Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Salute to April and "April Love"

April, a time when green returns to the northern hemisphere and some really great people have their birthdays, Krissy, Thanh Thao, Manju, Leah, Kay, and...? Ana's b-day just passed and Dana's is coming up at the start of May. If we were neighbors this could be a really expensive time of year. Happy b-day in advance!

Speaking of April, I watched "April Love" today. It stars Pat Boone--I was curious. If you're wondering "Pat who?", don't feel bad. I know him because my grandmother's friends used to say I reminded them of Pat Boone. We don't look alike. But, you see, he was considered a nice boy and when I lived with my grandma I gave the impression of being a nice boy too. Well, it was mostly true. =)

Anyway, in "April Love" he sings a song by the same name. I was shocked to find a video of the song (taken from the movie) on-line.

If you watch the video, try to figure out which girl he ends up with: the wholesome, not supposed to be flashy, blond; or the slighty more flashy, but still wholesome, blond. It was the '50's. LOL!

Edit: The video won't play. Here's the link.


  1. i don't know who he picks but pat boone is cuuute! and that voice!!! haha...i love the 50's but that i ain't gonna lie that song is putting me to sleep. lol.

  2. Hahahaha, I expect a wonderful present, Rick!! XDDDDDD Most of my friends have birthday in the first three month of the year, it really is expensive, so directly after Christmas, lol!! :-)

  3. hahhaha.. well, yes hurrahy to April. good day! rick

  4. i hope you have a good month since you seem to be extra cheerful! =)

  5. So that's who he is! ;) I've only heard of him. I didn't even know what his profession was actually. Just that he was famous...haha!

    Since it was the 50's, I'd go with the wholesome blond in white?

    (Only the Coppertone smells)

  6. My father and I used to listen songs from 50's
    I dont know pat...but the song was nice.. like a lullaby...

    I think its the slightly more flashy....^^

  7. interesting, I'm not a fan of oldies I don't know why! they just bug me, sigh. I guess this is where you and I differ

    btw I was looking at my old posts from last year, do you know that we have been online friends for a year now!? crazy!

  8. OMGosh! pat boone sounds familiar!

    i used to listen to my moms record when i was little. man! i really really love listening to 50's music!

    i saw a horror movie written by stephen king called the sleepwalkers, and the movie has a soundtrack from the 50's i think!

    i kept on finding out whats the title of that song! its been gazillion years, i still dont know the title!

    can you please recommend me some good 50's love songs? i am currently building up some music compilations.

  9. I'm the same way actually. But while it's dumb in the movies, I think it's entirely smart to do in real life. The last thing I want to do is ignore a potential prowler or phantom. :X

    Your story about the magazine was kinda creepy.

  10. Rick, it was so funny watching the two ladies gaze at him with adoring eyes.. and the less flashy one get momentarily upset at the other one. I'm going to guess he ends up with the flashy one because she looks more of an interesting character :P

    Happy April to you!

  11. it was mostly true that you were a nice boy? no, you are the nicest :)
