Sunday, August 1, 2010

A piece of me....August 2010

It's time again for the monthly game started by Toothfairy (I hope she's doing well). The game is to share info about yourself on the 1st Sunday of every month. So, this month....

I like: That we're inching closer to fall, my favorite season. Also, the local baseball team has had a great week--beating good teams, which they are not.

I don't like: That this summer has been dominated by work. We're short-handed and management seems to be going out of their way to create extra work--some of which is pointless.

Me: How will this report be helpful?
Director: We'll know when it's done.
Me: But whether it equals X or Y, neither will change A!
Director: I won't know that until I see the report.
Me: But, they can't change A. It's impossible!
Director: You have to prove that.
Me: {It's basic accounting. How did you get your job?}

I want you to know: I think my wife takes Bejeweled Blitz too seriously. One of her friends gets insanely high scores once in a while and my wife will say "someone else must have played for her!" It doesn't matter. It's just a fun little game that should help release a little stress. The important thing is that I will rise up out of the ashes of the weekly resetting of scores to crush my enemies. So yeah, I don't know why my wife is so competitive. LOL!

I've planned: To save a certain amount of money before the holiday spending season starts.

I want to say to someone special: You make each day better, so stick around!!! :)


  1. I used to be crazy about Bejeweled game too! I always tried to beat the high score :D

  2. I love fall too! Your wife is adorable haha XD

  3. You need to PROVE it to him? What kind of work is that! He obviously thinks you work too fast.. slow down, Rick! :P

  4. Oh no, I have almost given up on doing this game, hehehe! But great that you stick to doing it every month! :-) I like reading your answers every time.

  5. i will stick around :D

    oh wait, that wasn't for me???


    i'll lurk around like a paparazzi.


  6. OMG I love Bejeweled and I have a friend who has insane scores! I'm always like WTF??? haha.

    It seems that logic is not needed in your accounting job lol because your Director thinks that you can still prove that X or Y can somehow result in A lol.

  7. I'm glad you're looking forward to your favourite season =)
    Tell your wife that if someone got an insanely high score on that game they used a cheat most people do!

  8. Muahha! I cannot wait for fall also! At least I get to bundle up when it's cold, I'm sick of the humidity around here! Yuck!

    <33 Rena

  9. Fall, what are you talking about?! Spring's coming!!! =P
    LOL, that dialog's priceless!
    Omg, (you and) your wife (are) is just like most of my friends! They go crazy over Bejeweld!
    Saving money... wish it was that easy!

  10. hey!!! don't be so hard on your wife...i play bejeweled blitz too and that game is ADDIIICCTING!!! and anyone that's that good with super high scores is cheating. OBVIOUSLY!

    haha ;)

  11. I think that's a good line..."You make each day better, so stick around!"

  12. add liking 'fall' to our list of things in common list rick! i love the look of nature during this season, not to mention the cold breeze. aw, you made me miss NYC! lurvey and i used to stroll around central park during 'fall' season. :)

    hahaha your wifey sounds so fun and cute! that game is really addicting, it makes me competitive too! but not that seriously ;)

    oh yeah, i'll stick around like taffy on your teeth! don't you worry! hahaha ^_~

    ps. i didnt know fortune cookies predicted giveaway winners! what chinatown did u get yours from? :D

  13. Hahahahha, totally laughed at the Bejeweled comment. I was addicted to that game for a while!!

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  14. Bet you must have been a fan of Dilbert comics, Ric. I have my fair share of explaining stuffs to boss that just don't get it.

    My Wifey loves Bejeweled. And I'm bewildered about how the game can be fun.

  15. That's one of the reason why I don't play pc games or online games. I've seen the addiction can go to the head.

    No doubt, every day's a holiday for me now ... I'm still looking forward to the holidays ... hehehe!

  16. You and your wife are so cute! :)

    Oh great we can be saving-up-for-holiday buddies!! :D

  17. oh you just reminded me we still have "spending season" waiting for us lol (time to save up*) and Bejeweled is very serious business..i learned that from my mom HAHAA
    have a good one!

  18. i love fall too.

    i used to be a bejeweled addict. my husband teases me all the time about. i even told him that the reason why i want an iPad is because i want to see my bejeweled game on a bigger scale haha

    enjoy the rest of your week!

  19. I was addicted to bejeweled once... it's quite a fun game! but yeah after a while it becomes a chore to beat someone's score than fun haha

  20. so you mean you have to do alllll that work only for the director to say it won't work?! BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You and your wife are hilarious! ;P I'm addicted to playing Bejeweled on my iPhone... beating my own high score has become an obsession. hahaha! And thanks for reminding me... this year has flown by SO fast and before you know it it'll be Christmas again! =/ gotta save, save, save! and don't worry.. i will stick around. hahaha !:P

  21. The first thing that comes to my mind when August rolls around is where to find money to spend on the holidays. Many people in my country toil the whole year because they look forward to spend all their bonuses in December. I guess that is what you get in third world countries. Work hard so you can spend it in one day.
