Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why didn't someone warn me?

I learned something new Saturday night. I learned the hard way.

Unaware of the consequences, I entered the lair of a special breed of women. They don't care about looks or charm or money or finding a soulmate. They don't seem to care if the guy is married. They are just looking for someone who is handy around the house.

That's right! I came face-to-face with women who (according to my wife) inhabit hardware stores on Saturday nights hoping to snag some guy who knows the difference between a flush valve and a fill valve, who can replace a failed light switch, who can clear a clogged drain.

They kept getting in my way! I only needed a few items--plus I always like to browse the flashlights. To make a long story short, there were two women who seemed to be taking turns browsing whatever aisle I was in and standing right in front of what I was looking at--they showed up even when I doubled back to an aisle they had already been in. Separately, they kept making the same small talk about how they wished they had someone who could help them because they're just girls and have no idea how toggle bolts work (or something like that).

I was so annoyed I left without even looking at the flashlights (that's like a shoe girl not looking at shoes). I told my wife about it when I got home and she laughed. She said they were trying to pick me up!!! I told her that was crazy, they just wanted help with home repairs. But she insisted this is a real thing, there are women that figure a guy who can fix things around the house is a good catch and they hope to find one in hardware stores on a Friday or Saturday night.

Is that true? Have you ever heard of such a thing???


  1. WOW....I've NEVER heard that!!! That's kind of sad.. but at least it's better than picking up a guy at a bar drunk! lol!

  2. Haha, I've heard of that too.

  3. omigod, you make you wanna see how you look like in real life, so that i can definitely say with evidence that your wife is right, they were trying to hit on you! ahahhaha

  4. HAHAHHAHAHA WWWWWWWWWHAT??!?! seriously? okay wow... i've never heard of that before but i'm not surprised!!! What people would do for love nowadays... or an unclogged sink. whatever ;P

  5. @ Stiletto Girl: They would take Homer Simpson home if he could make home repairs! =)

  6. I have never heard of that! But you sound like a handy guy to have around hahaha!

  7. just heardb about it from you...hmmm strange huh!

    have a good day mah friend:)

  8. hi Rick thanks for the daily comments!

    As I said, I never heard about it before...hheheh! anyway..take an extra!

  9. omg ive never trolled a hardware store for guys (orrr any other place for that matter lol)... although once i reach a certain age and still not married, thats actually not a bad idea!! haha

    it makes sense though... guy at hardware store = has something to fix = possibly a house that needs minor repairs = has a house = if he has a house, he may have a car = a good career to afford that = responsible and a good catch for girl at hardware store ;)


  10. LOL @ LOLanne ;) what a detailed evaluation! hahaha :)

    ric, i can imagine how annoying that must have been for you! a shoe girl would definitely throw a fit if she didn't get to see shoes while out shopping hahaha!

    what a weird way to meet guys!

  11. I never thought of doing that, but a hardware store would be a place to pick up a handy guy. Ha trades guys...there's just something about Carharts.

    Flashlights are your thing, hey?

    Personally, I could spend hours in a stationery/office supply store. Pens, paper, pencils galore!

  12. Hahaha! You were almost picked up? Question: are they cute? Peace!!!

  13. Yup.. have to agree with wifey.. they were def trying to pick u up!.. go Ric! :)

  14. Hahaha... that's so funny. Yeah, your wife is totally right. Buy the flashlights online. ;)

    Oh and I'm sure grandmas around the world were not offended by your grandma comment. Lol

  15. For real? WOW, this is the first time that I've heard about such kind of women. And really, I can't believe that there exists something like it -- kinda strange.

  16. Wow is this like.. a new thing or something? If so...why was I not informed? Haha
    Those women better watch out ! Sooner or later the men will catch on...and sooner or later the men who CAN'T fix toilets will start going to home hardware stores to pick up the women who go to the home hardware stores to pick up the men who can fix toilets...the joke's actually on the women! did that make sense? haha

  17. Never heard of that! I don't think I have them 'breed' in my area thankfully. haha that's pretty funny ^^

  18. lol, I've never heard of such a thing.

  19. Hahaha..I never heard of such pick-up line, "Hi, do you know which one is flush valve and which one is fill valve?"

    Well, personally, yeah I think they were hitting on you. I mean, c'mon, going back to the aisle they've been to? girls? hardware store? I can understand if it's shoes store, but not hardware store..

  20. that's a special breed indeed. never heard anything like that before, until this post of yours.

    and they're trying to pick you up hehe. how did that feel?

  21. no flippin way! is that for real?! i've nevr heard of such a thing but hey...i see why. wish i knew this before picking up on dave. boy is lousy with home improvement...

    guess i can't complain. he is great at other things. haha! dirty mind!

  22. And I thought woman loves "bad" guys these days.

    Since when did "good" guys become a fashionable item?

    Guessed I have been away from the dating world for too long.

  23. What?? I have never heard of these women before. I always thought that women are looking out for guys with either money or good looks or social status or all in together, but for home reparing?? How funny! XDD They should try the repairing at least once for their own, or call the craftsman :-)

  24. That is so funny! You should have told them, "Well, I just dial a repairman to do the job for me." I wonder how they will react to that :D

  25. Wow...women who have to resort to picking up men at a hardware store have probably hit the bottom of the dating barrel. Not that the men at a hardware store are not quality men, but that has to be the last place I would think to find a man.

    And damn those ho's for getting in the way of you and your flashlights!

  26. Haha, I've never heard of this before! :D But it gave me an idea... As of now, I'll dress up every weekend and hang about the "expensive shit" section of department stores, just in case someone suitable comes along...... purrrrrr :)


  27. hehehe that girl must be lost and they need you to clear up something. maybe there are many hot men in a hardware store that i have to visit the store more often :P

  28. Wow, this is interesting. I've never heard of such a thing. You LUCKY CHAP! They must've seen a good husband material.

  29. LOL! I've never heard of such women, but this has to be the funniest thing I heard this week!
    But... did you ever buy the goddamn flashlight at another store???

  30. Hah! Never heard that one before. The thought never occurred to me when I was young and single to go try to snag a man at a hardware store. Sports bar, yes; hardware store, nope. And yet miraculously, I snagged a handyman somehow anyways. :)

    Your wife is right though, they definitely sound like they were trying to pick you up!

  31. what?! no way, you have got to be kidding me! as a fellow girl who frequently visits the hardware store (i manage band tours and work on diy tshirt prints with my friends and that's where i get my supplies - cable ties, wood frame, alcohol thinner, paints, etc), i am mortified to have known such a thing is happening! ohmygod! words fail me.

    but looks like even (silly) young girls can see the handyman-husband-material in you. LOL!

  32. oh hi are you??im doing well and the heat has died down here...we had a cold week last week and this week will be the same...
    LOLz at your story, I cant imagine those ladies shamelessly did that to you -.- i think you did the right thing by staying away from them!

  33. Hmm... I got a leaky faucet in the kitchen and I need a strong manly man to help me.... LOL!!

    I gotta stop by hardware stores more often and see if there are any hot guys I can pick up!

  34. this post reminds me to look for a new drill because i need to put more hooks in my study room. i love hardware section! i always feel like a superwoman whenever i am browsing hooks, bars, paints, bulbs, etc... but i do not roam around hardware stores on a friday and saturday night to get some guy to fix my faucet. haha!

    maybe those girls wanted to pick you up!

  35. I haven't heard of those kinds of girls. But from how the situation sounds, I think your wife is right. Those ladies were definitely looking for a sweet handy man. *wink* I think they were definitely trying to pick you up.
