Thursday, October 21, 2010

Family Curse

Are there things that your family, in general, is really good at? Or really bad at? It could be anything. My family has both. I’ve worked to improve the bad, but one thing seems to be catching up to me. I think it may be the cause of my writer’s block. My family is almost universally bad at telling stories. If you think the knock-knock joke I wrote (when I was SIX) was bad, you should hear what passes for interesting at my family gatherings.

Rick: Hi Jim (no, not that one ;P). Anything interesting happen lately?
Jim: I cut a branch off the tree in my backyard. I didn’t have a pruning saw, so I used a regular handsaw.
Rick: Was the branch damaged or getting too big?
Jim: No, but the funniest thing happened. When my neighbor noticed me in the yard, he came over and said, “You know, that’s the wrong saw. You should be using a pruning saw.” I said, “I know, but I don’t have a pruning saw.” So then he went in his house. About 5 minutes later he comes back out.
Rick: Did he bring you a pruning saw?
Jim: No, he just sat there on his back porch. Why do you ask?

Jim told me “the funniest thing happened”. Did it? Is it me? Did I miss the funny part—and the point—of the story???

And there is the uncle (by marriage—the curse affects in-laws too) who has told me 250 times that his grandfather was from Saskatoon and the man once told him, “There are 2 types of Dutchmen—smart Dutchmen and stupid Dutchman.” And then he laughs (a-hent, a-hent, a-hent).

Why does he laugh about that? What was the point? At least he laughs about something.

Now I can feel myself becoming one of them (one of THEM!!!). What little story-telling ability I had is slipping away. Maybe it’s related to the fall lunar cycle—and temporary. The moon WILL be full tomorrow.

Just my luck! I don’t get a cool family curse that turns me into a werewolf (or an Aswang) a few nights a month. I get to be Toby (from The Office).



  1. HAHA that's pretty funny. :) I can't wait till you come up with your own 'funny' situations and tell your grandkids ;)


  2. haha this very story is funny!

    Tell me what you love/hate about Being High Maintenance, not Bitchy & win a Normann Copenhagen vase from CSN!

  3. hehehehehehehehehehehe

    that was so funny that the jokes werent even funnnyyy --

    i love readin what u write

  4. Maybe he forgot the part of the story that was supposed to be funny? ;D

    Yes I agree, the lunar cycle might be making us a little bit crazy x_x I'm sure it's just a phase and it'll pass :) By the way, my trip's this Monday already yay! Pls help me pray for good weather Rick :)

    And oh, have a great weekend!

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, your family's stories are awesome! But... only because they're SO not! C'mon, you've got great story-telling skills, knock it off! I just laughed my ass off over here!
    Compared to your family curse, mine (a proverbially bad knee) is just so boring...

  6. My family, specially my older sis and mum are too good in story telling, mabye even too exaggerating at some times, f. ex when they rant about family in Vietnam :-(( It is soooo annyoing to hear the same stories in like 10 different versions depending on how their mood is, meh.

    Good that I didn't inherit any of these hard story-telling genes, hahaha! And good that I am involved personaly in that family drama XD

    You definitely have great story telling skills (otherwise you would not have that many followers =) I and your followers can say that, cause we love reading your stories! :-)

  7. I mean good that I am NOT personally involved in that famila drama! XD Sorry forgot to proof-read before commenting :-)

  8. My story-telling abilities are pretty lousy too. I find even myself going "Get to the point already!"

    P.S Remember: Happy wife, happy life XD

  9. I beg to differ- you are in fact an excellent story teller, and you did a wonderful job of painting the picture here of your story-impaired family members! Your story telling ability is one of the reasons I enjoy reading your blog.

    In terms of writer's block, have you thought of doing NaNoWrMo? Maybe it would help.

  10. LOL I laugh at stories that aren't funny just to let the other person feel better. :P

  11. i actually laughed at jim's "funniest thing"... perhaps it's not you. perhaps, it's me :p

    i laughed at the uncle joke as well.

    ok, now i'm convinced that it is indeed me.

  12. i'm awful at storytelling myself and I don't understand why. I can write out some pretty damn good stories but I get too focused on the details which is good when you're writing a story, not so good when you're telling one

  13. Wow I'm surprised that you know the word aswang. It's a Filipino word for a monster. Ah! Halloween!

    I don't think I have a good storytelling ability but both my parents were writers in their earlier ages of 30. Hmm...

    And hey, I've just answered the questions you had in that blog post you tagged me in. =]

  14. About the mini Mt. Baker- no, we have a different scenario going on here. My twenty something son who is temporarily back at home has a prosthetic leg and has discovered it works well as a trash compactor. So instead of the garbage getting taken out it just gets stepped on. Again and again and again. :-)

    I was thinking some more about what you said in your post regarding story telling. I think the ability to tell a story orally and the abilty to write it down are two completely different skills. So even if you have inherited your family's inability to spin a good yarn, that doesn't mean you can't tell a good story when you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

  15. First time to your blog...and I got the story. This surely can't be one of your writer's block situation.

  16. oh my gosh, i suck at making/telling jokes too rick! hahaha! :P

    you seem to like the word ASWANG... is your wife filipino by any chance? (i hope you dont mind me asking!) ^_^

  17. does laughing at your own jokes and story count as a curse? because i totally have that but i think i'm pretty decent when it comes to story telling.

    though being a werewolf would be bad ass. maybe in a next life ;)

  18. yeeeah I don't really get the funny part either. maybe he was drunk. LOL!

  19. Hahahaha, that's so funny and awkward. More funny though.

  20. But I LURVE the way you tell your stories. Mere words with no picture accompaniment but such pleasant read. I've always love reading your entries.
