Saturday, October 16, 2010

Madam, you are mistaken!

Several times in my life I have been mistaken for someone else--once it was because of my name. Some woman called my house for weeks looking for that other Rick. But the "you look familiar" thing happens to everyone at some point. Usually it's someone who thinks you went to elementary school together, you used to date one of their friends, or that you were on the same team at some point. It never involves a former best friend or other really close relationship. Well, almost never.

Several years ago I was out shopping with the family in a small town just outside Baltimore. We decided to have an early dinner and stopped at a chain restaurant my wife likes. Since it was early the place was almost empty. Just as the hostess asked "how many" we heard a woman yell "What are you doing here?" We knew she wasn't talking to us, so we ignored her and followed the hostess to our table. As we looked over the menu, my wife whispered that the woman (who had shouted) and the older woman with her were both glaring at us.

After the waitress took our order, the woman stood up at her table and yelled at me "Jim, What are you doing here and who is that woman????" She was so mad she was shaking. I asked her if she was talking to me {but not like in "taxi driver"}. She squinted, took a few steps towards me and asked me to speak again. I told her I didn't know what she was talking about. She blushed and apologized. She said I looked just like her EX-HUSBAND and that both she and her mother thought I was him--Jim. Thank goodness I have a deeper voice than he does. They left pretty quickly after our exchange.

My wife has fun with this. Every once in a while she'll bring it up and say she wondered if I was going around pretending to be "Jim Kirk." Then she smirks a very pleased smirk. I don't mind being teased, but it does bother me a little to think there is someone out there who could be mistaken for me by his ex-wife and ex-mother-in-law. Because of her anger towards him, I thought of him as my evil twin. But really, I shouldn't have judged him by the reaction of an ex. He could be a great guy.

Maybe I'm the evil twin. ;P

PS-I shared this story once before. I'm sharing it again because it's one of my favorite stories that very few have read--plus I'm hoping it will help me get over a case of blogger's-block.


  1. LOL! Luckily you have deeper voice :D

  2. This post has made me want to hear your voice! I really have a faible for deep voices, XDD!

    It is sid that everyone on this world has a secret unknown twin, and yours seem to be that Jim guy? I haven't found mine yet, but I'm not sure if I really want to, hahaha!

    Funny story, and thanks for sharing! :-)

  3. HAHAHAHA, this is so funny. i was never mistaken before and phew is that a good thing now that u wrote about it.

    so yeah, why do people mistake you for someone else?? im guessing you DO have an evil twin. ;P

  4. Ohhh, blogger's-block! We've all been there!

    Well, I can only think you must have a pretty generic face, LOL! =P

  5. "but not like in "taxi driver"...haha!

    I've been mistaken before but it's never been hostile (thankfully). Good thing she didn't hit first and ask questions later.

    Thanks for entering my giveaway :)

  6. hmmm i'm not sure you're cut to become the evil twin :p

  7. LOL! Would have been funnier if she tried hitting you or something! :D

    I've been mistaken for someone else by the same person (a creepy dude), at the same place (a train). He kept staring throughout the journey, and right before I alighted he asked if I was from a certain school (i wasn't). And the same thing happened when we coincidentally took the same train again another night. Freaky. The first time should have told him I was NOT that girl when he saw me the 2nd time!

  8. Dear ric. Can you do a post introducing us to you and your family. and maybe even include a picture. i've been following you for a long time now and i feel like i know so much about you, but i don't know ANYTHING about you.

  9. That is a great story! I bet the lady who yelled at you in the restaurant has never had the nerve to retell it. :-)

    Green tea with ginger is perfect for when you are feeling a bit under the weather. You might find it replaces your usual lemon tea cure.

    I don't know what happened with Blogger. It put the wrong date on my post and that put it in the wrong order in the post listings. I have no idea how to fix it. Any ideas? AARRGH...

  10. I can just imagine how shocked you must have been! I know I would lol. And thank God they didn't do anything drastic (like pouring cold water all over you and your wife) before they realized they were mistaken. That would have been a major embarrassment on their part XD

  11. Crazy. That's quite the case of mistaken identity.

  12. similar thing happened to my sister and me last weekend (sort of)!!

    we were driving down on our way to sushi... sister (who was the driver that night) saw in her rear view mirror my uncle and cousin in the car behind us.

    we got soooo excited to see someone we knew on the same road as us (such a small world right?) sooo we both stuck our bodies out through our windows and waved like mad people lol... next traffic light, the car pulled up beside us... we looked inside and it wasn't our uncle/cousin =_= lololol. such a fail.


  13. OMIGOSH thats so embarrassing for those ladies! yelling at the wrong person! *palms in face* hahahaha

    ps. i dont think you can ever be the evil one rick! ;)

  14. wow it sure was an interesting encounter. you sure you're not THAT Jim? your wife should probably check your facebook to see if you were once married before married to her :P (like the case where a woman found out the husband was married before in FB)
    haha just kidding!

  15. I fixed the post by going into edit and bringing the original post up. On the lower left of the box with the post, right above the orange "Publish Post" button, is a "post options" choice. It is straightforward from there. The mystery to me is how it got messed up in the first place. Blogger gremlins I guess!

  16. lol omg that must have been embarrsing for her after she relized it! haha. and no, the boner killer is this other chick at my work, she's a boner killer because i can't stand it when she talks, but she looks doable. the one that stomps around very hard with her heels is the rotting cougar. haha man do I sound super mean right now!

  17. ha! that's hilarious. you're wife was probably like WTH?! lol.

    i always get that i look like someone and every once an a while someone will approach me and call me another name then say nevermind and walk away.

  18. haha what a story! That is kinda scary that even someone as close to this guy as his ex-wife mistook you for him! Hope he didn't do anything else bad!

    Tell me what you love/hate about Being High Maintenance, not Bitchy & win a Normann Copenhagen vase from CSN!

  19. hahahaha that is SOOO awesome! what a story to tell eh, Jim??! ;P

  20. Oh, my... That must've been embarrassing on her end!!!

    People tell me I look a lot like Lucy Liu. It's annoying because I don't see it.

    CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

  21. Okay this is a *slap my leg while laughing hysterically* story!! The woman's demeanor sounds rather frightening when she mistook you for "Jim" haha luckily he isn't really your twin!!

    p.s. It's wonderful that your mom has such a compassionate heart and cares for animals despite her fear :) people like her (and you) make the world a better place, really.

  22. I thought it sounded familiar but anyhow it still had the tickling effect on me.

    Are you sure you're having a blogger's block? You might just be Jim impersonating Rick ... hahaha!

  23. cool clogs right! so it happens everyones leaning toward Domincan republic! THat's really helpful:) thanks for the input

  24. Sometimes I think The Man Above has very finite number of moulds to create human looks.

    After a while, he re-uses the same mould, and that's why somewhere out there, there is someone who looks just like you.

  25. Great story. I used to get that, too sometimes (mostly that I looked like Drew Carey, which I don't know if it is a compliment of not), lol. But as you can imagine, since moving to Japan, don't get it so much ;-)
