Thursday, December 9, 2010

That was my idea!

Have you ever had a good idea or what you were sure was an original thought, only to discover that someone beat you to it? I hate it when that happens! I don’t have any crazy claims like, “the toilet was my idea,” but I have experienced this.

One idea was the Paleolithic diet. A college friend argued that humans are herbivores and we were never meant to eat meat. I replied that humans are omnivores—seeing me prowl the kitchen after dark proves that. I conceded we (in the US) eat too much meat, the quality is questionable, and we could probably get along fine without it. But our ancestors who started hunting in the Paleolithic period definitely ate meat. I suggested we might be healthier if we stuck to a Paleolithic-style diet. {Light Bulb} What a great idea! Unfortunately I was not the first to think of it. The Paleolithic diet was already a real thing.

But today I had an idea that may be original—I don’t see a lot of evidence of it on the internet. The idea is to teach people to control their spending the same way they control their calorie intake (except more successfully). A large percentage of girls can tell you how hard it is to work off calories (if you eat an Oreo, you’ll have to pull a plow 12 hours to work it off), but do many girls think of their fashion/accessory purchases in terms of how many hours they’d need to work to pay for it? I'm just using women as an example, it applies to guys too. I thought a brief book on the subject (targeted to the 17-to-22 age group) might sell. What do you think???

Happy Thursday!


  1. hahah I always have random thoughts and ideas like that! Random conversations can be fun :) I bet we'd have good ones haha

    Anyways, that is a good idea for helping girls budget! Perhaps a phone app? You should totally do it!

  2. "humans are omnivores—seeing me prowl the kitchen after dark proves that." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Dude, being in your brain must be exhausting!...

  3. hahaha sorry rick, but im not adventurous when it comes to beverages. XD

    how are the holidays so far? are you and your wife done shopping for the dear kids? :)

  4. I like applying that idea to spending...I've never been a huge shopper - I do love finding deals though.

    Haha, I have to say I have done the whole how-many-hours-worth-of-work-is-this? debate in my head.

  5. When you get this idea perfected please let me know. I have a son who owns over 60 t-shirts.

  6. I like kristieinbc's comment. lol. see, there's a need to be met ric. You might want to explore that idea more and put it to action soon...OR ELSE :D

  7. I like the idea! I say a book, website, and an app to broaden your base. *^_^* And since we're talking about women here, the 13-to-80 age group sounds more

    (Yep, really called that. Someone at KS deserves a raise!)

  8. That makes me think I spent way too much money when I was in that age group, lol. Now that I know how to handle with money I always ask myself why no one ever stopped me from buying so many useless stuff with my precious pocket money hahaha!

  9. Good idea ... the first person I'd recruit for this program to is my son!

  10. Wow that's a GREAT idea Rick! I am guilty of shopping on impulse so anything that can help me ward off spending is always welcome :)

  11. i wont work out for that number of hours for AN oreo, or as much Oreos at all. i work out for... well, my cardiac =P

  12. i think it will take more than reading a book to control women from overspending (i talk about women in such a way cus im not as stingy as a broke man). but it really is a great idea! when you get the book published, i will definitely give copies of it to my mom, my boyfriend and this certain person i know...

  13. that's pretty good concept i must say...i wonder if that would actually work..cause that can "treat" alot of us..yea myself included lol

    and to your comment..yes i do sing..sometimes..i've been told i have a good karaoke, not on album cover. but your comment made my day haha

  14. p.s- that kind of made you a half-psychic i guess?! lol

  15. Cool! Other than a book (coz I reckon spendthrifts might not want to buy a book on controlling their spending), it could come in the form of an app something similar to a calculator in which you could punch in figures of the thing you're buying and your salary and it would work out the number of hours to pay for it.

    This idea won't work for me though as I don't control my diet by thinking about calories and working out for hours. I also don't think of how much hours I've to put in for the amount of money that something costs. However, it would be a really fun app to use.

    I often have ideas of design of apparels or jewelry. They only exist as intangible ideas in my head coz I'm not trained in fashion designand when I tried drawing my designs out, they don't look like what I've imagined. After a while, I would see the same designs out in stores.

  16. I think I might also need that, if that book is available. Only my age is not within the bracket you've specified ;)

  17. That's a really great idea! I so need to control my spending too :P
