Monday, November 22, 2010

Be Careful Where You Aim

I think some visitors have noticed that I'm generally pretty lucky (knock on wood). I've done some really dumb things, some I would do again and some I wouldn't. One dumb activity was playing with homemade slingshots when I was growing up. Most of the boys in my neighborhood had them. If we'd only shot at targets to see who was most accurate, that would have been great. But we just HAD to shoot at each other. The luck? I still have both eyes!

Many times we had duels (quick-draw style). We'd start with slingshots sticking out of our pockets and one rock in our hands. On the count of 3, we drew and fired. If we both missed, we would reload using a pile of rocks conveniently placed at our feet. It always ended badly. My brother once nailed me right between the eyes just above the nose. I had to run into the house for a pack of frozen veggies (to ease my pain). OMGosh that hurt. But I went back out to do it again. The next time it was my brother's turn to run for an ice-pack.

During one game of army, a boy from next door (Billy) and I were trying to hit his little brother. He was such a rotten kid--his dad let him get away with murder. To make a long story short, he was standing near his dad because he thought we wouldn't dare hit him. Billy shot and missed, so I gave it a try. I missed the boy, but hit his father square in back--he was shirtless!!! He yelled so loud (what a baby).

I knew I was dead, so I just stood there waiting for the end. What the heck, I'd had a good 10 or 11 years. But instead of coming for me, the man ran into his house (probably for a pack of frozen veggies). His wife did yell at me for 2 minutes, but that was it. They didn't even tell my parents. I was so lucky--my dad would've killed me. I got away with it!

But I didn't. I felt really guilty about hitting the dad. Years later (after the neighbors moved) I told my parents what I'd done and my dad laughed--he already knew. The neighbors DID tell my dad, but he didn't mention it to me because then he would have had to punish me. This was VERY unlike my dad, but he let it go for a reason. I knew my victim spoiled his youngest son rotten and was tough on Billy, but I didn't know he was abusive and I didn't know Billy was his stepson. The guy was a real jerk.

I don't excuse my bad judgement--I shouldn't have played with slingshots. But I stopped feeling guilty about that errant shot. I should have suspected something at the time just from the way Billy smiled when it happened. A few years after the shot, I made Billy have an unfortunate encounter with a mushroom, but that's another story.


  1. Grrr what an awful father! I guess Billy's mum couldn't stop him from abusing Billy? =[

  2. You did well Rick! You were able to avenge somebody's misfortune. You're a superhero in my books.

    I'm sure you look like Dennis the Menace back then with stripes shirt, shorts and a slingshot in your back pocket.

  3. another proof that the universe gives you what you deserve. :)

  4. Totally agree with Leah on the Dennis the Menace reference! :D

    But oh, you were such a rascal! I wasn't a big fan of playing outside because I'm too scared of hurting myself. LOL I'm such a wuss, I preferred playing with my dolls XD

  5. what boys would do!! haha but that was a good one though- don't tell your kids that you know what they did, so you don't have to punish them. i wish my parents did that more often lol

  6. Your dad definitely knew when to press judgement. lol.

  7. i would so totally join you playing slingshots. i never shot anyone though, i shot everything lol

  8. As I've said before, I LOVE this story! When I was a child, I loved playing with the slingshot myself - unfortunately, I wasn't any good at it. Clearly, my father's dead-shot-genes did not pass on to me, LOL!
    Now: "his dad let him get away with murder." Please tell me this is an exaggeration!... =P

  9. The whole slingshot thing sounds like typical boy stuff to me (I have raised three boys and could tell you similar stories, just with different weapons of childhood destruction).

    The shot that hit the neighbor sounds like it was a bullseye. :-)

    Anxiously awiaiting the mushroom story.

  10. oh my... i think that's really sweet of your dad to not tell you he knew about it. i have a similar story to this, but i've been saving it for a blog post! hahahaha! been sooooo busy, lately that all my posts are timed... haven't done my blog rounds and it's so sad, i feel like i've missed out on everyone's lives and stories...

  11. Haha...sounds like he got what he deserved. I can just imagine Billy with a wide grin on his face.

  12. LOL. you were lucky that he didn't tell your parents! I would if I was in his situation hahaha

  13. LOL! Looks like karma really hit someone this time. Hehehehe. So what happened when you and your brother were playing and you guys hit each other? did you guys laugh while the other yelled ouch? I know my brother and I would have probably laughed at each other's pain. =)

  14. There really comes at least one point in our lives wherein we will not feel guilty about something we did ... justice first before mercy. That's just a thought.

  15. hahaha you were doing good and you didn't even know it! :P what's this story about the mushroom??!?! you remind me of my brother when he was younger - he would have a whole collection of home made weapons from slingshots to bows and arrows to everything else you can imagine!

  16. lol your dad knew that you were doing a right thing, even though it was not on purpose

  17. Oh can we say karma? I dont even if I know if I believe in karma hehe so why did I just write that down hehe
