I have dinner every once in a while with a single pal of mine. Every time he suggests instead of dinner, we should go to a bar so I can be his wingman. Every time I tell him, "No, I'm married!" But in truth, even if I were single I wouldn't do it. Don't get me wrong, I've helped friends--like the poem I wrote for a guy to pass off as his own, stuff like that. But I wouldn't be a wingman. Back when I was single (you know, 14 or 15
;P), I had a few bad experiences.
Way back when, my friend Tom was going to see a girl and asked me to provide moral support. She had a friend visiting and the 4 of us talked in her living room. She and Tom left for awhile (they were in the kitchen with her mom). I chatted with the friend as we watched a movie. Within 20 minutes the pair returned and Tom and I left. The next time I saw our hostess, she said she was so glad her friend and I were a couple, she knew we would hit it off. I'd been set up and didn't know it! She got mad when I set her straight (not a couple)--and stayed mad! The friend wasn't upset, just the matchmaker. The next day when Tom and I got off the bus after baseball practice, we heard the girl yelling to us from her porch, "Hey, you two, I want to talk to you." I ignored her, so she kept yelling, "Rick! Rick, I want to talk to you." Tom thought I should go over--I told him no, I wasn't going to engage. When she realized I wasn't stopping she yelled, "That's right Rick, keep going. Just run away!!!" I didn't stop until I was home. We played out that same scene every afternoon for a week--with her adding more interesting profanity each day.
Around that same time, I received the fallout from having helped a friend almost a year earlier. Mark asked me to go to a baseball game with him. He was meeting a girl and wanted me along to talk with her friend. I did and we had a nice time. Later (almost a year later), as I was warming up in center field before a baseball game, I heard a girl yelling. I looked over and it was the girl Mark met at the game last year. She was yelling at ME...and using interesting profanity right from the start. She didn't need time to warm up like the other kid. She was quite emotional and convinced that somehow I had hurt her friend. In the face of her fury, I decided to move to right field to put some distance between us. As I meandered over there, I heard her yell, "That's right, just run away!"
Now, I like to think I'm not a coward. I didn't run from an
armed nut on a strange Halloween night or the
crazy truck driver who stalked me to the train station. I could deal with them. But those two teenage girls completely confused me and all I could think to do was walk away. All I'd done was talk to their friends in support of my friends. Why the anger that bordered on rage? Because of those two experiences, at the ripe old age of 15 I permanently retired from the role of wingman. I know that adults are much more rational than teenagers and hopefully I'm a little wiser now. But when given a chance to be an adult wingman, I think I'd rather take my chances facing a pack of angry wolves.
When it comes to being a wingman, this "coward" bails out!
;PEdit: Please note that it was the friends who got upset, not the girls I talked to. I guess the friends wanted to palm those girls off on me. Story of my life, girls' friends and mothers always liked me more than the girls themselves--especially the mothers.