Thursday, October 7, 2010

Small things that make us smile

A commentor on my last post reminded me to think of small things that make me smile. In no particular order, the source of a few recent smiles:

A smell. For weeks I had the most amazing smell in my car, especially in the evenings when I got off work--it was sort of a warm, fruity danish scent. I thought a bottle of hand sanitizer was over-heating during the day. Everyday it was a nice surprise that made me smile and release whatever aggravation was trying to follow me home. One evening this week I stopped at the grocery store for a few basic items--milk, bread, TP, a caramel apple (fruit IS a basic item). When I put the groceries in the back of my car, I found two old bags--one holding a single slice of birthday cake (w/melted frosting) and the other containing (thankfully, literally) a bag of grapes that was starting to ferment. I don't know how long the stuff was in the car, probably one day longer than the great smell. I'm glad I found the bags before this turned into a story about things that make me frown.

Have you ever discovered aging perishables hiding in your car???

A memory. Someone in my family has a recording of me telling a knock-knock joke that I made up when I was six. I wanted to be Governor and the joke is about that.

Who's there?
Apple who?
Apple sitting in the Governor's chair!

Apparently I thought "apple" sounded enough like "I'll be" to make it work. It doesn't. In the background you can hear my older brother saying it didn't make sense, it wasn't funny. So I told it again. The second time I got the giggles. I started laughing so hard I could barely get the words out. I'm sure I had tears in my eyes as I tried to croak out the punch line, but couldn't. Before long my brother was laughing almost as hard as I was--and begging me to stop so he could stop laughing. Of all the things that are contagious, smiles, laughter and happiness are among the best.

Blog friends. This is not a small thing. I include it here because I want to thank you for your great comments, especially on my last post. I appreciate the support--and part of me got a real kick out of the one's questioning if I'm sure I'm related to my brother. LOL! This blog is and will be a happy, sometimes strange (in a good way ;P) place. Thanks for taking that little detour with me.

PS - Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians! If you want to drool a little over a delicious sounding holiday menu and enjoy a tasty serving of humor, you should travel just North of 49 into Canada. But don't try to bring back any tomatoes into the US.


  1. We all enjoy your blog posts, they're always positive or have something thought-provoking one can take away into their day...don't worry, it doesn't get lost in the Blogging ether.

    Love the knock, knock joke. My sister had a knack for random knock, knock jokes. I myself am similar to you as I always crack up before getting the punchline out.

  2. Aw for sure we'll be on those detours with you :) That's what I love about the blogging community.. it's a support network in itself! I'm glad you found the source of the smell.. before it became something that makes you frown instead of smile lol

  3. Yum, I love caramel apples!!!

    Yay for finding those bags before animals/insects start to nest in them hahaha xD

  4. Hehehe. I really don't like knock-knock jokes but I find knock-knock failures totally hilarious, just like your brother, I guess. LOL. XD

    "Of all the things that are contagious, smiles, laughter and happiness are among the best."

    I agree; they're the best! =]

  5. Hey I'm starting to get addicted! OR already am actually :) you writing I mean :)

  6. You MUST get the recording uploaded soon!


  7. lol loved the memory part-
    i love the childs neva ceasing giggles-


  8. Thanks for the Happy Thanksgiving wishes! And you are more than welcome to come join us. The menu is featuring turkey and tomatoes. :-)

  9. I love Knock knock jokes! I should share one with you one day...

  10. aww you remembered us canadians! hehe yeah smell brings back a lot of memories, you always hear people who lost their memories in car crash then certain smell bring back so much

  11. I can't put into words how much I like your blog! It's genuine, profound and there's always something which makes ME smile, too. Whenever I'm skimming my dashboard I so hope there's a post from you, Rick! Go on sharing your memories and stories with us! :-)

    Luckily I don't have a car in which I could find anything perishable, but I once discovered black insects in our storage cupboard wich was gross!!! You know how much I hate insects and such! XD Don't know where they came from, we just had dried food in that cupboard...

  12. HAHAHA!!! I would love to see that video.... actually, when i first read the knock knock joke.. i re-read it about 10 times out loud trying to understand it.. then i read on and found out i wasn't the only one who didn't get it. hahaha! ;P i've never found anything aging in my car... but maybe old milk in the fridge *cringe*

  13. HAHAHA that video is priceless now isnt it? so precious :)

    aww, Thanh Thao's comment is super sweet! but im not surprised, what she said is true, your blog posts never fail to make me smile too. its such an honor to be one of your blogger friends rick! :)

    HAHAHA i can imagine you being all happy with that smell when you ride your car after work. uhm, i've never found anything old and rotting in my car, but im glad you found those bags before maggots started living in there! :P

    ps. who eats the candy apples, you or the kids? LOL ;)

  14. You've got to share the recording!! :D

  15. Smell is such a powerful tool!

    I could relate smell to certain experience in my life. Like the smell of Shokubutsu shower foam would always transport me back to my trip in NZ as that was the shower foam my hubby packed at that time. I could relate a certain scent to this hotel coz it makes me love walking into it even to use their ladies. LoLz... then one day, they changed their scent and somehow the feeling is gone!

    Your posts are always thought provoking in a simple way. You know, like little charge up the heart kind?

  16. I've never had anything spoiling in the car... I'm big on keeping trash out! :)

    CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

  17. an oldies tune about a love being real... that could be 1 of 2,313,31234,23,42,3 songs! haha! ;P but yes.. i love oldies... actually, i think i have an "oldies" taste in music in general.. i like jazz music too.

  18. this reminds me of my brother...he left 2 bags of MEAT in the back of our car from a bbq party...and we found them 2months later....yuckk!
    have a great sailboat show weekend!

  19. yeah.
    a nice blog, and a comment form friends really makes me smile:)

  20. Sweet :) I love posts like this, I'd better make one soon, to remind myself I have LOTS of things to be thankful for :) Thank you for reminding me that life's good Rick! :)

    And I wanna hear that recording, too! Aaaaand you might think I've forgotten already, but where is the recording of you singing???? :D

  21. Hi Rick!! all is well on my end :) thanks so much for remembering me ^^ I just need a more kick to start blogging again haha..I'm back from holiday and was busy with work for a bit..not i have more free time and will write again soon!!
    oh, no I never find anything perishing in my car hahaha..actually my hubby sees to it :p but I just found a persishing kimchi today in my fridge -.-" i hate wasting food but i had to say goodbye to those cucumber kimchi

  22. i had an aging cheese cracker just chilling in my car recently. aging cheese...not a pretty scent.

    your knock knock joke is cute but i would be confused by it too. thanks for the explanation ;)

  23. We enjoy reading your stuffs that's why we like to detour to this strange place ;D
