This is my last ghost story. But it’s not really a ghost story, more of a spiritual experience.
Late one May, the Smithsonian sent me to Kingsport, TN to perform random test counts during an inventory. Since my wife’s family is from that area, I decided to take her and our daughter with me—our son was not yet a glimmer in my eye! We planned to spend a week after the inventory visiting my wife’s aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandfather. We loaded our car with way too much baby junk (our girl was 16 months) and headed south.
The inventory went well and other than my wife’s cousin breaking her pinky toe when she got up to offer me a drink, the first few days in Kingsport were uneventful. The cousin’s husband thought my hotel was in a sketchy neighborhood and offered to loan me a “piece” (a handgun) the first night, but I declined. As I said, things were uneventful. Then Saturday arrived.
Saturday afternoon we received a message, relayed by my wife’s ditsy sister to an aunt, that my mom was in the hospital. We thought it was a miscommunication. My mother-in-law was very ill, but my mom was fine—my wife had just spoken with her Friday afternoon. Thanks to poor reception and bad timing, we had a hard time reaching anyone. Finally around dinner time I got in touch with my sister’s husband. He claimed not to have details, but said I should, “Come home, now!”
We loaded the car, purchased lots of caffeine to carry us through the night, and headed for home. After several hours, my watch started to annoy me. So I removed it and slipped it over the gear shift. I was a little anxious, but confident everything would be fine.
Then without any warning, I had a vision (while driving). I seemed to be hovering over the trunk of my car, looking down on the back seat and the back of my own head. In the vision, the backseat was empty (in reality it was packed with junk). Suddenly, a figure started to rise up out of the seat. It was a robed figure, similar to the stereotypical image of death. My view changed, now I was seeing it from the left side of the driver (me). No face showed from under the hood. It brought its hands up and placed them on my shoulders from behind. I seemed to actually feel something touch me. That made me shiver and the vision was gone. I didn’t know what I had just experienced, but it seemed important. I checked my watch and saw that it was 10:20pm (Saturday night).
To wrap this up, my mom had a cerebral aneurysm Saturday morning. She was still breathing on her own when the nurse made her rounds at 10:00pm Saturday night. But by 11:00pm she was not--my vision occurred at 10:20pm.
Officially, she passed away on Monday morning…the last Monday in May. But I suspect she was gone earlier. I was her only child not at the hospital on Saturday night. I think the vision was my mom reaching out to tell me goodbye. Yes, I know that sounds crazy. Some may think I dozed off for a second and the timing was just a weird coincidence. That would be a logical explanation. But I felt wide awake and drove another 5 hours after that. I think it was an experience beyond the realm of logic.
ok. considering that i have to certify death very so often, i'm gonna scroll down (which i already did otherwise how would i have got to this part right?) and not read this.
ReplyDeletebesides, i dont like ghost stories. i'm sorry, i'll read your next post :P
I feel that ghosts and visions are very real. I think people hide behind science and coincidences. There are things that sometimes can't be explained. This story kind of made my arm hair stand on end. But in a good way. Thanks for sharing Ric =)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, Ric - but at the same time, thank u so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYou know, my dad has a similar story about the night his own dad passed away. Yeah, I'm sure there are logical explanations for everything, if one looks for them... but believing and feeling have never been about logic anyway. Logic is simply something far too narrow to embrace all possibilities.
there are things that science cant explain and i think its your mom saying goodbye.
ReplyDeleteanyway, ive been blogging for more than a year already =D
I don't have a doubt in my mind that your vision was brought onto you by your mother. I'm a total believe in stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteMy grandmother actually can tell when there's something wrong with people (if they're sick or passing away) I'm not too sure how she knows, but she just does. Even when she hasn't talked to them in months or even years. My grandma's special like that. Omg I have lots of stories with her, maybe I'll share them someday
I don't care if it drives you nuts when I leave you long comments! ;D lol
& are you being a little stalker!? Checking out my facebook. LOL I didn't even know that you had a facebook, haha, how'd you find me? & that little cutie is my daughter. Isn't she precious? lol no, JK That's my baby cousin :)
but because i somewhat love you as one of my best bloggy friends (BFFs), i gave it a go.
ReplyDeleteand i didn't regret it any bit. as a matter of fact, i almost cried.
i'm sorry you didn't get to be there when that happened. i can understand how devastating it can be esp when it was unexpected.
i'm sorry ric.
I believe in you Rick, I mean, I agree maybe is the right word! Your experienced was real, many might not believe it or interpret it differently but we who have experiences like that can say its beyond the realm of logic!:)We know!
ReplyDeletegood day!
What a spiritual story! My mum has also made that experience. When her father died 3 years ago, she said she dreamed about it. She couldn't be with him either, since we're living in Germany, and he was still in Vietnam. And since that time on, she always thinks there's a ghost in our house, whenever somethings fells on the floor, kinda like my grandfather returns to say hello XDD I myself don't believe that, though, I'm too much of a rationalist :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Wooooo cool story. I believe in stuff like this; it makes life so much more interesting!
ReplyDeleteRic i'm very sorry for your loss :( I don't think there is anything wrong with interpreting this experience the way you did. In a weird/ghostly/poetic kind of way, you were still with her at her last moments. My condolences to you and your family, and thank you for sharing this story :)
ReplyDeletei honestly don't doubt you about this encounter. i mean its not everyday we experience these, but it does happen.
ReplyDeleteand yes, you did give me the shivers. i think it was more of a spiritual experience. lol. or maybe caffeine makes people a little delusional. bad coffee?
I'm scared ^.^ I get nightmares if I read or watch ghost stories because the image of the story always stick in my head.
ReplyDeleteI watched the grudge one time and it scared the living daylight out of me. [you know the grudge] appararently it wasn't that scary [my friends said so] I think I get freaked out easily :P
I do believe that was your Mom saying goodbye, Rick. Jing is right, science may have developed that even how to create an artificial life was already discovered, but there are still a lot of things it cannot explain. For instance, I really do believe in fairies :)
ReplyDeleteI believe Rick... I believe in this kind of vision. Yes, it's your mom saying goodbye to you. I had goosebumps reading this post. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI think it was probably connected...but it seems pretty bleak that the figure would be in reaper-like robes. Really, I can't explain it...
ReplyDeletehahaha, I totally forgot that I had my facebook thingie on my blog page! LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm a logical guy who never believe in God, but then I can never explain who created the first man.
ReplyDeleteSame for ghosts, I can't explain from any scientic angle that they exists. But the presence of various coincidence do seem to suggest that they may exist.
I think it could really be your mum.
that's crazy! i don't know how much i believe in ghosts but stories like yours do make me reconsider.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Im sorry to hear about your mum Rick. Your story is very interesting, I believe that loved ones really do say goodbye when its time to go to a better place. It makes sense.
ReplyDeleteps. Gingy is from my kid cousin's Happy Meal. ;)
sorry to hear what happened. <3
ReplyDeleteTHings like that happen to some people I think. To me it's not a ghost story, it's more like supernatural experience :))
ReplyDeleteMe n hubby are fine, though he's working like mad nowadays ^^ how about you n your wife??n kids :D
I'm scared! Not going to read this post, sorry!!!
ReplyDeleteDark choc kit kat is a rare commodity in Malaysia haha! Eaten them once or twice only =.=
sorry to hear that happened and that is kind of a spooky story. on the other hand warming because I do believe that it was your mom saying goodbye. I agree with acutelife that it's a supernatural experience!
ReplyDeleteHey Ric, so what type of news (exciting news at that) does your local station give? It must be cool to live on the right coast. XP
ReplyDeletei don't think you are mistaken at all! some things are beyond the realm of human understanding, i believe. the answer to your question= 28th : )
ReplyDeleteOh yes...about my evil twin... I actually haven't seen her lately, so I don't know what other "evil things" she's been up to, but I have heard that she's supposedly given up her promiscuous ways and started dating someone. He's far from great, but at least it's a start. Any more doppelgangers on your end?
ReplyDeleteSorry about your mom Rick. When my grandmother on my dad's side passed away we all got together on the 1st anniversary of her passing. After everyone left the house I heard a voice speak to me so loudly that I thought it was my mom. Turned around and it was dark in the house and every room door was shut. I know it was my grandma speaking to me. Surprisingly it wasn't scary at all since I knew she was looking out for me. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Rick, sometimes things are just unexplainable and should be just left as it is. I had a similar experience too early last year when my second brother was comatose.
ReplyDeleteI had gone to bed but middle of the night I felt the gust of wind through my verandah and a man's deep voice (sounded like my brother's) calling out to me. He passed away a few days later.