Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Brother

This a TMI, personal post. I have a story about my brother...and how he taught me to stay focused in the face of danger. He was the danger. I'm a little annoyed about it today because I just learned he tells the story as an example of something great he did. He laughs and is proud. Here's the story.

I was 12 and about to join my first little league baseball team. To prepare for that, my friends and I formed mini-teams to practice. We played in a rocky field next to the neighbor’s house across the street. The field had been the staging area when the house was built and there were lots of rocks and small pieces of cinderblock. You didn't dare slide during the games.

My 15 year-old brother was a real sports nut and often served as the umpire when his team wasn’t playing. During one of those games, the neighbor’s son hit a ground ball to me. It hit a rock and bounced away. For some reason, my brother went berserk that I didn’t catch it. He wasn't even on my team, he was the umpire!!! He ran over to me and started yelling. Then I made a big mistake.

Fights with that brother were common. He had a bad temper and you never knew what would set him off. I knew we were about to fight and thought, “here we go again". During the time it took for me to have that thought, I sighed and rolled mys eyes—for just a second. When I looked back, my brother had already reared back and was throwing the ball at my face as hard as he could. Since we were only 5 feet apart, I didn't have time to react. The ball hit me in the middle of the forehead and I dropped over backwards like a tree falling. I'm not sure what happened next. But apparently the neighbors (Mr. and Mrs. B) chased my brother off and helped me to my feet. He wasn't allowed to return—ever.

I thought maybe he told people the story as a form of confession, maybe he felt guilty. But his wife assured me that wasn't the case...he thinks it's one of the funniest things he's done. It was probably the hardest shot to the head I ever took from, that's funny???

PS - He started a lot of fights.  Since he's 3 years my senior, I was at a disadvantage until I was about 15.  At that point he learned not to start trouble with me. When I was practicing driving at 16 I accidentally hit his car. Rather than starting a fight, he decided to run into the house instead. It took him a few more years and a trip to the hospital to learn he shouldn't start fights with strangers. My brother!


  1. Awwh damn that sucks! Maybe he thought/thinks it's funny coz you didn't drop dead, get warded in hospital or anything... :\

  2. somehow it reminds me of the Wimpy Kid with his bad brother Rodrick.

  3. I'm sorry, your bro sounds like a bit of jerk for doing that haha! That's so mean! Well, at least he learned his lesson, eventually :p

  4. That is NO BUENO, very meanie-like! Family will be family, but at least memories were made vs. none at all? =P.

  5. heheh. good you shared it here Rick..hehe. is there a possibilities that your brother or his wife can read your side of the story?:)

  6. Take the nozzle off a perfume bottle and you can see a hard white or transparent tube. One of my younger sisters threw a bottle of perfume on my head and the nozzle caused a small hole right above my forehead, somewhere in the hairline. I was 6 years old that time. I had stitches. I can still see the scar. She was the meanest in my siblings and everybody in my family agrees.

  7. Oh Rick, I'm sorry, but that's so mean =|

  8. Is he the same brother you talked about way back? The one with the issue with his wife? Uhm, it's really not that bad because you were kids. But I know how your bro sees life, and you're a nice person anyway. SO everything is cool!

    I love dodge ball. Just sayin. =]

  9. He sounds really unreasonable. I'm so glad you're the younger but more level-headed one. I wonder what your brother would say if he ever stumbles here. No wait, he doesn't have your blog url right?

  10. Oh hon... Well, you know what he's like, right? That's to be expected from him, I guess... Just try not to let that ruin your day, and please don't call him on it!

  11. Good job on eventually letting him know that he can't treat you like that.

    Isn't it funny the people we end up being related to? You can't choose your family members? Under other circumstances you might never have considered forming a relation with, yet because you share a mother, you're stuck with you just have to learn to deal with it. Sounds like you've done a pretty good job of that though!

  12. Wow. That is an awful story. The reality is he could have killed you if he threw the ball at your head from that close a range. It sounds like he is a very troubled individual.

  13. Goodness, I can't believe the pitched the ball to your face. thank god it was your forehead and not your eye, but still that's insane!!

    I will say he does sound a bit wacky to me!

  14. That musta been a horrid-looking bump! (Sorry. Such a girly comment.)

    I got hit on the back of the head with a softball bat. My cousin was standing right behind me, didn't know I was there, and took a mighty swing. I finally understood why cartoon characters would see stars when they would get hit.

  15. Oh and I got hit recently with a flying disc, point blank. It hit me right above the lip, so I had what looked like half a moustache for about a week!

  16. what a nice post after this sad one -- humor everywhere. :) hope your smiling now ric despite this recent disappointment. another reason to smile -- all of us here are rooting for you! :D
