Friday, November 26, 2010

A Unique Visit to Starbucks

I was planning to write a second post on old song lyrics today. But after the mushroom story, I need to rehabilitate my reputation—I’m usually a good person to have around. So I’m going with something more serious.

One afternoon in August '09 my office was too warm, I needed something cold. So I made my 1st visit to Starbucks. Like most office buildings in the US, mine has a Starbucks on the first floor. I headed downstairs.

The line was very long—which was good, because I needed time to look at the menu board (and wonder, “What’s a ‘Venti’?”). I vaguely heard a man speaking loudly behind me, but that’s not unusual and I was focused on the menu. He started yelling and at first his words didn't register, but eventually started to sink in. “Aren’t you Vietnamese? You should be at the protest!” He was yelling about a protest against the US that evening at the Vietnamese Embassy (agents of the US were beating and killing some-one, somewhere). Finally I heard a small voice say, "I'm a US citizen and support the US government." I turned to see a fellow dressed all in black (like a commando-wannabe) standing over a tiny woman (I guessed late-40’s, so she was probably mid-60’s) who was nearly in tears. I asked her if they were together…she said no. I asked if she wanted to talk to him…she said no. So I invited her to go ahead of me in line and I stepped in between her and the crazy man.

Since he couldn’t get to her, he turned on me and for some reason that amused me. Loud and angry, he told me I couldn’t do that, I didn’t even know her. I told him we were old friends. Then he said I couldn’t tell her who she could talk to. I told him I get jealous when she talks to other men (she smiled at that) and assured him no one wanted to talk to him. He started rambling about Fox News and the US government. Then he wanted to know what evil agency I worked for. So I told him my boss controlled the entire government, that I worked for the devil (I don't! ;P). Next he asked my name so he could reveal my evilness on Fox News. I almost gave him the name of someone I don’t like, but decided against it. At that point I noticed the lady had her drink and was walking out the door, so I turned to place my order. For some reason he grabbed my shoulder. When I slapped his arm away and turned towards him, he just walked away, talking quietly to no one in particular. When I headed out later, he started walking towards me. But when I stopped and glared at him, he turned and walked away again.

It was a very weird visit to Starbuck’s. Since the place was so crowded and no one else said anything, part of me wondered if I had just been taped as part of a Dateline special on whether people will try to help in that kind of situation. But no one asked me to sign a release, so I guess it was all real. I looked for both the man and the woman the next few times I walked past the place, but so far I haven’t run into either of them again.

I have a handful of stories like this. This one is the most unusual--but also the most boring. If I share another, it will have a little action.

Have a great weekend folks and thank you for stopping by. I truly appreciate it. As my friend at Pop Champagne mentioned about tweeting, this wouldn’t be fun if I was writing to myself. :o)

PS - I went with a grande mocha frap.


  1. lol. i usually just point to whichever size of the cup i feel like drinking, but in fairness, i only go to starbucks when i have nothing else to do. ahahaha.

  2. You are a gentleman (your neighbor that you force fed the mushrooms might beg to differ with me though). I am sure that woman greatly appreciated your help that day. And from your description of the other man's behaviors I would guess he was mentally ill.

  3. LOL, ''I told him I get jealous when she talks to other men (she smiled at that)'' <-- aww, I think you made her day.
    You are so courageous! I don't think I'll be able to stand up to a big man. I probably reach up to slap him and miss. :d

  4. Awwww, that is SUCH an awesome story! I'm extremely proud of you right now, as if you were my son or something! =p

    "I told him I get jealous when she talks to other men (she smiled at that)" HAHAHAHAHHA! I'm surprised that she didn't just burst into laughter at that, like I just did!

    You're officially a great guy.

  5. Rick, you are a real hero!! :-) And I wanna hear that sentence I'm getting jealous when she talks to other men from my bf (well if I had one, of course, hahaha).

    I knew you were a great guy and stories like those always proof that XD

  6. @ThanhThao: Thanks, but not a hero--they face danger. I just stick my nose into other people's business from time to time. =)

  7. Thanks for the link to your old post. I don't think you were a weird kid. I think you marched to the beat of your own drummer. And that's a good thing!

    I had a wonderful Thanksgiving, thanks. I hope you did as well!

  8. You are such a hero Rick, no matter how much you try to deny it :)

  9. Sweet of you to act as a wall for the 2 people.

    Stress got the man zrazy?

  10. The Venti is the largest cup! I once ordered an Irish cream caramel macchiato quad venti. Yeah, it's awesome!

    I also get into situations like that. Those ones that get me thinking, "Am I in Just for Laughs or something?" Stories about very weird encounters with strangers are very memorable and quite funny, but NEVER boring, Rick!

    If it was my dad with that crazy man, he would've kinda done an action movie scene, which is so unnecessary. You're a good person. =]

  11. GoD bless you more for being a good person . How much is a cup of Starbucks coffee there? I was gonna tell you to not buy there because it's overrated but I had to ask first. Haha. It might be different here in the Philippines & in the US.

  12. You're so nice to do that for that lady! I think I would just walk away if I were in your situation (I'm ignorant, LOL!)

    When I first went to Starbuck and didn't know about their sizing, I always said small, medium or large size for the drink! Haha..

  13. You actually had a handful of situations like that? Your life is really eventful. Kudos to you. It's really brave of you to do that. Whenever I see unfairness outside, I don't even try to interfere for fear that I might get myself into trouble instead for poking my nose into other people's business. The way you defended the lady was really gentlemanly and you handled the situation really well. I think you've just earned yourself a fan!

  14. what a crazy dude, lol you were the cock block in that story!

  15. i don't buy it... you're making up heroic stories now to counter your evil mushroom incident. hahah! just kidding! :D i'm sure the lady really appreciated you stepping in like that :)

  16. wow.

    where the heck do you work?! to have such crazy tales? lol

    something like this happened once. my family was moving from wisconsin to arizona and we rode a train to get there. they had to stop the train in the middle of the desert to let this crazy guy off at a station...i think he had alzheimer's or something, he was freaking out...

  17. You always have the craziest stories! Nothing like this happens to me normally haha. That's awesome that you stood up for that lady; as a little girl myself, it's nice to hear that there are still chivalrous men out there! (Btw thanks so much for saying I'm one of your fav bloggers!!)

    Tell me why you're high maintenance for a chance to win

    a pair of House of Harlow earrings in Part 1 of my Holiday Giveaway Bonanza!

  18. lol what a strange encounter! it was really nice of you to step in to "rescue" the poor lady! and i hope that man didn't get coffee, the caffeine probably would shoot his insaneness straight through the roof!

  19. I meant ME! Haha.. Sorry I didn't make myself clear. =P

    BTW, I replied u on my blog. Didn't paste over here so do check back!

  20. What an ass. Good for you for being that ladies hero!

  21. Haha...thanks for sharing your order! Were you expecting John Quiñones to pop out from behind the barista's counter? ;)

    Seriously though, I think you did a good job defusing the situation.

    (Omg, thank you! Last time I checked, "complimentary" meant FREE. :P )

  22. Rick, I felt my heart thumping while reading this! Almost sounded liked a dangerous situation with a psychomaniac.. can't believe he dared to bully the lady or even put his hand on you. If some guy started shouting at me, I would hope a kind person like yourself would stand between us too =__= I would be very frustrated, especially if the evil person is tall and towering over me. lol I seriously hope I don't ever have such strange encounters at Starbucks!!

    btw yes maybe you're right that comforters are called that because they are so comforting.. I would believe it if someone told me that :) I definitely have an extra one on my bed.. if only heavy/thick clothing were as comfy as a comforter..

  23. Everyone who doesn't know what to order at Starbucks, end up ordering a Mocha Frappe! I thought it was just here in Manila... hahaha!

    Anyway, that man must have a lot of issues cus he's weird! I think it's funny that the lady did not even say "goodbye" to you before she left. Did anyone notice that too?
