Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Take me out of the ballgame...

Baseball player Ken Griffey got his name in the news this week for reportedly being asleep when he was needed to pinch hit. That reminded me of the last time I saw him play, 3 years ago. My wife got tickets to the game through her company—3rd base side of home plate, on the aisle, six rows from the front. Much better seats than I'm used to.

During the 3rd inning, six obnoxious college-age guys slid down into the seats next to and behind me. The Nats (my team) were awful, attendance was low, and lots of people moved to better seats once the game got under way—no big deal, except these guys were really obnoxious. They yelled non-stop, heckled every batter and pitcher on BOTH teams…they even heckled the batboys. Heckling is part of sports, but they were ruining the game for everyone (especially the dad and young son in front of me). I got fed up. So I struck up a conversation with the ringleader.*

Me: Why the “heck” did you guys have to sneak into seats near me?
Ringleader: Oh no, the dude hates us.
Me: Hey, if you were 3 sections away I’d probably love you, but no one wants to listen to that crap non-stop—we can’t even hear the vendors when they come by. Besides, you should keep a low profile when you sneak into seats.

Next thing you know, we’re bonding. They shared brats they’d grilled at home, we’re fist-bumping on good plays, and I’m advising them on the best way to heckle—keep your powder dry and use it on targeted players, not EVERYONE (it’ll have more of an impact, just my opinion). They decided they hated Ken Griffey and started letting him have it when he was in the on-deck circle, waiting to hit. They were relentless.

My wife noticed Ken talking to a guard and within 30 seconds two ushers and a guard were asking to see my new friends’ tickets. They pretended they couldn’t find them. Since they showed no tickets at all, they got thrown out of the stadium. I’ve wondered if they wished they had kept a lower profile. But they probably didn’t mind. They missed the last 3.5 innings of a game, but they will always have the story about the day an aging superstar had them thrown out.

I’m sure they’re enjoying a laugh about Griffey sleeping during a game.

*I know, I know, it sounds like I have confrontation issues, but I don’t. Just the other day a guy on the subway was “drumming” very loudly on the seat in front of him. I looked around and no one seemed to mind, so I closed my eyes and surrendered to the beat! LOL


  1. Good on you! I don't think I'd have the guts to speak up to 6 people lol!! Good to know you guys bonded :P

  2. You are amazing Rick... you have the power to cross the enemy lines and befriending the enemies. You are a superhero. Hahaha!

    But yes, I agree, they are surely laughing now at Ken's misfortune.

    Have a great day! xoxo

  3. I dont really appreciate people who demean others, esp in sport -.-"" I'm glad you 'talked' to them :D :D
    RYC, my birthday was exciting of course but I mean I might bore the reader with my stuff who are of no interest to them lolz thanks so much, I wish I can taste your box cake, Im sure it's still delicious! :D

  4. I wouldn't have dared to make a sound even if I was seething inside! Prolly give them the evil eye or something at most haha!

    You should totally get some Japanese kit kats to try. They are really unique :)

  5. Haha, great story. Loud people at games can either be annoying or kind of amusing. Probably depends on how close they are and if they're spilling their cheap beer on you or not.

  6. that's so funny! i was expecting a full on thrown down between you and those guys. but no, rick the nice guy because friends with them. that's awesome.

  7. your stories are always unique rick! i too, was expecting to read on a brawl but no, you made friends! amazing. :)

    ps. i have no idea who ken griffey is. LOL :P

  8. @leah; bananas; coffretgorge: Haha, I didn't set out to make friends and it wasn't planned out. Frequently, people who are acting like jerks in public straighten up and fly right when you point it out to them in a clear, logical, authoritative, angry manner. LOL, maybe they flash back to being chastized by their dads. =)

    I learned one Halloween night that if you act confident and in charge people usually pay attention. Remember the weirdo with the gun?

  9. how to do it? to speak to 6 people in once and make friends? and they're enemies! oh you're definitely a great communicator. if i dislike a person, i'm not talking to him.

  10. You can turn a bad situation in a good one, that is really a talent!! :-)) Can you teach how to do it?? XDD

  11. Sometimes you just have to let things go. I am a confronter about everything, but over the years I've learned that most of the time it's just a waste. A waste of time, a waste of energy and just a plain ol' waste. So, now I whine for a minute to my hubby, sister, and friend, and possibly blog about it. Then I'm over it. Can't beat 'em join 'em or whatever right? ;)

  12. Hahahahahahahaha, omg! Rick, u got the kids thrown out of the stadium!!!! Tsk tsk tsk... for shame! Had they kep on heckling EVERYBODY else, they probabaly wouldn't have attracted Ken's attention... but noooooo, u had to tell them to narrow it down, didn't u? These kids must hate u... but yeah, they must be having a hell of a good time with this Ken sleeping mid-game!

  13. Wow, that's a story to remember forever! Ken Griffey throwing a bunch of kids out. It's ironic too how you guys ending up getting along in the end. You seem to turn the situation around! Maybe it's all those positive vibes you give off even when you are confrontational lol

  14. lol! If you didn't buy tickets to the game you should keep a low profile to avoid attention!

  15. that was brave of you to tell them! i can't do that. I simply surrender, or in my way of things, just look at them.

    i don't know if i'm supposed to feel bad that they got thrown out. coz from the initial meeting you and them had, you were annoyed. but things got better...which makes it so complicated. oh life. so much irony.
