Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween: a Gun and a Girl

Guess which one was most dangerous.

It was an interesting Halloween night--I was 14 at the time. I decided I was too old to trick or treat, but too young to stay in. So after re-stocking drinks in my grandma’s store, I headed for the nearby sub-division to meet up with friends. It was a quarter-mile walk in the pitch black. Perfect for a spooky night. I never would have guessed what awaited me.

As I neared the subdivision, I heard a commotion near one of the houses. I rounded the corner of the house and saw a man in his 30’s pointing a very shiny handgun at four boys who were huddled together. I was out in the open and he pointed the gun at me briefly. Without thinking about it, I continued walking normally, gestured towards the kids and asked, “What did they do?“, as if I was not a kid myself. He turned the gun back towards them. I walked over next to him and he explained his mother’s house had been egged—and he was tired of her being harassed. I introduced myself as the grandson of the woman who ran the little store down the road (everyone knew her). I told him I’d talked with his mom many times, she was a nice lady (she wasn’t), and I was really sorry it happened (I was).

Then I turned to the only one of the accused I knew:

Me: Andy, did you and your friends throw the eggs?
Andy: No.
Me: Do you know who did?
Andy: We saw guys running that way just before we got here.
Me: Okay, you two go look for the other guys and try to get names. You two help Mr. Wilson clean the egg off his mom’s house.

Mr. Wilson put his gun away, apologized to me for losing his temper, and then they all did what I told them to do. Thank goodness!!! That’s when I realized if you act confident, people will usually cooperate. It all happened so quickly, I didn’t have time to get nervous. But I did feel shaky as I went in search of my friends. That’s when I encountered the girl.

She and I had recently started talking on the bus and at school. I had just started this new thing where I actually talked with people. It was a conscious decision to change my behavior. I’d been VERY reserved up until then. She was dressed as a flapper for Halloween. Being a gentleman, I offered her my coat. She didn’t accept--she didn't want to hide her fringe. We talked, walked with the group, and looked out for the little ones. When it was time to head home, she wanted to tell me something. We walked off to get some privacy. She said her family was moving out of state that weekend and she wanted to kiss me good-bye. It was quite an experience—my first real kiss. I didn’t have anything to compare it to, but it was nice. My opinion on that would change later.

Soon, I wasn’t feeling great. By Thanksgiving I had pneumonia, which led to the discovery that I also had mononucleosis and an enlarged spleen. One of the flapper’s friends confirmed she had mono when she kissed me. I was very sick. Our doctor wanted to put me in the hospital, but my parents were frugal regarding health care (you did not want to be one of our pets). I didn’t return to school until January--there were rumors at school that I'd died. =)  I wasn’t supposed to exert myself, but I joined the wrestling team. Boys have no sense!

Was it sweet that she snuck out of her house to kiss me goodbye? Or was it thoughtless to give me mono? After being so sick, I decided it was the latter. Oh well, at least it was a memorable first kiss--and it was kind of awesome to get a month off from school. See, boys have no sense!!! ;P

When you read the title, would you have guessed the girl would turn out to be more dangerous than the gun??? LOL!


  1. hahahahahahahahhahahah you were mono-ed on halloween!!!!!!!

    but yeah, i agree with the act confidently part. that's what surgeons do all the time. act. :P

  2. I hope that was a fake gun just to scare the kids away. Wow you were brave when you were young!

    Well that was a trick AND a treat from her :P

  3. ha, thats pretty funny, i got chased down with a car when i was a kid but never had a gun pointed at me, didn't dodge the mono though.

  4. you told us about this! lol you hinted at it before...who knew that she would be more dangerous than the gun lol!!

    i will try to remember to act confident even when i'm feeling super nervous = ]

  5. Hahahahaha, omg!
    You know, I'm not surprised she had mono - so many people had mono when I was that age. (I did not.)
    But I AM surprised at the way you handled the gun situation, man! Although I really shouldn't be, at this point!
    Indeed: confidence makes all the difference.

  6. LOL your stories always make me laugh. I have to agree on the confidence thing too, it's much better to act like you know what you're doing than not at all.

    and mono sucks, i remember by teacher in high school getting it. she was out for 3 months! yikes!

  7. Hahaha, this is so funny! I kinda knew the girl would turn out to be dangerous bec. she'll break your heart or stuff, but not infect you! Great story for a sleepy morning. =)

  8. I love my confidence, it helps me to smoke people into thinking that I know what I'm doing - And I'm actually clueless part of the times.

    For a kid, you are actually quite brave to "confront" the gun-totting guy. I would have walked away - I love myself too much.

    Didn't know kissing a girl will get you infected. It's as if you met a zombie on a Halloween night, Ric!

  9. Oh Rick, you just had to throw your humor in there! lol

    What a story, gosh, it's like a twofer! ;D hahaha. Two for one special ! :)

    You seemed to have acted so mature for your age. LOL but then you talk about getting your first real kiss and it goes back to being a young boy. hahaha. & shame on the girl who gave you mono, yuck!

  10. Very entertaining. That is the difference between a writer and a normal person. I think we all have events like this in our lives but only writers are able to convey those experiences in an entertaining fashion. :-)

  11. Wow you're so brave! I don't think I could have acted that calmly in that situation. What a crazy guy! haha I knew the girl would prove the more dangerous!

  12. very confident -

    i wud have died there n then when the man wud ave pointed the gun lol or i would have prayed nd moved on awaiting dooom lol-

    neways what a memorable first kisss lol

  13. You're really brave and confident to do that! But what did you dress on that halloween? :p
    That's really is a dangerous kiss, LOL. (I didn't know what mono is and had to google it, :D)

  14. Who really expected a girl to be more dangerous than a gun! Is it coincidence that both words begin with a g??

    I respect you for being so brave despite your very young age! :-) Most 14 years old nowadays are miles away from your behaviour!

  15. Great story! Can you imagine what would have happened to the guy with the gun if he had done something like that now? He most likely would have been sent to prison! However, kissing the girl with mono would still have the same outcome. :-)

  16. WHAT is this mono ish?? But I agree with the confidence thing... my friends think I'm a genius sometimes coz I just say stuff with my standard I-know-everything-trust-me face.


  17. Nope, would never have guessed! Wow, that is some lasting impression she left. =\ But kudos to you for taking charge of the egging incident!

    "Wearing whatever is clean"...ha!

  18. Wow, you were brave, i would have fallen head over heels in love with such heroic act hehe
    very interesting story! humans are indeed more dangerous than any weapon cause we invented them in the first place,no? :)

  19. Hmmm ... certainly the most memorable first kiss, huh? She left you a gift that lasted an entire month ... hahaha!

  20. lol, well i learn that if you act like you're confident and looks like you know what you are doing, it's the best way to crash rich people parties :D

  21. you were such a brave and responsible kid rick!!! (well, i'm sure you still are now, hehe) but i never would've had the guts to do that... i might've hid around the corner and called the police quietly on my phone. but then again, i've never been in a situation like that so who knows... i might have reacted the same way you did. ;P and gross!!! that girl PURPOSELY gave you mono. dangerous indeed.

  22. MONO?! bahahahahahahha!!! okay that is funny, i'm sorry. lol.

    glad you weren't the gun.

  23. oh wow! this is such a funny story! that's why they say don't talk to strangers... and don't kiss strangers too!

  24. That's a really funny Halloween story! LOL. Girls are more dangerous, really. And good thing you remained so calm in that kind of situation. I mean when the girl was about to kiss you!

    I'm good at getting out of trouble. What do I do? I don't get myself in trouble.

  25. I don't think I could've been so cool headed if I were in your shoes!

    P.S. Sorry about that post being shown on my blog! I'm not exactly sure how it got there. I'll have to check my Linked contacts...perhaps my blog address automatically got loaded into the contacts list. :P

  26. oh Rick, this is a very lovely story. you are quite mature for a 14 year old then, I'm so in awe of what you did to save those poor boys from the hot-tempered man. you are quite a hero!

    as for your first kiss, that was sweet really. but really unfortunate that she gave you mono. oh well memories of being a teenager. at least you had an exciting one.

    happy Halloween!

  27. The saying 'girls have cooties' may not be all lies? haha you poor thing though.. reminds me of when I got chickenpox in kindergarten bc I ate some chips from a girl in my class that had it :(

    The Halloween story is really something.. very impressive! I'm sure you handled the situation better than a lot of adults :)
