Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Darkside III: The Mushroom

Last year I wrote a few stories about bad things I've done (Darkside I and II). Nothing too serious. It's time again to feed my confession compulsion and share the story about my neighbor Billy's encounter with a mushroom. But before I go any further, I want to state that I tried to cut him a break, but he failed to heed my escalating warnings. Remember that!

I was 12 and wrestling in my parent's yard against Billy and another boy. It was going well until I felt a finger in a bad place. Apparently I had a small hole in the crotch of my pants that I didn't know about. Billy thought it would be a good idea to stick his finger in it. I threw them both off and asked him what was wrong with him. He said it was an accident. I gave him a stern warning not to do it again. We started wrestling and the little goober did it again. I threw them off, punched him in the shoulder and told him if it happened again I was going to shove a mushroom down his throat. I'm not sure why I picked that as a consequence, except I could see mushrooms in the yard. For good measure I told him they were poisonous. The 3 of us started wrestling and before long he did it again!

I'd let him off with a warning the 1st time, given him a slap on the wrist (well, a punch in the shoulder) the 2nd, and this was strike 3. That's huge in the US! I HAD to follow through on my warning. Just as with good parenting, it's important to follow through on your promises for both rewards and consequences. Right? Right???

Anyway, I dragged Billy over to the mushrooms, picked one, and shoved it in his mouth. I didn't make him swallow it, but I did hold him there a little while before letting him get up, spit it out, and run home...crying.

On the one hand, I thought he deserved it. But at the same time I felt guilty about it. I should have punched him in the shoulder again and sent him home. You should know I'd seen my brother chew the mushrooms and spit them out. They never made him sick. But Billy had no way of knowing that--he thought I had just poisoned him. On the bright side, as far as I know Billy never tried to do that to anyone again.

I hope he's not working for TSA now--don't let anyone named Billy pat you down as you pass through an airport security checkpoint.

PS - I'm going to have to post about some of the good things I've done to try to balance out these Darkside stories! =)


  1. haha. Good story, I like the tag at the end. :P

  2. haha I think you were justified! Now he knows better than to mess with you!

  3. Hey Rick, what a confession! It was thoroughly entertaining.. sounds like you really taught Billy a lesson for not taking you seriously. At least now we know you were not the boy to get bullied :)

    About your comment.. you're not alone in letting words slip out that might put you in a bad position, even if you didn't hold any "ism's"! I said something carelessly recently to a group of new friends that might hurt one of them (without even realizing until later) :( It's these incidences that make us more aware of the things we say.

    It's been a blessing to have connected with you on blogger as well!! I'm grateful for your sincere thoughts and very much needed humor :) I wish you and your loved ones a happy week of Thanksgiving.

  4. Well it could've been worse. You could've made him eat a live bug. @_@

  5. I don't think this is a Darkside confession, I actually thought you were such a brave boy! And good on you for doing that, at least he learned his lesson! :)

  6. Haha he really deserved it! Dam, that must have felt real uncomfortable. A boy you know. !
    I've seen a boy who did that to another boy who was standing on the pedals of a bike. It was gross because the boy who did it didn't poke, he did a full on grab. *yuck* I really wished that I had turned my head away when that happened.

  7. LOL! He sure did deserve it as you'd warned him beforehand :D

  8. HAHAHHAHA! off all the places to have at Rick!!!! but yes, he deserved it... i thought at first that he might be allergic to mushrooms or smth ;P Do you still know Billy today?

  9. LMAO Omg this is great. But he deserved it the goober! That's just invasive at any age!

  10. heehee i found it funny that you said he wanted to be a chef. i hope he's not scarred for life by mushrooms.. he'll definitely need to use them if he wants to be a chef ;P

  11. Hey honey! Hehe, awesome story as usual!
    Now: I WAS going to be touched by your comment, but since I'm not supposed to, I'll just ignore it.


    I feel very priviledged to have your friendship, just so you know. Everything you said, ditto. =)
    And... I'm really thankful that we don't have Thanksgiving here in Brazil! That way, we don't get all mushy like you Americans at this time of the year! ;)

  12. ewwwwwwwwwww!!! i almost feel sorry for him except i don't. no one should ever be violated like the way he did to you. lol.

    btw you always know the nicest things to say to a woman. "who's that skinny girl?" yea your wife has taught you well. be thankful! ;)

    enjoy your turkey day!!!

  13. Thanks for sharing the mushroom story. I think I am glad I didn't live next to you when I was growing up. :-)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

  14. p.s. Finally got around to finishing the 7 random facts tag from you :)

  15. Somehow I don't feel for Billy at all. When I read what he did the 1st time, I was already cringing coz I could imagine how uncomfortable it felt. Do guys feel outrage of modesty as well? hahaha... So yeah, I think he totally deserved it and the poisonous mushroom is nothing if it can't even get through his thick head. Way to go Rick!

  16. i know life's not fair! i have high cholestral?! and then low on iron even though isn't most cholestral from fatty meat?

    anyways my boyfriends grandpa is a gentle alcoholic and smoker and lives up to 99 years old (he's still alive and healthy!)

    so i guess; we should just live recklessly since it doesn't mamke that big of a difference!!

  17. Since you guys were wrestling, maybe you could give him a chokeslam followed by the Tombstone piledriver.

    That's what WWE taught me, and it seems to hurt.
