Note: At first my wife did not want me to share this story. She thought it made her look "dumb"--but being naive @ 15 is pretty normal.
In my youth, I trusted only a small circle of friends. I was wary of others and kept an eye on people, always aware of who was around. Sizing them up. I was respectful, but trust was a different story. My wife often tells me that I've gotten more trusting over the years (too trusting, to use her exact words). But I go with my gut reaction when I meet people face-to-face (something about micro-expressions and your subconscious). I have been accurate reading men. As for women...well, on with the story. ;P
When I started dating my wife (@ 15) I was still in my suspicious phase, but also fairly mature for my age. She says I was 15 going on 40. One day she informed me she was going to visit her former (9th grade) science teacher after school (we were in 10th). The junior high he taught at was only a quarter mile from the high school, so she planned to walk.
Being who I was (and am, in this case), I didn't like the idea of her walking there alone and roaming around a mostly empty school. I also didn't like the sound of some of the things she said the teacher had said to her the previous year. It tickled my spidey sense. Maybe I'd seen too many after-school specials, but I went with her to visit the teacher.
I took one look at him and knew he was scum. He went to give her a hug, so I stepped between them to introduce myself and shake his hand. I engaged him in conversation--and stayed between them. My GF was so mad at me later. Apparently, I didn't hide my opinion of him. He was her favorite teacher and I was being a jerk.
She told people that story about me for years. But she left out a key part of the story--she didn't even tell me until recently. She forgot, then casually mentioned it one day, as if I knew. A few weeks after our visit to the 40 year-old teacher, he sent my 15 year-old GF a letter. He told her she was very special and he'd always hoped they could be together. But after seeing her with me, he knew that wasn't going to happen. He just wanted her to know how he felt about her. WTHeck???
She says she was so naive, she didn't realize what the letter meant--and she never told anyone about it. She didn't realize guys don't write letters like that to say goodbye to people they like. They write them to say, "Hey, I love you and we should be together." Thankfully she never visited him again. Maybe she did know what he was up to, but didn't want to acknowledge it.
Did I mention she was 15 and he was 40??? Maybe nothing bad would have happened to her if I had just gone home that day. But still, he was scum, masquerading as a trusted authority figure. That happens far too often. I don't want to encourage distrust, but I DO want to encourage caution. We can't ignore the fact that there are bad teachers, bad police officers, bad priests, bad people (in any profession) out there. I'm tempted to say "trust no one!". But that's too extreme. There are plenty of good people.
I know my blog friends are smart. So be yourself, trust your instincts, and if you find you trusted the wrong person (as my wife did), don't.blame.yourself!!! And when you discover the person is a jerk, don't keep it a secret--tell everyone!
Also, if you're a 28 year-old, 260 pound, former football player and you see a coach taking advantage of a little boy, don't walk away--PUT A STOP TO IT!!!
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
This story gives me the creeps. You were so right to go with her that day. You will never know what the outcome would have been if you didn't, but my guess is it wouldn't have been good. It makes me wonder whatever happened to the guy. I doubt his inappropriate attentions stopped after he gave up on your girlfriend/future wife. I like the quote you have at the bottom of the post.
ReplyDeleteI know a couple stories similar to this. Nothing was a personal story of mine, but I remember in jr. high my sister and I both had the same teacher, but by the time I had him as a teacher she was already in highschool. I've heard stories of this specific teacher being a really, really good fucking instructor. sorry about the language. anyway, academically he's amazing he's like beyond smart he could teach at a college level, but i guess he decided not to. i never had him as an actual teacher but i was one of his aide's in a class he had. i would help him. well he and my sister had a really close relationship. my sister was super smart and he motivated my sister in so many ways it was crazy (if you meet my sister she's completely different from me). well there were rumors going around that my sister and the instructor were having an affair. now i know my sister and she's way much of a prick to let anyone touch her and she's smarter than that. truth is he really did like my sister more than just a relationship an instructor should have with his student. my sister never wanted to talk about him ever since those rumors started. she distanced herself from him.
ReplyDeletewhat i do know is that he did have an eye for a couple students in my year. they notice the way he looks at some of the girls, but i was never one of them, lol. maybe i'm just that much of an obvious bitch that i won't take shit from anyone, but shiet he was still scary to have as a teacher. i don't think he ever did anything with any student. however, just the idea stuck in his head was still all wrong.
Holy crap that's a creepy story. :S
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in 6th grade there was this rumor that one of the new male teachers liked a student, who happens to be my friend now. Apparently he gave her a gift or something like that. My friend's really tall and mature for her age. He was a fresh grad from college and totally weird and awkward. It was more of a laughable thing than a dangerous thing that time, probably because it was so ridiculous. But still, she was 12 so it was still wrong. :S
Glad nothing happened to your wife, and I agree that you were a mature 15 year old man. Your wife doesn't sound dumb at all, if anything, even at 20s and 30s women still are oblivious to men trying to send them 'signals'. Btw, thanks for supporting Movember : ) My husband wants to thank you.
That is so ewwwwwww on so many levels! He is 25 years her senior and what on earth was he thinking? That is just gross, I had a colleague at my old office who's sister married her high school algebra teacher. That age difference was about 15, still quite a bit but not as creepy as 25. If I get a weird vibe from someone, or if I don't think the person is genuine or honest my sense is usually correct.
ReplyDeleteUgh so gross. It's always so terrible to hear how authority figures take advantage of things like that and most girls seem to be naive/innocent and give people the benefit of the doubt - until something obvious happens. Sometimes we should listen to our guts and not be so worried about being nice haha
ReplyDeleteThankfully I'm glad you decided to follow your GF on that day. One can never know right, judging from the many news in the media today, anything out of this world are just so possible. Yes, be cautious is the just word. It's better than being too late when anything untoward happens.
ReplyDeleteI am unfortunately very much on your opposite side but of course only on familiar ground, not strangers. Being too trusting burned me many times over coz friends could be just as dastardly ... got played out by 'friends' even the boss I worked closely with for 10 years!
You married your high school sweetheart!!
ReplyDeleteOkay now that my initial thought is over.. holy cow that guy is a pervert, I hate the thought of authoritative/mentor figures turning out to be predators. You have good instincts, pass them on to your descendants!
Hmm not sure what the football part is about though..
Hahaha you know at times i act the i rarely trust people :D
ReplyDeleteYou met your wife when you were 15,wow! <3
That was such a creepy story! It still gives me a cold shudder. I'm so glad you decided to join your wife that day, who knows what could have happened! Your instinct and knowledge of human nature is so good!
ReplyDeleteUgh, creeper! You did the right thing, I'm sure, by going with her that day. People like him make me sick. >:(
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that you accompanied your wife to visit her teacher and I'm so glad you were being such a "jerk" to the teacher which probably gave him enough warning not to trifle with you or to try anything funny with your wife. The key part of the story is the whole crux! lol
ReplyDeleteomg that is so creepy! and why would you write a LETTER? or write anything at all?! that's just evidence that you're creepy in WRITING lol! ugggh gross
ReplyDeleteI like the ending of this story. Too bad not everyone trusts what others have to say about these "scumbags". I guess that's why some people end up learning for themselves. 8(
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, it's so sweet that you and your wife have been together since high school!
But YES, most definitely trust your guts/instincts!
<33 Rena
That whole Sandusky thing is appalling to me.
ReplyDeleteThe story about your wife is similar to an experience I've had, not so extreme. I had a teacher in high school about six to seven years older, he was good looking and seemed like a very nice guy. When my class had graduated, he went to give me and my friend a hug stating "u guys graduated, u get hugs now." A little weird, didn't think anything of it...come to find out about two years ago he was charged for being a peeping tom at a local YMCA club. o__O Crazy!!
I love your stories, they are always so insightful. It shouldn't be you seeking widsom, it should be others seeking it from you!
scaryyyyy!!! -_-
ReplyDeletegood thing you trusted your spider senses rick! LOL! i always tell people to trust their guts because those instincts were given for a reason. i've never had any weird experience with any teachers although i've always been teased because i have always been single and all my teachers and professors wanted to help me look for a BF. O.o o.O
ReplyDeleteHahahhaa xD
i hear too many stories like this nowadays and it makes me so sad and mad! good thing you were there and yes.. it's always best to use caution.
ReplyDeleteP.S - love nashe's comment. hahaha!
Omg. Some people are simply scum, true story. Your gut feeling's pretty powerful, wow! I'm duly impressed! But surely, not surprised. =)
ReplyDeleteNah, tell your wife it doesn't make her look stupid at all. 15-year-old girls are not supposed to be so... not-naive. When they are not naive, it means they've done and seen to much - more than they should have at such an early age. This story just goes to show what a nice girl she was @ 15. ^^