Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bats, Bees...and now Birds!

I've wrangled a bat out of a house and been chased by bees outside my house. It was just a matter of time before birds got into the act.

Early Sunday evening I heard a strange noise in the attic. I grabbed a flashlight, pulled down the retractable attic stairs, and went up for a look. My dog has always been afraid of the attic, so he trotted out of the room as soon as my intentions were clear.

Once in the attic, I could see the black head of a starling looking back at me from inside the roof overhang. The bird had poked through the screen covering the vent opening and made a nest. I wanted to see if there were babies in the nest, but as I moved closer, the bird hopped from the overhang into the attic. It took a few steps towards me and then flew towards the other end of the house. I think it was trying to lead me away from the nest.

With a bird on the loose, I needed something I could use to catch it. I headed down the stairs and next thing I know the bird flies down after me. Now it's in my family room!!! I put my son in the laundry room and shut the door, meanwhile the bird is swooping, I'm ducking, and our dog did NOT come to investigate. He was hiding!!!

Soon the bird flew towards the front window and another bird (its mate?) was doing it's best to hover outside the window. The bird stayed between the window and the curtains while I ran for a towel. When I came back, the bird swooped at me again and then back to the window. I caught it in the towel and wrapped it up. I told the bird it would be stew next time, then released it outside with a tossing motion. It flew across the street like a bullet.

The emergency was over, but not the problem. On Saturday I have to cover the opening from the attic to the overhang so no more birds can fly around up there. Then, if there are no babies, I'm going to cover the vents in the overhang with a heavy duty wire mesh. If there are babies...I'll have to wait to seal out the momma bird. Hopefully that will be the end of my problems related to flying creatures.

Uh oh! Did I remember to let my son out???

PS - Another expression you don't hear much: One-trick pony


  1. LOL
    wow quite the adventure!!

    One time we had a humming bird trapped in our garage. It must have flown in while the door was open and then didn't know how to get out since it has a REALLY high roof and was panicing, going crazy. My dad tried to get this long stick thing with a net at the end of it (we use it to get fruit from the highest branches out of the fruit trees) and then the bird started going berzerk! O__O
    It ended up flying into the wall of the garage & got stuck by it's beak ! Just like in the movies! Our garage is kind of REALLY old so the wood might have been a tad bit soft. Because really I can't imagine how its beak would get stuck if the wood was super hard. Anyways before my dad could rescue it, it died :(
    The thing must have just been scared to death & died before it could be rescued.

    So at least your story has a happy ending. You go rid of the bird and it made it out safely.

    Oh if I may ask, what kind of a bird was it?
    I'm sort of imagining a huge crow right now. LOL But if I beging to think with not so much imagination, I'm thinking of a sparrow. haha

  2. *begin
    -_- I have stupid fingers that have a mind of their own. I thought I proof read the comment before pressing the "post comment" button, but not good enough. lol

    & my goodness, my comments tend to look like paragraphs. hahaha

  3. The bird thing wasn't really tramatic but surely something that I won't forget!

    & omg 7 inches is pretty big. But better than the huge crow I was initially thinking of. lol
    Have you see the movie Birds??

  4. We had a bird in the vent problem too. They made so much noise. Just drove us nuts! Someone came and covered the hole. I wonder what happened to the birds??

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    @ Bon Bon Rose Girls

  5. Wow your attic seems to attract a lot of flying objects. hehehehe. What an adventure

  6. hahaha i hope you remembered to get your son out of the laundry room. ;)

    birds here like to make their nests inside the air-conditioning (window type) system. they made annoying bird noise which made me lose precious hours of sleep! regular A/C maintenance keeps them away now.

  7. Omg, somebody get that kid out of the laundry room!!!!!!!

    I know I'm slow, but... why did you mention that expression, "one-trick pony"? (I love this expression, btw!)

  8. Aw, glad you got it out safely.

    We used to have birds fly into our front window...they didn't always get back up.

  9. dang, Rick. that's an adventure by itself. you make it sound so easy to evade an attacking bird. So much for having a dog when all it did was hide! LOL. I'm with the dog... DUCK!

  10. Interesting things always seem to happen to you, Rick. These are super birds/bees/bats...they make their own drama! :-)

  11. LOL Rick! you did remember to let your son out, didn't you?

    Did the bird left many poops in the attic? that'll be one an obnoxious thing. especially when you have to clean everything up. :)

  12. I wouldn't want to enter your attic!!! XDDD
    Flying animals seem to be attracted by you, somehow :-) I personally don't like birds that much to have them in my house, hahaha!

    You should train Bandit to make him a more braver dog!! ;) So that he won't hide the next time such an emergency happens.

  13. hehheh..i remember your story about a bat in the attic and now yah bird..hahah! hmmm...your attic and you must have something that those creatures seems into it! lol!

    good day my friend!

  14. oh my goodness! it's like a seen from hitchcock's birds.

    glad you're okay but really did you remember to let your son out? lol.

  15. so did you take your son out of the laundry room?

    what an adventure! and it's inside your home. could be funny but i would never want unwanted birds inside my home especially if there are kids around.

    happy weekend!

  16. haha surprise in the attic! I once had a bird inside the house, it was a pain to get it back outside!

  17. You must really be a very nice host as lots of creatures want to come over and stay :D Glad you got it out safely. How's your son now? :D

  18. Hahaha! I was wondering and waiting on the part where you took your son from the laundry room. In case you forgot, please let him out.

    So did you see any baby birds in the attic? I can imagine the bird couple plotting some sort of revenge attack on you. So beware of the bird invasion. Hahaha! Have a bird-free weekend Rick! xoxo

  19. Oh, I can feel you. In our old house, birds nested in the ceiling of the veranda. That gave us extra chores of sweeping off the twigs and grasses that would fall down from above. One time I was watching the birds and saw them pecking on my dog Luigi's fallen hair... they used them in making nests. Sigh. They were gone in no time when the house was renovated.

    In the lab where I work, birds usually enter the exhaust and get out dead. Sad.
