I tried my hand at running away from home only once, I was 5 or 6. Several other times I stowed away in the backseat of my oldest sister's car, but that wasn't running away. That was hoping for a sleep-over.
It was triggered by a little thing. I got caught retaliating against an older sibling and was the only one to get in trouble. Does being told you will be sent to your room immediately after dinner count as getting in trouble? More so back then versus today (the only electronic device in the room was the light fixture on the ceiling). In any case, I was offended and made plans to escape after dinner, no point in hitting the road on an empty stomach.
The plan was to go to my room and then climb out the window. My room was on the 1st floor, but since our basement windows were above ground on that side of the house, it was too high to just jump (for a six-year-old). So before dinner I took an old sliding-board ladder from behind our shed and placed it under my window. Then I gathered a few keepsakes and placed them inside a kerchief, tied it up at the corners and attached it to a stick--my hobo bag. LOL! I was going to ride the rails. But unlike a true hobo, I was going to have money. I was taking my plastic Mickey Mouse bank. It was shaped like a book, so no one would even know I had money. (Note: It was made out of hard plastic, contained only coins, and made a terrible racket when I moved it--but still, I thought it would be my secret.)
With everything in place, after dinner I dutifully marched off to my bedroom--which was on the other side of a wall from the dining room. As I carefully unlocked and pushed up the screen, I heard a sister ask "What's he doing in there?" ("Perfect", I thought, "They have no idea what I'm doing.") I grabbed my stuff, scampered down the ladder, and headed towards the railroad tracks. That took me past our dining room windows and SOMEHOW my family saw me. I could hear them, "What's he doing? He's outside!" ("Ha, they still haven't figured it out!!!" I told myself.) I made a run for it as 3 of my siblings came out the backdoor. The sister who once encouraged me to leave, sat quietly finishing her dinner. ;P
They cut off my route to the train tracks, but I "showed them a leg" (according to my dad, old football slang for faking one direction and going another), zigged and zagged and headed for the woods. With all the changes in direction, I'm not sure how far I ran, but they cornered me about 50 yards from home. As they escorted me back to the house I noticed the secret slide on my plastic bank was open and I'd lost my grubstake. Broke! It would be a while before I could try again.
Of course I never tried again. I was only melodramatic enough to attempt that once. And running away, well, I quickly learned it just wasn't for me.
So, did you ever think about running away when you were a child? Have your kids tried it???
I never thought of running away! You were quite clever as I see and even had a 'hobo' bag...now I understand your comment! Whatever you do...don't show your wife the handbag posts...lol!
ReplyDeleteI never want to be responsible for introducing anyone to a potential new addiction (esp one that will cost me $$$), so I'll take your advice about handbag posts. =) As for me being clever, my "money" was only about $3. haha!
DeleteI've thought of running away to someone else's house (a relative or a friend) just to make my parents worry. LOL!
ReplyDelete("no point in hitting the road on an empty stomach." so true. Great planning! :P)
I remember once or twice thinking I'd run away and "I'll show them". LOL
DeleteI never knew a 5-year-old or a 6-year-old could run away from home. They may THINK of running away but I don't think anyone would have the guts to. It is so cute how well prepared you were (thinking in the shoes of a 5 or 6-year-old).
ReplyDeleteDid your parents punish you for running away? What did they do?
I didn't get in any more trouble because of that. Thankfully my dad wasn't home from work yet, so he didn't know about it. Otherwise there would have been more punishment.
DeleteOMG Rick, this is too funny. but kids are really sensitive so it's totally normal. i ran away once when i got mad at my mom..i think i was like 8 and i don't even remember anything about it. i was back within hours and got a whoopin lol and you've been tagged! i wanna get to know more about you, so visit my blog and click on the latest post in my sidebar :)
ReplyDeleteI think running away--or at least telling yourself you're running away--is pretty normal...almost a rite of passage. I overshare here, so it won't be long before you know me well. =)
DeleteI once thought about running away when I brought back my first E in maths back in elementary school, hahaha. I was a good student, so an E was unacceptable for me. But in the end I just showed the bad grade and didn't run away XDD I wonder what would've happened if I did! XD
ReplyDeleteREALLY running away is almost always bad. There are some situations that require escape, but this post wasn't about that sort of serious situation.
Deletei never thought about running away; or maybe i did and was too scared to do it! i just hid in my fort when i was mad :D
ReplyDeleteForts are AMAZING places! We had many different types of forts when I was a kid...lots of fun.
Deletehaha! I've tried running away before... i was gone for an hour and got bored and went back home. ya. that was an adventure and half :P LOL
ReplyDeleteBoring is the best outcome for running away. =)
Deletehahaha I think most kids ponder (and try this) at least once in their lives! I think it's hilarious how well "thought out" your plan was.
ReplyDeleteIt's a curse!!! LOL
DeleteOh my, that was quite the break-out attempt - LOL. How much of it was fueled by the thirst for adventure? Would you plan a "getaway" themed outing with one of your kids (obviously supervised by you of course) where you sneak out of the house?
ReplyDeleteLOL, I never thought of that, it's a great idea! I did enjoy adventures while growing up--mostly exploring the woods, fields, and old buildings in the area.