Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Déjà Two

This post also could be called "don't judge a book by its cover".
In '09/'10 I attended 2 one-week conferences out of state, one in the fall, one the following spring.  At the first, I set out to spend time with every attendee--either partnering with them in group exercises, talking with them during meals, something.  By Thursday evening I needed alone time and decided to have dinner off campus at an Irish restaurant.  As I headed out the front door of the hotel, I bumped into the person I'd talked to the least. She was very controlled, never showing any sort of reaction to anything.  It was off-putting.  She asked if I was meeting people.  I told her no, I was going to the Irish restaurant alone.  She was headed there too and invited me to join her.  My mind spun looking for a tactful way to say no.  I accepted.  She drove.

Once there, she talked about her dad liking Irish food.  She also mentioned he was hard to please.  I could see the thought wasn't pleasant, so in attempt to be comforting (not one-upping) I shared a funny ancedote about my dad.  She smiled and then her dam burst.  She shared her life story, she cried.  We talked for hours.  I shared a few short stories, we talked about her dad's behavior, and by the end of dinner she was smiling and laughing.  The next day she was completely different in class.  She gave me her card so we could keep in touch.  We tried, but I made her nervous and whatever was going on in her life always just spilled out, unfiltered.  Then she'd laugh (nervously) and say, "Well, you'd just get it out of me anyway."  We no longer keep in touch. 

At the next conference (same location), I didn't go out of my way to interact.  After class on Thursday I noticed people forming groups to go to dinner. I wanted to dine alone at the Irish restaurant, so I headed to the computer lab.  A few minutes later a classmate joined me--it was the perky girl.  I could feel her looking at me, but I pretended not to notice.  Finally she asked what I was doing for dinner--she didn't want to eat in the cafeteria.  I told her I was going to the Irish place.  She said she didn't like Irish food.  I told her it wasn't for everyone and suggested the cafeteria might have something she liked that night.  She went off to check and I smiled inside.  In 2 minutes she was back, to say she didn't like the menu.  She just stood there, digging her toe into the carpet like a little girl.  I caved, I asked if she wanted to join me.  She smiled her perky smile and said yes.  I told her she was driving.

Once there, she mentioned her mom had passed away recently and she was upset with herself for not checking on the woman sooner.  I shared a very short version of my "mom passing away" story.  Then her dam burst.  She shared her life story, she cried.  We talked for hours...almost exactly what happened last time.  In the same restaurant!?!  What are the odds???

The super-controlled ice princess and the super-perky girl seemed to have nothing in common.  And yet they were the same--both walking around in pain and didn't feel they could talk to any of their family or friends.  But they could talk to a stranger.  Sometimes that's easier.

Regardless of the face they show the world, you never know what the person next to you is going through. So, as you've read before, be kinder than necessary.

PS - Next time, Thai food!!! :P


  1. Oh wow, I wouldn't want to talk so much about myself in front of strangers X3 Thank you for reminding me not to judge by the first look, which is also important but not as what is behind the first look :)

    1. Well, the reminder is as much for me as anyone. It's easy to go with first impressions and stop there. I trust my instincts, I jus tneed to remember there may be good reasons why people are th eway they are (or in th emood they're in)! =)

  2. HAHHAAHA. You should have asked them where THEY were going first, then you could've faked your way out of dining with them. xD

    PS; I can NEVER dine alone in a restaurant! :\

    1. Haha, that sounds like it may be something girls learn more quickly than guys!

  3. first off, thanks for changing the font color; my eyes are happy :)

    and i agree; you never know what's going on with someone so it's better to reserve your judgements. i'm like you; i like dining alone/being on my own and small talk isn't my thing.

    1. I'm an introvert, but find talking to people interesting, so I make an effort (and it takes effort). But I HAVE to have my alone time. I very much wanted to dine alone those nights, but in the end I was glad to give them someone to talk to.

  4. It was very nice of you to be a listening ear for those women. Just to be on the safe side though I don't think I will ever go out to a restaurant with you. Who knows - was it you, or was it the women? :-)

    That is weird it happened at the same restaurant. Even stranger is that the second person said she didn't like Irish food.

    1. It was them! It's always them. :) My dad had a hot flash when I was born, he thought it meant I was going to be a priest. That was never going to happen, but people do often tell me more than they intended.

  5. Oh my gosh! :) Two in a row! No, next time..still go to the Irish resto and see if you will have a deja three! :) I'm happy they stumbled upon a good guy. Imagine bursting dams on a not so good stranger.. that would have been sad.

    I agree..be nicer than necessary! I'll keep that in mind! :)

    1. Haha, you're right, I should. It would be so weird if it happened again. The funny thing is I tried to avoid it happening a second time, but fate had already decided it was going to happen.

  6. Definitely an interesting story! What are the chances of two women telling you what was going in their life....at the same restaurant! OK....so only you know this. The miumiu cross body bag in today's post is about 10 years old, my Mom gave it to me and she bought it from the Barney's of New York Men's dept...so it is a manbag.

    1. It's unusual to happen once with a virtual stranger. But I wasn't too surprised until it happened the 2nd time...and that it was in the same place? Wow! My wife was less surprised than I was by it.

  7. So true about never knowing what the person next to you is really going through. Although I haven't spilled my life story to any strangers yet, I can see where this may be therapeutic. A stranger won't know your history and therefore can't judge you like your friends and family might.

    (THANKS!!! =)

    1. Or use it against you later. lol

      Darn, that reminds me of a story!!!

  8. its good to know that Im not alone doing things like the super controlled ice princess and super perky girl..
    I dont know if that's a good idea to share something personal to stranger but yeah! it feels great with somebody who listens...

    1. Never alone...we may or may not like the company we're keeping, but we're never the only ones feeling a certain way.

  9. OK so your response did not turn up in my email...I think if you respond on blogger the response doesn't go to the recipient's email.

  10. You must be blessed with a 'Therapist for Free' halo ... people just opens up to you. That's a good blessing ... maybe you can turn it into your new vocation. There are many who hide their struggles and you definitely will help them in a big way even if it is just lending a listening ear.

    1. I hope it helps...I enjoy learning about people.

  11. I have a feeling you must give off this aura that makes people think you're a really good (and apparently willing) listener! It's so cool that you're so nice to people, but I imagine sometimes you must just want to be left alone? lol

    1. Some people are more interesting than others. The lady who wants to show me how smart she is by explaining that value meals are cheaper than buying ala carte does not get much of my time. =)

  12. You must have "I'm a good guy" stamped on your forehead or probably "I'm good therapy". Fancy two girls self-inviting themselves to dine with you. Fancy two girls of very opposing traits sharing their sob story with you about their parents in the same Irish restaurant.

    Anyway, your story sounds like it could be one of those from Chicken Soup for the Soul. In fact, I'm currently reading The Rules of Life and your anecdote could be used as an example to substantiate some of these rules.

    Beautiful story!

    1. Or maybe I learned from Johnny Bravo that it's important to be sincere...once you can fake that you have it made!!! Hahaha!
