Friday, August 20, 2010

My Sisters' Keeper

If you’ve looked to the left on this page, you may have read that I wanted a little sister—someone to watch out for. While I didn’t get one, I did have opportunities to help my older sisters in various ways. Of course, I could have done without helping one sister move a piano in and out of 4 different apartments, but that’s part of being a brother.

The first time I had to look after my sisters came during the summer I was 10. I've always had trouble getting to sleep, so when I was tiny, I'd sneak out of my room to watch TV from behind my father’s chair. When I got a little older (10) on non-school nights I would just stay up--and keep quiet. My dad got used to me staying up with him. Sometimes he would talk about the actors or director of the movie and eventually I could ask questions without that reminding him I should be in bed. =)

When my sisters were on dates, he waited up for them. But some nights he was too tired and told me to do it. Dad gave me specific instructions. When the boy’s car pulled in the driveway I was supposed to turn on the front light. One minute later I was to go out on the front sidewalk and look at the car until the sister came in the house. My sisters hated that! But when I had a job to do, I did it. Once I found out it annoyed my sisters, it actually became a really fun job. I remember standing on the sidewalk, arms folded in front me, just staring at the boys. That was so much fun! One boy offered me a quarter to go inside. A quarter? I was insulted for myself and my sister. LOL! I want to thank RML for reminding me about this story.

Edit: I removed a "PS" about a scary experience I had helping one of my sisters--it made the post too long.


  1. "When the boy’s car pulled in the driveway I was supposed to turn on the front light..." I don't know why but that was funny! Your dad had tactics, huh...

  2. how lucky =)
    i dun have a sista at alll elder or younger =s
    but i think thats the way i like it.sometimes.

  3. Hahahahha, so you're The Keeper! Wow! Poor daughter...
    Also: you played really dirty when you were 12! But the guy probably deserved it.
    And you're welcome! =)

  4. You punched him and he must be double [or triple] your size. I'm glad you're still here :P I wouldn't mind having a lil sister bcus I don't like being the youngest. :P

  5. the keeper??? good gracious.

    i don't know how being the annoying little brother who stood on the porch watching out is a keeper. pfffttt.

    but that's just me, being a sister with little brother.

  6. oh 'cause you were so threatening, i'm sure ;)

    i bet your sisters think it was cute now.

  7. @ Nashe: Haha, dad had me doing his job. I'm guessing he was mostly responsible for my friends later saying I seemed "15 going on 40" or whatever the ages were.

    @ Fatima: I could have handled being an only child...most days that was the dream--it was difficult to get a turn in our bathroom some days!

    @ RML: Probably??? But hey, wouldn't you want an older or younger brother like me??? Be careful how you answer because I'm available. ;P

    @ London: I was lucky I knew his weak spot! But he wasn't really hurt, just concerned about his scar.

    @ Stiletto Girl: I meant to write in the post that even an annoying little brother can come in handy sometimes! =)

    @bananas: LOL, can you imagine how weird I must have looked out there glaring at the cars--and having no idea why my dad wanted me to do it!

  8. it! If I ever have a son and daughter, I'm totally doing this. ;)

    (Most guys don't have shopping patience so you're not alone. And Chucks? Always)

  9. a quarter! heck, thats enough for a gumball!

    I never had the tough brother issue growing up. My brother didn't get involved in my shenanigans, he would've been in over his head!

  10. Its true what they say, we always want what we cant have. I have always wished I could have had an older brother, but I was instead bless with an older Sister. I like the idea of an older brother watching out for me, taking care of me. It just sounds all so sweet.


  11. That's really funny that your dad asked to do that :D. I wish I have an older brother too :)

  12. What a great tactic! You're always the faithful soldier for Dad huh?

  13. Mwahaha I can just imagine you standing on the front door! :D

    I want to know about that "PS" story you removed! I'm intrigued, what happened? o.0

  14. I bet I'm lucky then, I have both a younger and older sister and an older brother! :-))) I do many girly things with my younger sis, whereas my elder siblings are just like parents to me :-))

    I never checked the dates from my elder sibs, though, hahaha!

    I wanna know the PS story! Now that you've mentioned it, I've become really curious! :-))

  15. I missed being here. That was an entertaining post.

    I am the eldest. I have two younger brothers. When I was a teen, I wanted to have an older bro (maybe I can be your younger sister..^^). But then as we grew up, my younger brother started acting like he's my older brother (sigh). LOL.

    BTW, are the freezers you're purchasing for your lab are walk-in freezers? Are they for storage of bacterial cultures?

  16. I actually have five older sisters. FIVE SISTERS. It's crazy being surrounded by girls everyday. Being bossed around by all girls is even crazier. I like it when they ask favors from me though with things they can't do alone. Their guys are really cool people anyway so I don't care much when they come over. LOL.

  17. 25 cents? what a cheapo... i hope your sister didn't end up with him! haha! what a fun job though! oh and bring back the P.S!!! I want to read more! :D

  18. LOL @ Kym's comment^^! :)) and yeah, bring back the P.S! hahaha!

    how did you get so clever at that age rick? tell me! :P i think thats really sweet of you to do your dad's job. waiting is hard! (LOL)

  19. I remember my dad....
    he got tactics too...
    but I dont dare to run away..X_X

  20. LOL i would be sooo annoyed if I had a brother who did that! hahaha. and heck ya if you know someone stepped in dog poop you should always tell them to clean it off before they wipe it everywhere else! I agree!

  21. she was speaking just fine before the Q&A! It definitely must've been the nerves! What I don't get is why the other girls opted for a translator and she didn't! she clearly needed one! Oh well...

  22. oh the photo edits are from
    very easy to use ;)

  23. LOL! Your story reminds me of my dad when he was younger.. my grandfather ordered him to accompany my aunt on dates and she gave him money to play elsewhere hahaha

  24. ok, this is strange, just over the weekend, i watched the movie My Sister's Keeper...
    and thanks for the lovely comment on my genie jumpsuit lol not corny at all...or at least not as corny as my jumpsuit..LOL

  25. lol ugh i would have been annoyed at you...if i was ever allowed to date!
