Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I need the mirror

One gray, overcast day, a former boss of mine (a guy) and one of his female peers had to attend a meeting across town. It was drizzling a little when the meeting ended. Neither had an umbrella. They had to decide whether to walk to the subway station (about a block) or wait 15 minutes for our shuttle to swing around on it's neverending circuit (it ends at 4pm).

Girl: Let's walk to the subway, I don't care if my hair gets a little wet.
Guy: Maybe you don't, but I spent a lot of time on my hair this morning.

My old boss was VERY fussy about his hair. It had to spike in just the right way. He and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of the amount of time we put into our appearance. I've had the same hairstyle (with only the length varying) since the 5th grade--when my dad stopped giving me the buzz cut you see in my profile picture. If my comb comes out of my pocket more than once a day, it must be a windy day.

Anyway, the lady who told me the story above, also said she didn't like men who spent more time on their appearance than she does. How about you? Do you prefer men who primp, lotion and pluck or guys who shower and go--and can walk by a mirror without looking into it???

Edit: That boss said he was going to turn my going away party into a roast. I thanked him and said that would give me an opportunity to share the "hair" story with everyone. He didn't roast me. LOL!


  1. I prefer men who knows his basic personal hygiene stuff. I absolutely dislike men who can be more vain than me and pays too much attention to his hair. thats crazy!

  2. @Reina: Thanks, I edited the post to include the basic hygiene--that makes a HUGE difference! =)

  3. my bf is more fussy about his hair than I am about my hair, he puts hair gel in it and has to get it a certain way, I just blow dry it and brush it and that's all I do lol

  4. ooh haha Yes, my bf must be a lil vein and clean. I think it shows that he has put the effort to be with me. He should'nt be too vein. I don't know, I'm picky. ^^

  5. Hmm is it hypocritical to say that it's kinda unattractive? haha I suppose it is.

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  6. If guys take more time than me getting ready, something is wrong! But then again I get ready really fast :)


  7. Dude, no guy should waste a lot of time getting ready! It's okay - and advisable - to care about your looks. But not too much! I like guys who feel good to go just by putting on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a pair of sneakers. Although I do like them better when they're able to realize on their own that, say, blue striped pants don't match black and white polkadot t-shirts, LOL!
    Bottom line is: I like guys with a simple but good fashion sense. Does... that make any sense?...

  8. I guess I prefer guys who don't need long to style themselves, since I'm alos not so much into styling myself, hahaha! I only put on some natural make-up and dry my hair and thats it, lol. Doesn't make me sound like a fashionable girl living in Tokyo, right? XDDD

  9. A little primping is fine. (I have no pros with metros) That being said, if he's paying more attention to the mirror than me we have a little problem. =\

  10. My ex used to be careful about his appearance but mostly with regard to his hair (He thought he can throw on a garbage bag and still look good so clothes were not his priority). I like guys who are slightly metrosexual, heh.

  11. i don't have a problem with guys who spend too much time on their looks...so long as they don't go out claiming it was their out of bed look. I'm really into fashion so I don't mind the judgments from friends who don't get me...but what I don't like are those who judge when they're just really like me :)

  12. I'd like him to care for his appearance but to take longer than me in the mornings?!! Ughh that's a nono hahaha xD

  13. I recently met a guy who openly admitted to me that he used facial creams day and night. But hes the type of guy who you can tell spends a lot of time on his hair as well, trimming it every two weeks. He also spends a lot of time in front of the mirror checking himself out and once he took me home I noticed serveral times he was looking in his rear view mirror checking himself out. Now he is a very handsome chap but sometimes I think beauty should be adorned on women, I mean, thats what were here on this planet for hehe *wink* now if men take that away from us gosh, . . . what left is there for us to do. I guess, more shopping!

  14. I don't like guys who are fussy with their hair...or rather, I don't want to see them fussing over their hair. I like a guy who sports a nice hairstyle but I don't like to hear them complaining about a strand that's out of place. I am definitely fussy with my hair. But hey, I am a girl. I have the right to.

  15. Cleanliness is imperative. But I wouldn't look twice at a guy who looked at himself twice.

  16. If there were a "like" button, I would click "like" on kristieinbc's comment.

    I do want my hubby to take more care in his appearance; the only time he washes his face is during shower and that's with the shampoo flowing down his face. On the other hand, I can't stand guys who are so vain such that they check out the mirror so often. I don't even check myself in the mirror in public that often.

    BTW, I took a second read to make sure the dialogue of the guy and gal are assigned accordingly. I tot I read wrongly.

  17. I want him at least to take care of his appearance but not to worry about his hair all the time, it's just weird..

  18. i wouldnt want him to spend more time to get ready because i take such a long long long time to get ready. i dont mind if we spend the same amount of time getting ready.
