Tuesday, August 10, 2010

That's not me.

My posts have been too long lately, so this is just a quicky about how people, including parents, can have the strangest ideas about who we are. For example, this brief discussion took place on the drive home from my dad's family's farm--we planted a huge garden there every year. I was exhausted after digging up sweet potatoes, but still curious. I think I was 13 or 14.

Me: Dad, what crop is that? {planted in the field next to the road}
Dad: What? A country boy like you doesn't recognize winter wheat???
Me: Winter wheat? I didn't even know I was a country boy!!!

Sure, I know the difference between a leaf rake, a garden rake and a potato rake...and how to use a pick, an axe, and old-fashioned scythe to clear a plot of land, but I don't know nearly enough to qualify as a country boy. Maybe my dad was confused by the flannel shirts I wore as a teenager. =)

Do friends or people in your family see you as someone you're not???

PS - What my dad called "sweet potatoes", I'm 85% sure were yams. So even though he grew up on a farm, I'm not sure how much of a country boy he was either!!!


  1. Most people think I'm a genius. Well, I'm not... I'm smart enough, but not a genius, really. It's hard for me because they expect a lot. I just recently blogged about this. Life's like that. =]

  2. A country boy!? I'd have huffed and puffed the whole journey home *from the insult* hahaha

    That dialog was pure genius!!!
    Also: if you weren't a country boy, I think you got damn close to it! =P

  4. yams, sweet potatoes...what's the difference?! there both good :)

    i've always been told i'm the mean one in the family. guess honest is considered mean to some people. haha. it's all in good fun though.

  5. but sweet potatoes are not yams!!!!

    and to answer your question:


  6. I don't mind your long posts :)

    My family knows me well so no probs about that. When I was still studying though, people would think I am this boring, stiff girl whose nose is always buried in books since I was always on top of my class. So they'd be surprised when they talk to me and learn I am so bubbly and full of stories :D

  7. People always see me as the snob, high-maintenance, know-nothing but makeup type. Then they get surprised when they get to know me, because I shock their brains off with my trivia, principles and loads of funny, witty stories complete with re-enactment.

    First impression doesn't always last. =P

    PS: You & your dad are too cute!

  8. hahaha...this was hilarious. sorry, your pop was such a funny know-it-all, it seems. :-)

  9. i love these kinds of unforgettable moments with parents! your dad is funny :) hmm... im afraid not, they always see me as i am! :)

    the ekilove earrings are not heavy at all, but i dont wear them everyday just to be safe :) i love dangling earrings but i limit myself to wearing them once or twice a week only. i totally understand what you mean about the earlobes! my mom and sister already had theirs stitched up, because they always wore heavy earrings, it came to a point wherein their diamond or pearl studs would fall off the back! not really pretty, but kinda funny! :P

  10. I stay away from plants and most greenery so a country girl is definitely not something I'll be mistaken for! My parents think I'm quiet and gentle; they have no idea the kind of shit I get up to when I'm with friends.

  11. Hahahaha, I have similar experiences! My Mum always says: You're Vietnamese and you don't know about XXXX? Me: Mum, I may be a Vietnamese girl by outward appearance, but I'm German by heart :-)

  12. mmm sweet potatoes, my dad bought loads today. lol @ country boy :P

  13. LOL at you and your dad conversation. Maybe deep down you two are country boys :D.

    ryc: I only have one older sister, the brother and other sister are younger than me. Btw, I don't get your comment about Krissy, did I miss something? :D

  14. haha this reminds me I went to a restaurant and I ordered yams and the chick looked at me confused and my friend said "she means sweet potatoes" i'm like wtf! all of you are wrong! I'm right, it's called YAMS!

  15. Is there a difference between sweet potatoes and yams?? Anyways, yeah I get this all the time too. People outside my family think I'm a bit of a goody goody, while my family thinks I'm this rebel. I wouldn't say either are right exactly haha

  16. lol! i think i definitely put on an air of innocence for my dear ol fam, but they really do know me better than anyone = ]
