Friday, November 12, 2010

Sisters' Keeper II

The youngest of my 3 sisters is a little over seven years older than I am. She’s the one who took me into the woods (and left me there) when I was 2 years-old because she decided we had too many kids in our house. She wanted to give me a chance to catch on with a different family. LOL! Of course, I don’t remember that day at all--I only know it because it’s her favorite story. But I do remember a day she needed me desperately.

I don’t recall my exact age, it was probably 9—which made her 16. We were home alone that day and I was enjoying some peace and quiet while she enjoyed not having to compete for time in the bathroom. She was in there a long time. Eventually I heard her banging on the door and calling for help. My first thought was, “I’m not going in there!!!” But I did go to the door. She was yelling that she couldn’t get the door unlocked and she was freaking out about it. She was prone to panic, but it usually involved bees. Short of kicking in the door (which I couldn’t do), there was no way anyone could open the door from the outside.

I tried to coach her, suggesting she turn the lock to the right. She said that wouldn’t work. Guess what I suggested next? But she said turning it to the left wouldn’t work either. Fortunately for her I was very good with and on ladders—@ 6 I planned an after-dinner escape by placing an old sliding board ladder under my bedroom window. My dad’s extension ladders were too heavy for me, but I could carry his wooden step-ladder. I got it out of the basement, leaned it against the house and climbed in the bathroom window. By that time my sister was crying. The lock worked fine, I just turned the knob to the right and she was out the door in a flash.

Right about now you might be thinking I was a nice brother (I was), that I could have left her in there until someone else got home. But I couldn't do that to her.

I needed to use the bathroom. ;P

PS - Sisters' Keeper I was about how I helped my dad make sure there was no hanky-panky in our driveway when my sisters' dates were dropping them off.


  1. wow how creative are you!? You had your own sliding board ladder under your bedroom window? That's so cool, if only my window was closer to the ground. I could always try parachuting with a carrier bags?

    LOL I was agreeing along to how you were a nice brother,*i was like uh huh you are!* then I read 'i needed to use the backroom,' that just cracked me up LOL.

  2. That is too funny that she took you out to the woods and left you because she thought your family had too many kids. Did she get in trouble for her attempt to make you disappear?

    Did you only have the one bathroom at your house? If so, maybe that's why she thought there were too many kids. :-)

  3. Omg, the same thing happened to me! I had to climb through the bathroom window b/c my bro locked himself in. In my case however, it was b/c my parents made me and not b/c I needed to use it. XP

  4. This is such a cute sibling story! I hope your sister appreciated you much more after you saved her :P hehe can't believe she left you in the woods.. but then I did do some pretty mean things to my sister when we were little!

    Thank you always for the reassurance that my cause is worthy. You said it very well- animals may just be animals but they don't deserve abuse. I hope all the cosmetics and personal care companies follow suit in the cruelty-free movement :) the food industry is another story..

  5. Wow. Your resourcefulness never ceases to amaze me. Seriously, how do you do that?!

  6. hahahaha we're such damsels in distress. we're giving you guys the chance to shine in your armor. lol.

  7. Aww what a nice brother you were(/are?)!

    I would have made her wait way longer than that!

  8. Awww how chivalrous of you to save her!!! *ignores the I needed to use the bathroom part*

    Was her hand wet or something? Why was she not able to unlock the door?

  9. hahaha! at first i thought, 'aww how sweet! i wish my brothers were like that!' but then I read the last part. LOL :P

    I love childhood memories! they're so much fun to remember!

  10. HAHAHA. SO you did that because you needed to use the bathroom. LOL. You're great.

    I remember the Sisters Keeper I. I'm just not sure if it had the same title when I read it. That's a funny story, too! =]

  11. hahah awww; i remmeber when my brother chased after guys who would take my school bag back in the days. brave soul:)!

  12. Your sister is hilarious! She left you in the woods just because your family had too many kids? LOL!

    So, if you didn't need to use the bathroom you wouldn't save her? hahaha

  13. Aren't older siblings there and supposed to protect the younger ones?? In your case it is always the other way round, lol! What a wonderful brother you were and still probably are! I have always wished for a younger brother, but got a little sis instead, hahaha!

  14. You must be my brotha from anotha motha then XP

  15. Rick, yes there are oreos.. and also bananas. I wonder who came up with those terms =_= I also enjoy life in the U.S. because there's room to celebrate diverse traditional heritages and cultures! Even if someone chooses one culture over another, it doesn't mean they are any worse of a person. It's good that your family still has some German traditions even if you're 2nd generation though, certainly makes life more interesting to know your roots :)

  16. Aw, quite the little hero.

    Haha, I read My sister's keeper funny! I can just picture you on the front steps with your arms crossed watching like a hawk.

  17. yeah, you had no choice... how could you get into the bathroom is she's stuck there, right? good thing you were able to take her out --- you're such a hero!!!


  18. Regardless of whether you need to use the bathroom, you were that little prince who rescued her from a locked dungeon.

  19. The part about your sister leaving you in the woods had got Hansel and Gretle flashing through my mind, only that in your case, it was Hansel & Hansel.

    I could almost imaineyou as a little kid bro helping your sister with all your heart and then the punchline came in.

    I've always enjoyed reading all these little anecdotes of yours! They're so refreshing! You should so totally compile them into a book.

  20. haha...i thought it was sweet, but then you added the "ulterior motive" line about how you needed to use the bathroom. that made it hilarious. :-p

  21. wait, so the lock worked all along? did she even try to turn it to the right the first time or was she too panicked?

    your sisters story about leaving you in the woods was pretty funny! haha! how did it end? did someone find you? or hear your screaming? or did she feel bad and went back for you?!?! ;P

  22. I do the same thing with restaurants! Haha...I guess every guy's (or the ones I've talked to) look up to James Bond. I had a co-worker once who would approach every situation asking himself "What would James Bond do?" Was he smooth? Yes. Did he always get the girl? No. :P

  23. lol I've locked myself in the bathroom before, except it was in a greyhound bus bathroom so no one could get in there and help me!

  24. haha, nice!

    & LOL!!!! to your sister leaving you out in the woods. Not that it was probably funny at the time, but now it's something to laugh at. I think kids do the "darndest" things! ;D hahah

    I also went back and read the part one, and I just couldn't stop laughing. I picturing it in my head, and I can only imagine how frustrating having a little brother like that could've been! LOL But it's so funny & cute at the same time. hahhaha

    We practice on these silicone (I think) filled pouch thingies. If you look in my second and third to the last pictures, it's those large, gold beanbag looking things. lol

  25. yeah I know, that's what I was thinking. We have a couple that are more filled. Bot those you see in the picture, I just fold them and play with it a little so I can reposition it to make it seem a bit more realistic :)

  26. i've done that before!!! locked myself in the bathroom, that is, and it IS scary! you're such a good bro for saving her...even though you could've easily given her a little payback. lol.

  27. omg. i cannot believe she did that. lollll

    but anyway, how kind of you! does she remember the story? i would definitely freak out too if i thought i was locked in a room o_O
