).  I alternated between two routes.  When I wanted a little excitement, I took the route that often had roving dogs.  I smelled like a burger and...well, I'm sure you can imagine.  Rainy and snowy nights had a silver lining--the smell didn't carry as far. LOL!  That Saturday night (Sunday morning, actually) I took the boring route. 

When I made a right to cut through a subdivision, I saw a shadow a few blocks behind me.  Another soul without a car.  I kept walking and decided to cross the street in front of the YMCA.  It was at the crest of a hill and from there I could easily see cars approaching.  As I crossed the street, I checked for traffic and noticed the shadow was still with me--and just one block away now.  A few blocks later I looked back and saw the shadow had also crossed the street and gotten closer.  I knew what I needed to do.  I turned around.

As I walked back towards the fellow, I could see he was taller than I was (why are they almost always big?).

Me:  Nice night for a walk (annoyed tone).
Shadow:  Uh, yeah, I guess.

I walked past him so he'd have to turn around and I could see his face in the streetlight.  It was a guy from school, a member of my GF's socially awkward fan club (4 friends who'd all had a crush on her long beore I met her).

Me:  So are you planning to follow me all the way home?
Shadow:  What?  No!  I mean...I'm not following you.
Me:  You've been walking in my footsteps for almost a mile.
Shadow:  You're dating Kathy Smith, aren't you?
Me:  Yes!
Shadow:  Is it serious?
Me:  It's too late for you to be out walking around.  You need to go home, now. 
Shadow:  Okay, see you in school!

And off he went.  Clearly I was never in any danger during that stalking event (and yes, I almost always acted like I was 40 during my teen years).  It just gives me something to tease my wife about--the night one of her admirers came after me.  LOL!  When I do tease her about it, she always points out they were nice boys.  And I remind her I'm not the one who used to run into the bathroom to hide from them--she was socially awkward too and didn't know how to tell them no when they wanted to ask her out.  So she hid.

I can never say this too often...teenagers!!! ;P


  1. O_o what a creeper and totally awkward. i can't believe someone had the audacity to do that! i'm glad that you were safe though!

    1. Afterwards I wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to or thought I wouldn't notice him.

  2. LOL What an awkward, but interestingly adorable event to tell your wife! I would had freaked out but you handled the situation quite well.

    <33 Rena

  3. That is definitely an interesting story and I had no idea your wife had quite the fan club! I am glad it was nothing serious, I actually thought it was someone who was attempting to mug you. Interesting question today, but nope the skirt is not worn backwards.

    1. She'd known them since elementary school and she'd been nice to them...and then as teens they turned into guys who got the wrong idea when a girl was nice to them. So she started hiding in the bathroom. =)

  4. hehehe I know the "lady" from Flo! You and your wife will have to visit us in Vancouver one day so we can meet the people behind all these hilarious stories.

    1. That would be fun! I almost feel like I know the town already, from reading blogs. =)

  5. You are so forty!! Hahahaa! But oh well it turned out great for you so it's okay. :P

    1. Perpetually 15-going-on-40...immature and mature all at the same time. Haha

  6. haha hilarious. you mean running and hiding in the bathroom isn't socially acceptable? geez, i do that when i don't want to go to meetings at work :\ LOL

    1. LOL, I wish I'd thought of that--we have too many meetings. It interferes with the work.

  7. Great story Rick! But you know what struck me about it was the fact that now it would be inconceivable to let a teenager walk home late at night over such a distance.

    1. Thank you! By that time my parents had been parents for over 30 years. They learned to relax and, as the youngest, I claimed a little more freedom than my siblings did. Plus, my parents knew (thought???) I was a good kid. =)

  8. No worries...D&G stands for Dolce & Gabanna :)

  9. I like how you told him to go home and he did. Very responsible of you.

  10. Now I'm really curious about how your wife looks like, she must be a beautiful person in- and outside to have so many people have a crush on her :)

    Now, if looking back I think I was also forty or even older in my teens, I didn't do anything fun, no party, few friends, no money, lol. I have the feeling I'm catching up with my youth now and that's good ^o^

    1. You certainly have a lot of friends now. I guess you've come out of your shell. =)

  11. lol i like how you told him it was time to go home. it's funny that you can joke around with your wife about it

    1. Sometimes I tease too much and get in a little (tiny) bit of trouble. But mostly I make her laugh. =)

  12. Your wife was (is?) one popular lady! Hmmm, what is your advice to repel admirers?

    1. As I've mentioned to Julie, the one sure-fire way to repel an admirer is non-stop throwing up. Who would hang around for that??? LOL

  13. hahahaha wow she's so popular that he came after you!!

    1. She actually wasn't popular. But she was nice and those 4 boys didn't know how to act when a girl was simply nice to them.

      It's true that you just can't be nice to some people!

  14. Your wife sounds like a hottie! You are one lucky guy. :D

    1. Anything I say will get me in trouble, so I'll just agree. =)

  15. i imagine your wife would be embarrassed when you tease her about this and you of course would find it funny! :p but, that was really awkward haha!

    1. It was weird to have that big guy (who was really sort of like a guy who hangs out in a comic book store and doesn't know how to talk to people) following me.

  16. Your wife is so cool, she had a fan club. (fan = cool) Ok bad pun. Anyway, I mean it. Your wife must have been really popular. I'm so glad she ended up with you. And why do you always have such guts?

    1. LOL! She really wasn't popular--but maybe only because she was to quiet. She could have been if she'd been more outgoing.
